President Erdogan congratulated the Prime Minister on his Speech at the Parliament and his statesman -like offers to India for de-escalating the situation and working towards peace. He said that Islam is a religion of peace that underscores resolving disputes in a peaceful manner.
President Erdogan appreciated the announcement by the Prime Minister to release the captured Indian Air Force pilot. He pointed out that this gesture was a sign of strength.
Prime Minister Imran Khan briefed President Erdogan on the situation as it evolved over the past few days and the efforts he made to de-escalate the crisis. He also referred to the extremely difficult situation in Indian occupied Kashmir and the brutalities inflicted upon the Kashmiri people.
Prime Minister Imran Khan thanked President Erdogan for his constant support for Pakistan and the Kashmiri people.
Both leaders agreed that President Erdogan’s visit to Pakistan for the Pakistan-Turkey High Level Strategic Cooperation Council meeting would provide the opportunity for an in-depth overview of bilateral relations and the way forward.
Prime Minister Imran Khan underscored that "Pakistan is the one country that will always stand by Turkey."
We record events, specially between Pakistan and Turkey. Views expressed are blogger's own.
Remarks by the Ambassador of Pakistan M. Syrus Sajjad Qazi at the 8th anniversary of late Prof. Dr. Necmettin Erbakan on 27 February 2019.
Representatives of various political parties
Ladies and Gentlemen!
We are gathered here today to pay homage to one of the greatest statesmen of Turkey – indeed the entire Muslim Ummah – His Excellency Prof. Dr. Necmettin Erbakan Merhum.
Prof. Dr. Necmettin Erbakan’s ideas, philosophy and leadership not inspired numerous transformative movements and political parties in Turkey, but also across the Muslim world.
His entire life was a living example of standing up for truth, justice and democracy. His rich legacy continues to live with us even today.
Prof. Dr. Necmettin Erbakan’s great mission was to bring together the Muslim Ummah – politically as well as economically.
His resolute and unwavering support for the oppressed Muslims across the world, in particular Palestine and Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir, continues to remain a source of inspiration for us. He was always the voice of resistance in the face of injustice and occupation.
One of his most important intellectual and institutional contributions towards the unity of the Muslim Ummah was to dream of a shared economic future. He realized this dream by laying the foundation of the Developing-Eight (D-8) Organization for Economic Cooperation.
D-8 is not merely an institution for economic collaboration but also a revolutionary idea aimed at changing the very future of the Ummah by making them economically independent and strong.
Ladies and gentlemen!
His Excellency Prof. Dr. Necmettin Erbakan Merhum was a true and sincere friend of Pakistan and its people.
The people of Pakistan remember his visit to Pakistan in 1996 as an elected Prime Minister of Turkey. As a result of his historic visit to Pakistan, the two brotherly countries came even closer.
His unflinching support for the oppressed people of Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir lives in the heart of every Pakistani and Kashmiri.
Today, at a time when the people of Occupied Jammu & Kashmir are facing some of the worst atrocities in the recent decades, it is the spirit of leaders like Prof. Dr. Necmettin Erbakan Merhum that continues to inspire them.
As I speak, the Indian Occupation government is trying to drag the entire Jammu & Kashmir as well as the South Asian region down the precipice of conflict. The Indian irresponsible and highly provocative farce of carrying out so-called “a strike” yesterday as well as violation of the Line of Control can have unthinkable consequences for the region.
This is an uncalled for aggression, aimed merely at garnering a few votes. Never has any self-serving politician staked so much of the humanity for so little a gain.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I would like to take a minute and speak about developments in South Asia also.
Pakistan is a peace loving country. We do not support terrorism and in fact we are one of the worst victims of terrorism.
In the face of a serious attack on our sovereignty, we were forced to respond today. But we do not seek escalation.
We wish matters to resolve through dialogue and as our Prime Minister Imran Khan has said to the Indian Prime Minister, share evidence and we will take action.
The situation once again shows the need for resolving the issue of Jammu & Kashmir by allowing the oppressed people of the Indian Occupied Kashmir their inalienable right to self-determination.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The life and teachings of Prof. Erbakan Merhum show us that truth and justice cannot be defeated.
And InshallahTruth and justice will never be defeated.
May Allah grant the departed soul of Merhum Erbakan Hoja the highest place in paradise, and help us translate his vision into an ever-brighter future for the entire Ummah.
Long-live Pakistan Turkey brotherhood!
Thank you.
Pakistan Büyükelçisi Muhammad Syrus Sajjad Qazi’nin 27 Şubat 2019’da merhum Prof. Dr. Necmettin Erbakan’ın 8. Ölüm Yıldönümünde yaptığı konuşma.
Bayanlar ve Baylar!
Esselam-ı Aleyküm!
Bugün burada Türkiye’nin – dahası bütün Müslüman Ümmetinin – en büyük devlet adamlarından birisine saygılarımızı sunmak için toplandık, Ekselansları Merhum Prof. Dr. Necmettin Erbakan’a.
Prof. Dr. Necmettin Erbakan’ın fikirleri, felsefesi ve liderliği sadece Türkiye’deki birçok dönüşüm hareketine ve siyasi partiye ilham olmakla kalmamış aynı zamanda Müslüman dünyasında da tanınmıştır.
Onun bütün yaşamı gerçekler, adalet ve demokrasi için dik durmanın canlı bir örneğidir.
Prof. Dr. Necmettin Erbakan’ın en büyük misyonu Müslüman Ümmetini bir araya getirmekti – hem siyasi hem de ekonomik olarak.
Özellikle Filistin’deki ve Hint İşgalindeki Cammu ve Keşmir’deki baskı altında olan Müslümanlara verdiği kararlı ve sarsılmaz destek bizim için bir ilham kaynağı olmaya devam ediyor. Kendisi her zaman haksızlığa ve işgale karşı direnişin sesiydi.
Müslüman Ümmetinin birleşmesine yaptığı en entelektüel ve kurumsal katkılardan birisi de ortak bir ekonomik gelecek düşüydü. Bu düşü Developing-Eight (D-8) Ekonomik İşbirliği Teşkilatının temellerini atarak gerçeğe dönüştürdü.
D-8 sadece bir ekonomik işbirliği kuruluşu değil ama aynı zamanda Ümmetin geleceğini onları ekonomik olarak bağımsız ve güçlü kılarak değiştirmeyi amaçlayan devrimsel bir düşüncedir.
Bayanlar ve baylar!
Ekselansları Prof. Dr. Necmettin Erbakan Pakistan devletinin ve halkının gerçek ve samimi bir dostuydu.
Pakistan halkı onu Türkiye’nin seçilmiş Başbakanı olarak 1996’da Pakistan’a yaptığı ziyaretle anarlar. Pakistan’a yapılan bu tarihi ziyaret sonucunda iki kardeş ülke daha da yakınlaştı.
Kendisinin Hint İşgalindeki Cammu ve Keşmir’in ezilen halkına verdiği sarsılmaz destek her Pakistanlının ve Keşmirlinin kalbinde yaşar.
Bugün İşgal Altındaki Cammu ve Keşmir’in halkı son yılların en kötü zalimlikleriyle boğuşurken, Prof. Dr. Necmettin Erbakan gibi liderlerin ruhu onlara ilham vermeye devam etmektedir.
Söylediğim gibi, Hint İşgal Hükümeti tüm Cammu ve Keşmiri olduğu kadar Güney Asya bölgesini de çatışma bataklığına sürüklemeye çalışmaktadır. Hintlilerin sorumsuzca ve oldukça provokatif biçimde yürüttükleri dünkü “grev” ve Kontrol Hattı ihlallerinin bölge için düşünülemeyecek derecede kötü sonuçları olabilir.
Bu hiç beklenmeyen agresif bir tavırdır ve sadece birkaç oy fazla almaya yönelik bir harekettir. Şimdiye kadar hiçbir sadece kendine hizmet eden politikacı bu kadar az bir kazanç için insanlığını tehlikeye atmamıştır.
Bayanlar ve Baylar,
Bir dakikanızı almak ve Güney Asya’daki gelişmelerden de size bahsetmek istiyorum.
Pakistan barışsever bir ülkedir. Biz terörizmi desteklemiyoruz ve aslında terörizmin en kötü durumdaki kurbanlarından birisiyiz.
Bağımsızlığımıza karşı yapılan ciddi bir saldırı karşısında, bugün yanıt vermek zorunda kaldık. Ama gerginlik aramıyoruz.
Biz meselelerin diyalog yoluyla çözülmesini istiyoruz ve Başbakanımızın da Hindistan Başbakanına söylediği gibi kanıtları paylaşmasını istiyoruz ve buna göre önlem almak istiyoruz.
Durum bir kez daha göstermektedir ki, Cammu ve Keşmir meselesini çözmek için Hint İşgalindeki Keşmir halkının vazgeçilmez kendi kaderlerini belirleme haklarını kullanmalarına izin vermek ihtiyacındayız.
Bayanlar ve Baylar,
Merhum Prof. Erbakan’ın yaşamı ve öğretileri bize gerçeklerin ve adaletin yenilmez olduğunu göstermektedir.
Ve İnşallah gerçek ve adalet hiçbir zaman yenilmeyecektir.
Ümit ediyoruz ki Allah Merhum Erbakan Hoca’nın ruhunu cennetteki en güzel yere yerleştirsin ve bize onun vizyonunu tüm Ümmetimiz için daha parlak bir geleceğe dönüştürmemiz için yardım etsin.
Yaşasın Pakistan Türkiye kardeşliği!
Pakistan Foreign Minister’s telephone call to his Turkish Counterpart
ISLAMABAD, 22 February 2019: Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi called his Turkish counterpart Mr. Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu today to thank him for Turkey’s steadfast support to Pakistan on a range of issues. This support reflected the commitment of Pakistan and Turkey to stand by each other.
Briefing the Turkish Foreign Minister on the situation after the Pulwama incident, the Foreign Minister stated that Pakistan had asked India to share any actionable information it had enabling Pakistan to help in the investigation. Foreign Minister Qureshi appreciated Turkey’s understanding of Pakistan’s position on different issues and its continued support. He shared that excellent relations between the two brotherly countries had been further reinforced after Prime Minister Imran Khan’s visit to Turkey on 03-04 January 2019. During the visit the two sides had agreed to transform Pakistan-Turkey relations into a new enhanced strategic partnership.
Expressing complete understanding of Pakistan’s position, the Turkish Foreign Minister conveyed that Turkey rejected the accusations against Pakistan in the Pulwama attack. He also underscored the need for dialogue between India and Pakistan to resolve all outstanding issues. He stated that the issue of Kashmir needed to be resolved through dialogue and in accordance with the relevant UN Security Council Resolutions.
The Turkish Foreign Minister also conveyed that President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will visit Pakistan after the local elections in Turkey.
Pakistan göç meseleleri için daha gelişmiş diyalog ve işbirliği çağrısında bulundu
İSTANBUL, 21 Şubat 2019: İstanbul'daki Budapeşte Süreci 6. Bakanlar Konferansı'nda göç meselelerine değinen Pakistan'ın İçişleri Devlet Bakanı . Shehryar Afridi ülkeler arasında gidiş, transit geçiş ve varış yerleri hakkında daha gelişmiş diyalog ve işbirliği ihtiyacının altını çizdi.
Bakan göç meselelerinin daha etkili bir şekilde ele alınması için düzensiz göçü motive eden nedenleri ele alan ve yasal göçe daha fazla fırsat sağlayan çabalar yoluyla desteklenmiş yasal zorlayıcılık alanındaki işbirliğinin desteklenmesi gerektiğini ifade etti. Kendisi aynı zamanda göç olayının bütün döngüsü üzerinde sınırlayıcı vize düzenlemelerinin ve sıkı sınır kontrollerinin etkisinin değerlendirilmesi için dikkat gösterilmesi çağrısında bulundu.
Bakan ayrıca varış yerlerindeki yabancı düşmanlığı, ırkçılık ve İslamofobi eğilimlerine karşı gelinmesi çağrısında bulundu ve kısır siyasi kazançlar elde etmek amacıyla göçmenlerin günah keçisi olarak kullanılmaması için uyarı yaptı.

Konferansın yan oturumlarında, Bakan Shehryar Afridi Türkiye, Yunanistan ve Hırvatistan İçişleri Bakanlarıyla ve Afganistan Mülteciler Bakanıyla toplantılar düzenledi ve göç olayının çeşitli yönleri üzerinde görüş alışverişinde bulundu.
Pakistan calls for enhanced dialogue and cooperation on migration issues

The Minister underscored that to effectively address migration, law enforcement cooperation needs to be supplemented by efforts to address underlying drivers of irregular migration and opening more avenues for legal migration. He also invited attention to assess the impact of restrictive visa regime and stringent border controls on the entire cycle of migration.
The Minister also called for countering the tendencies of xenophobia, racial profiling and Islamophobia in destination and cautioned against scapegoating migrants for narrow political gains.

On the sidelines of the Conference, Minister Shehryar Afridi held meetings with the Ministers of Interior of Turkey, Greece, Croatia as well as the Minister for Refugees of Afghanistan, and exchanged views on various aspects of migration.
Statement by H.E. Shehryar Khan Afridi, Minister of State for Interior during the 6th Ministerial Conference of the Budapest Process on 20 February 2019 at Istanbul
Mr. Chairman,
Distinguished delegates,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
We congratulate Turkey for ably steering the Budapest Process, from its preparatory phase to this Ministerial meeting.
We extend special thanks to the Government and people of Turkey for extending us a very warm welcome in this beautiful and historic city of Istanbul.
I also take this opportunity to applaud ICMPD for making excellent arrangements for this meeting.
Mr. Chairman,
Pakistan appreciates the importance and utility of the Budapest Process. It has and continues to serve as a forum to promote dialogue, understanding and cooperation on various dimensions of migration.
International migration continues to receive, and rightly so, increasing attention at the regional and global levels.
Since the last Ministerial Conference held in 2013, several important developments have taken place.
The historic 2030 Agenda has reinforced the positive linkage between migration and sustainable development goals (SDGs).
Most recently, with the adoption of the Global Compact on Migration (GCM), the international community has agreed to pursue a comprehensive and balanced approach to promote cooperation and shared responsibility in the area of migration.
The common commitments enshrined in the Global Compact reaffirm international migration as an engine of socio-economic development.
Pakistan is of the view that mutually beneficial cooperation on migration requires closer collaboration and common understanding among countries of origin, transit and destination.
Mr. Chairman,
We agree with the UN Secretary General when he said during the Marrakesh Conference on GCM, contrary to popular myths, most migratory movements are taking place among and between developing countries- from South to South, not from South to North.
Yet, given the varied dynamics involved, no one state can address migration either on its own or in isolation. Hence, the need for dialogue and cooperation among and between states, businesses, organizations and other stakeholders.
At the centre of this conversation should be evidence, data and facts. This is the only sustainable way forward in dealing with migration especially when the dictates of demographics and economics require evidence-based public policy approaches to migration.
Mr. Chairman,
In many ways, addressing irregular migration and expanding pathways for legal migration are mutually reinforcing. It is important to assess the impact of restrictive visa regime and stringent border controls on the entire cycle of migration. Similarly, migrants must be spared the brunt of incendiary rhetoric scapegoating them for narrow political gains.
We look forward to engaging actively on the prospects, opportunities and pathways for regular migration to facilitate labour mobility and decent work, optimizing education opportunities, upholding the right to family life, and responding to the needs of migrants in a situation of vulnerability.
While States retain the sovereign right to strengthen their border security, this right should be consistent with international law.
Migrants, regardless of their migration status, are entitled to the universal human rights and fundamental freedoms, which must be respected, protected and fulfilled across all stages of the migration cycle.
The tendencies of xenophobia, racial profiling and Islamophobia in the countries of destination against migrants need to be countered. All States must foster inclusive and cohesive societies by empowering migrants to become active members of society.
This Conference is, therefore, a welcome opportunity to collectively reflect on how the Budapest Process can contribute towards the comprehensive implementation of the GCM and migration-related SDGs.
Mr. Chairman,
Not just a country of origin, Pakistan is also a destination country of migrants. We continue to host, on an average, more than a million irregular migrants from neighbouring countries and the region for over four decades. Their numbers, time and status notwithstanding, this category of migrants have enjoyed social mobility, employment opportunities and access to health and education.
Despite strains on economy and society arising from the presence of a large foreign population, not a single political party or group has ever resorted to xenophobic rhetoric or populist sloganeering.
We are one of the largest countries of origin of international migrants. Our diaspora constitutes not only a major source of national development but also for their host countries.
In terms of migration governance, we are cognizant of the multidimensional character of migration. Accordingly, we are pursuing a whole-of-government approach- developing effective migration policies and implementing them through legislative and administrative actions.
We are deploying additional human resources inside the country as well as at our diplomatic posts to address issues related to migration in all aspects.
Mr. Chairman,
It is our sincere hope that the adoption of the Istanbul Declaration would generate fresh political momentum for more concrete cooperation among the member countries.
We view the six priority goals of the Istanbul Declaration as interconnected and mutually reinforcing. A balanced approach in pursuing future work on these goals would be essential.
In the past, Budapest Process’s work has remained more focused on enhancing cooperation among member countries in the sphere of law enforcement.
While important in its own way, law enforcement cooperation should be complemented by concerted and enhanced efforts to address underlying drivers of irregular movement of people.
We attach high importance to scaling up legal migration channels and to promote integration of migrants in host communities.
We are hopeful that follow up of the Istanbul Declaration leads to projects and programmes that are responsive to our national priorities and help regional efforts to promote regular migration while addressing irregular flow of people.
Going forward, it would be worthwhile to establish working groups under each priority goal to follow-up on their implementation, without prioritizing one area over the other.
Ultimately, political will, a comprehensive and constructive approach to migration would be essential to create even more opportunities for mutual cooperation and partnerships.
We look forward to a constructive and mutually beneficial engagement with the Process.
Minister of Interior to participate in the 6th Ministerial Conference of the Budapest Process on Migration Visits Pakistan Consulate, Meets with Minister for Interior of Turkey, President of the Religious Affairs of Turkey

Mr. Shehryar Afridi also called on President of Religious Affairs of Turkey Prof. Ali Erbaş. Both sides discussed collaboration in reform of religious education system. Mr. Afridi showed keen desire to learn from the Turkish Imam Hatip School system. The Turkish model of Imam Hatip School is fusion of Islamic and modern education as it contains as much arts and science classes as normal high schools do.
12 Şubat 2019'da Ankara'da Keşmir Dayanışma Günü semineri sırasında ESAM Başkanı M. Recai KUTAN'ın konuşması
Muhterem heyetinizi sevgi ve saygıyla selamlıyorum.
Pakistan İslam Cumhuriyeti Ankara Büyükelçiliği ve ESAM Ekonomik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Merkezi tarafından düzenlenen 5 Şubat Keşmir Dayanışma Günü toplantımıza hoş geldiniz, şeref verdiniz.
Muhterem Misafirler,
İslam âleminin büyük bir bölümü şu anda tarihinin en kritik ve en badireli bir dönemini yaşamaktadır. Çünkü birçok İslam ülkesinde zulüm var, kan ve gözyaşı var.
Bu ülkelerdeki Müslüman kardeşlerimiz, insanlık dışı vahşet ve katliamlarla karşı karşıyadır. Peki, bu zulüm kan ve gözyaşının sorumluları kimler?
İnsanlık tarihinde son 200 yıl, Batı Medeniyetinin dünyada egemen olduğu bir dönemdir.
Evet, bu dönemde yeryüzünü Batılı emperyalistler şekillendirdi, haritaları onlar çizdi, dolaylı veya doğrudan bu coğrafyadaki ülkelerin yönetici kadrolarının oluşumunda, batılılar belirleyici oldu.
1920’li yıllara kadar, dünya coğrafyasının büyük bir bölümü, Batılılar tarafından işgal edildi. İşgaller esnasında acımasızca katliamlar, işkenceler, soykırımlar yapıldı. Bu yüzden, dünya halkının büyük bir çoğunluğu sefalet, yoksulluk, açlık ve ölümle burun buruna yaşamak zorunda bırakıldı. İşte Batı medeniyetinin gerçek yüzü budur.
Dünyanın insanlık utancı bu hale gelişinin sebebi “kaba kuvveti” ve “menfaati” hak sebebi sayan Batı medeniyetidir.
Tarihi gerçekler bizim medeniyetimiz ile Batı medeniyetinin arasındaki gerçekleri açıkça ortaya koymasına rağmen bir süre önce Fransa Cumhurbaşkanı Macron, Türklerin Ermeni soykırımı yaptığı iddiasını tekrar gündeme getirmiştir.
Şu tarihi olay İslam medeniyeti ile Batı medeniyetinin farklarını ne güzel açıklamaktadır.
1566 yılında Osmanlı Sadrazamı olan Sokullu Mehmet Paşa, Fransız elçisini çağırıp, “Saint Barthelemy” katliamını sorar. 24 Ağustos 1572’de önce Paris’te başlayan bu katliamda iki gün içerisinde on binlerce Protestan, Katolikler tarafından katledilmişti. Sağ kalan Protestan soyluları da Katolikliği kabul etmişlerdi.
Sokullu Mehmet Paşa elçiye, “Bizim sancağımızın dalgalandığı uçsuz bucaksız yerlerde çeşitli dinlere bağlı, çeşitli ırklardan milletler yaşıyor. Hepsi de inandıkları gibi yaşarlar. İstanbul’da camilerin yanında kiliseler ve havralar vardır. Kimse kimseyi rahatsız edemez.” diyerek elçiyi azarlar.
20. asra kadar, bu batıl anlayışın öncü temsilcisi İngiltere idi. Çünkü üzerinde güneşin batmadığı iddiasında bulunan İngiliz imparatorluğu ve diğer emperyalist ülkeler nereleri işgal etmişse, o bölgelere huzursuzluğu, çatışmaları da yerleştirmiştir.
Birinci Dünya Savaşı öncesine kadar farklı etnik grupları, farklı din ve mezheplerden insanları asırlar boyunca bir arada tutup, barış ve huzur içinde yöneten “Bizim Medeniyetimiz” ise İngiltere’nin öncülüğünde, emperyalist ülkelerin hedefi idi.
Batı medeniyetinin karşısındaki, temeli İslam inancı olan bizim medeniyetimizde üstün olan güç sahibi değil, zayıf da olsa Hakka bağlı olandır.
Bu yanlış Hak anlayışı ile İngiltere, Hindistan’a sözüm ona bağımsızlık vererek ayrılırken o bölgeye de çatışma ve huzursuzluk tohumlarını ekmiş ve Hindistan-Pakistan arasında "Keşmir" ihtilafını doğurmuştur.
Değerli Misafirler,
İslam âleminin uzun yıllardan beri kanayan yaralarından biri olan Keşmir'deki vahşet ve zulümler, her yıl 5 Şubat günü bütün dünyada anılmaktadır. Bu noktada sözlerime devam etmeden önce geçen yıl Aralık ayında kaybettiğimiz Keşmir davasına ömrünü adayan Prof. Dr. Oya Akgönenç Mughisuddin’i rahmetle ve minnetle anıyoruz.
Kısaca bilgi vermek gerekirse, Keşmir; Hindistan, Pakistan ve Çin sınırlarında bir dağlık bölgedir. Himalayaların batı ucunun güneyindeki vadi bu adla anılmıştır. 1947’de Britanya’nın sömürgesinden bağımsızlığı kazandığında nüfusunun çoğunluğu Müslümanlardan ibaret olduğundan Pakistan, Keşmir Emirliği’ne ait bu bölgeyi kendisine talep etmiştir.
Keşmir’in büyük çoğunluğunun Müslüman olmasına ve coğrafi konumu itibariyle Pakistan’a yakın bulunmasına rağmen bir Hindu olan Keşmir Emiri Maharaja Hari Singh, Ekim 1947’de Keşmir’i Hindistan’a ilhak ettirerek kendisi de Delhi’ye sığındı. Bunun üzerine 27 Ekim 1947’de Hint güçleri Keşmir’e girdi. Pakistan ve Hindistan arasında arkası kesilmeyen bir savaş başlamış oldu.
O dönemdeki nüfus kayıtları, Keşmir’in 4 milyonluk nüfusun 3 milyonu Müslümanların, 809 bini de Hinduların oluşturduğuna yer veriyor.
Bu karar Keşmir halkının yoğun itirazlarına ve tepkilerine yol açmış, Hindistan’ın bölgeye asker sevk etmesi üzerine gelişmeler Pakistan ile Hindistan arasında bir savaşa dönüşmüştür. İhtilaflar ve çatışmalar da hala sürmektedir.
Günümüzde Hindistan, Afganistan, Pakistan ve Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti’nin sınırdaşı olan Keşmir bölgesi bugün fiilen 4 parçaya ayrılmış durumdadır. Kuzeydeki kısmı Pakistan tarafından kontrol edilirken, batısında sadece Pakistan’ın tanıdığı Azad-Keşmir İslam Cumhuriyeti yer alıyor. Güneyde Hindistan tarafından kontrol edilen Cammu-Keşmir bölgesi bulunuyor. Doğu’da ise Çin’in 1962’de ele geçirdiği Aksa-i Çin bölgesi yer alıyor.
21 Nisan 1948 tarihli 47 no’lu Birleşmiş Millet Güvenlik Konseyi kararında “Keşmir halkının geleceğinin Keşmir halkı tarafından belirlenmesi” gerektiği açıkça ifade edilmesine rağmen Keşmir sorunu uluslararası bir sorun olarak günümüze kadar gelmiştir ve zulüm devam etmektedir.
Bu tarihi mücadele sırasında, Keşmir’in cesur ve kararlı insanları eşi olmayan ve tahayyül edilemeyecek fedakârlıklarda bulunmuştur.
Bugüne kadar 100 binden fazla kardeşimiz bu uğurda hayatını kaybetmiş, 10 binden fazla kişi kayıp durumdadır ve kayıpların hayatta olup olmadıklarına dair bir bilgi de bulunmamaktadır.
10 binlerce kadınımız insan onuruna yakışmayan muamelelere maruz kalmış, binden fazla kardeşimiz misket bombalarının hedefi olmuş ve bu yüzden görme yetilerini kaybetmiştir.
Keşmir meselesi sadece Hindistan’ın veya Pakistan’ın meselesi değil, inancımız gereği ümmetin meselesidir.
Milli Görüş partileri ve ESAM’ın Keşmir ilgisi;
2-3 Aralık 2018 tarihlerinde gerçekleştirmiş olduğumuz Müslüman Topluluklar Birliği toplantısına katılan ve ardından 5 Aralık 2018 Çarşamba günü, ESAM Çarşamba Konferansı’nda konuşan Dünya Keşmir Konseyi Başkanı Prof. Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai şunları ifade etti:
“Özellikle Saadet Partisi ve ESAM yıllar boyunca Keşmir davasını gündemde tuttukları ve vermiş oldukları tüm destekler için teşekkür ediyorum.
1991 yılında, bundan tam 27 yıl önce, Washington’da Uluslararası Keşmir Barış Konferansları başlatmıştık. O konferansların ilk katılımcılarından biri de Sayın Recai Kutan olmuştu. Toplamda 600’den fazla kişinin katılmış olduğu o konferanslarda bir sonuç bildirgesi yayınladı. Sonuç bildirgesinde Recai Kutan’ın da imzası vardı.
O deklarasyonda çok basit bir şey talep ediyorduk. BM o dönemde Keşmir halkının kendi kaderini tayin etme hakkının bulunduğunu kabul etmişti. Bizim tek talebimiz bu kararın uygulanmasıydı.
1995 yılında Pakistan Cemaati İslami Partisi Genel Başkanı Hurşit Ahmed tarafından Amerika’ya gönderilen 7 kişilik heyete, Türkiye’den de Erbakan hocamızın görevlendirdiği Abdullah Gül vardı. Heyet gündemi 3 maddeden oluşuyordu.
İslamafobia, Filistin, Keşmir…”
Değerli Misafirler,
8 Ekim 2005 günü kardeş Pakistan’da, son yıllarda emsali görülmemiş 7,6 şiddetinde bir deprem meydana geldi. Pakistan’ın kuzeyindeki Azad Keşmir adeta harabeye döndü. Resmi açıklamalara göre 87,350 Müslüman kardeşimiz hayatını kaybetti. Yüz binlerce de yaralı vardı. Hayatını kaybeden kardeşlerimize Allah’tan rahmet dileriz.
Uzun yıllardan beri Hindistan’la ciddi sorunları olan bu fakir Keşmir, depremle daha da büyük sıkıntıların içine düşmüştü. O dönemde Saadet Partisi Genel Başkanı olarak görev yapıyor idim. Kardeşlerimizin bu acılarını paylaşmak, ihtiyaçlarını mahallinde tespit edebilmek için, Pakistan’a gitme kararı aldık.
O zamanki Genel Başkan Yardımcımız Temel KARAMOLLAOĞLU, Cansuyu Yardımlaşma Derneği Genel Başkanı Mustafa KÖYLÜ ve Prof. Dr. Sacit GÜNBEY, gazete ve televizyondan muhabirlerle 8 kişi yola çıktık.
İlk gün Lahor’da, yakın işbirliği içerisinde olduğumuz Pakistanlı Hizmet Vakfı yöneticileriyle görüşüldü. Deprem ve deprem çalışmaları hakkında detaylı bilgiler alındı.
Aynı gün Pakistan Başbakanı Sayın Şevket Aziz ile İslamabat’ta yaklaşık 1,5 saatlik bir görüşmemiz oldu. Şevket Aziz özellikle Türkiye’de devletten ve çok sayıda sivil toplum örgütlerinden, hatta şahıslardan gelen yardımlardan Pakistan halkının duyduğu şükran ve minnet duygularını ifade etti.
Deprem bölgesinde ilk göze çarpan husus çoğunlukla çadır kentlerin Avrupa Milli Görüş Teşkilatları ve Türk Kızılay, Türkiye IHH, Cansuyu Derneklerinden oluşu ve bir kısmının sahra hastane veya dispanserleri ve aşevleri olarak depremzedelere geceli gündüzlü hizmet vermeleri idi.
Ankara ve İstanbul Büyük Şehir Belediyeleri tarafından kurulan fırınlar, halkın ekmek ihtiyacının büyük bir bölümünü karşılamaktaydı.
Sadece vakıf ve dernekler aracılığı ile değil, halkımızda battaniye, çadır, yiyecek, giyecek yardımında bulunmaktaydı.
Ziyaretlerimiz sırasında yaşlı bir Türk vatandaşı yanıma geldi. Ne yapıyorsunuz diye sordum. 250 çadır getirdik ve kurduk dedi. Hangi vakıf ve dernek adına geldiniz dediğimde, “Biz İstanbul’da Sütlüce Mahallesindeyiz. Müslüman kardeşlerimizin uğradığı bu felaket karşısında mahalleli olarak toplandık. Herkes imkânını ortaya koydu 250 çadır satın aldık, buraya getirdik. Gördük ki dağ yamacındaki köylerde evleri yıkılanlar yerlerini terk etmek istemiyorlar. Yıkılan evlerin yanına çadırlarını kurduk ve onlara teslim ettik. Kısmetse bugün Türkiye’ ye döneceğiz’’ diye cevapladı.
Emperyalistler sadece kuvvetten anlar ve çekinirler.
15 Haziran 1997’de imzalanan D-8 anlaşmasının ortaya koyduğu prensipler ve hedefler insanlık âleminin barış, diyalog, işbirliği, adalet, eşitlik ve özgürlük özlemine cevap vermek için atılmış önemli ve somut bir adımdır.
Asıl olan hak ile batılın mücadelesidir. Her dönemi dünyayı felakete sürükleyen Nemrut’lar oldu ama hamdolsun ki İbrahimler de vardı. Önemli olan hangi safta olduğumuzdur.
Çözüm Müslüman toplulukların temsilcilerinin bir araya gelerek birlikte yeni adil bir dünya düzeninikurmalarıdır.
Gün kendi inancımız ve değer ölçülerimizin etrafında toplanarak insanlığın tek kurtuluş reçetesi olan kendi medeniyetimizi ihya etmektir.
Keşmir’e ve bütün İslam ve insanlık alemine barış, huzur, adalet dualarımla…
Speech by M. Recai KUTAN, President of ESAM during Kashmir Solidarity Day seminar in Ankara on 12 February 2019
I warmly welcome all our honourable guests.
Welcome to our meeting for 5 February Kashmir Solidarity Day which is jointly organized by Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Economic and Social Research Center (ESAM).
Distinguished Guests!
A large part of the Islamic World is experiencing now the most critical and difficult period. That’s why there is violence, blood and tears in many Muslim countries. Our Muslim brothers living in these countries are facing inhumane atrocities and massacres. But who are those responsible for these atrocities, blood and tears? The last 200 years is a period when the Western Civilization is dominant in the world. Yes, in this period, Western Imperialists shaped our earth, they drawn the maps and directly or indirectly, western people determined the formation of political administrators of the countries in this geography. Until 1920’s, Westerners occupied most of the world’s geography. During these invasions, violent massacres, tortures and genocides took place. For this reason, most of the world’s population was forced to live facing with misery, poverty, hunger and death. This is the real face of the Western civilization. The reason for the world to become such shameful for humanity is the Western civilization which regarded “brutal force” and “benefits” as righteous. Although historical facts clearly put forward the realities between our civilization and Western civilization, French President Macron brought to the agenda again the claims that Turks had massacred Armenians. But how beautifully does the following historical event explain the differences between the Islamic Civilization and the Western Civilization?
In 1566, Ottoman Grand Vizier Sokullu Mehmed Pasha called the French Ambassador and he asked about the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre. In this massacre, which started in Paris on 24 August 1572, tens of thousands of Protestants were killed by Catholics within two days. And the remaining French Aristocrats had converted to Catholicism.
Sokullu Mehmed Pasha criticizing the envoy told him: “In vast lands where our flag is raised, many nations of various religions and races live together. And all of these spend their lives as they wish. There are churches and synagogues near mosques in Istanbul. Nobody disturbs the other.” Until the 20th century, the leading representative of this superstitious understanding was England. That’s why, no matter where the British Empire, which claimed that the sun doesn’t set over its territories, as well as other imperialist countries that occupied the world, they give these lands problems and conflicts.
Meanwhile, “our civilization” which was keeping together people from different ethnical groups and different religions and sects in the same place and which administered them in peace and harmony was the target of imperialist countries led by England. In our civilization, which is against the Western civilization and which has belief in Islam, superiority is not based on power but on the strong belief in God though the person may be deemed as weaker.
With this wrong understanding of justice, while England was giving “independence” to India and leaving that region, it planted seeds of conflict and unrest in the region and it created “Kashmir dispute” between India and Pakistan.
Honourable guests,
The atrocities and violence in Kashmir, which is one of the long-lasting bleeding wounds of the Islamic world, is commemorated in all over the world every year on 5 February.
At this point, before continuing my words, I would like to commemorate Prof. Dr. Oya Akgönenç Mughisuddin with gratitude who passed away last year in October. She greatly contributed for the Kashmir cause. May Allah’s mercy be upon her.
If we explain it shortly, Kashmir is a mountainous area in the borders of India, Pakistan and China. The valley in the south of western Himalayas is named as Kashmir. When it gained its independence in 1947 from Great Britain, as most of its population was Muslim, Pakistan demanded this region that belonged to the Kashmir state. Although the majority of Kashmir was Muslim and it was geographically contagious to Pakistan, the Kashmiri Maharaja Hari Singh, who was a Hindu, announced Kashmir’s accession to India and he escaped to Delhi. Upon this, Indian Forces entered Kashmir on 27 October 1947. And wars between Pakistan and India began which never ended. The birth registry records of that period indicate that out of the 4 million total population of Kashmir, 3 million were Muslim and 809,000 were Hindu. This decision caused severe objections and reactions of Kashmiris and when India sent troops to the region, the following developments led into a war between Pakistan and India. Disputes and conflicts still continue.
Kashmir region, which has borders to India, Afghanistan, Pakistan and People’s Republic of China today, is divided physically into four parts. Its northern part is controlled by Pakistan and in its west, there is Azad Kashmir. In the south, there is the Jammu & Kashmir region which is controlled by India. And in the east, there is the Aksa-i Chin region, which is controlled by China since 1962.
According the United Nations Security Council Resolution dated 21 April 1948 numbered 47, even though it is clearly stated that “The future of Kashmir should be solely determined by the Kashmiri people”, the Kashmir issue has continued until now and the atrocities still continue. During this historical struggle, brave Kashmiris have made un-parallel and unprecedented sacrifices.
Since 1989, more than 100,000 brothers and sisters have lost their lives until today and 10,000 people were disappeared by the Indian security forces and there is no information about their whereabouts. Tens of thousands of women have been subjected to dishonourable actions, more than one thousand brothers and sisters were targeted by pellet guns and they lost their eyesight due to these weapons. Kashmir issue is not the issue of only India or Pakistan but as required by our belief, it is an issue of the Muslim Ummah.
National View parties and ESAM’s contribution for Kashmir:
World Kashmir Council President Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai who attended Muslim Communities Union meeting that ESAM organized on 2-3 December 2018 and who spoke in ESAM Wednesday Conference on 5 December 2018 said the following:
Respected Guests,
On 8 October 2005, a terrible earthquake of 7.6 magnitude happened in Pakistan. Azad Kashmir in the north of Pakistan was destroyed. According to official statements, 87,850 Muslim brothers lost their lives. And there were hundreds of thousands of injured ones. May God rest the souls of the dead in peace. This poor Kashmir, which had serious problems with India, was immersed into bigger difficulties with this earthquake. I was the Chairman of Saadet Party at that time. And we decided to go to Pakistan to share the grief of our brothers and to determine their needs. Our eight persons delegation consisting of our Deputy Chairman Temel KARAMOLLAOĞLU, Cansuyu Aid Association Chairman Mustafa KÖYLÜ and Prof. Dr. Sacit GÜNBEY and media persons. In the first day, we met with the directors of Pakistani foundations in Lahore we were coordinating aid for the earthquake areas. We received detailed briefing about the earthquake and rescue processes. The same day, we had a meeting of about 1.5 hours with Pakistan Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz. Shaukat Aziz especially expressed his gratitude and pleasure of the people of Pakistan for the aid and assistance from the Turkish State, many civil society organizations and even from Turkish individuals. The first thing that we noticed in the earthquake area was that the satellite towns were mainly built by the Europe branch of National View and Turkish Red Crescent, Turkish IHH and Cansuyu Association and some of these were giving service day and night as hospitals and clinics and as kitchens to the earthquake victims. The bakeries that were built by Ankara and Istanbul Metropolitan Municipalities were meeting the entire bread requirement of the public. Not only through foundations and associations but also our people themselves were giving blankets, tents, and food and clothing support to the affectees. During our visit, an old Turkish citizen came to me. I asked him what they were doing. He said that they brought 250 tents and they installed them there. And when I asked him from which foundation or association they were, he said that “We are from Istanbul Sütlüce District. We gathered up as the neighborhood residents to help our Muslim brothers. Everybody contributed by their share and we purchased 250 tents and brought here. We saw that the people whose houses were demolished at villages in footsteps of mountains don’t want to leave their houses. We set their tents near their demolished houses and we delivered to them. Inshaallah we will return to Turkey today.”
Imperialists only understand from power and they also abstain from it. The principles and targets which was put forward by the D-8 Agreement signed on 15 July 1997 is an important step made to fulfil the wishes of humanity towards peace, dialogue, cooperation, justice, equality and freedom.
The most important one is the fight between real justice and superstition. There had always been Nimrods who dragged the world to disasters but thank to God, there were also Abrahams as well. What really matters is with which side we take a stand.
The solution is that the representatives of all Muslim communities come together and they establish a new fair and just world order. Today is the day to trust in own beliefs and values and to build our own civilization that is the only recipe that would save humanity.
I pray for peace, tranquillity and justice for Kashmir and to the entire Islamic world and humanity.
Distinguished Guests!
A large part of the Islamic World is experiencing now the most critical and difficult period. That’s why there is violence, blood and tears in many Muslim countries. Our Muslim brothers living in these countries are facing inhumane atrocities and massacres. But who are those responsible for these atrocities, blood and tears? The last 200 years is a period when the Western Civilization is dominant in the world. Yes, in this period, Western Imperialists shaped our earth, they drawn the maps and directly or indirectly, western people determined the formation of political administrators of the countries in this geography. Until 1920’s, Westerners occupied most of the world’s geography. During these invasions, violent massacres, tortures and genocides took place. For this reason, most of the world’s population was forced to live facing with misery, poverty, hunger and death. This is the real face of the Western civilization. The reason for the world to become such shameful for humanity is the Western civilization which regarded “brutal force” and “benefits” as righteous. Although historical facts clearly put forward the realities between our civilization and Western civilization, French President Macron brought to the agenda again the claims that Turks had massacred Armenians. But how beautifully does the following historical event explain the differences between the Islamic Civilization and the Western Civilization?
In 1566, Ottoman Grand Vizier Sokullu Mehmed Pasha called the French Ambassador and he asked about the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre. In this massacre, which started in Paris on 24 August 1572, tens of thousands of Protestants were killed by Catholics within two days. And the remaining French Aristocrats had converted to Catholicism.
Sokullu Mehmed Pasha criticizing the envoy told him: “In vast lands where our flag is raised, many nations of various religions and races live together. And all of these spend their lives as they wish. There are churches and synagogues near mosques in Istanbul. Nobody disturbs the other.” Until the 20th century, the leading representative of this superstitious understanding was England. That’s why, no matter where the British Empire, which claimed that the sun doesn’t set over its territories, as well as other imperialist countries that occupied the world, they give these lands problems and conflicts.
Meanwhile, “our civilization” which was keeping together people from different ethnical groups and different religions and sects in the same place and which administered them in peace and harmony was the target of imperialist countries led by England. In our civilization, which is against the Western civilization and which has belief in Islam, superiority is not based on power but on the strong belief in God though the person may be deemed as weaker.
With this wrong understanding of justice, while England was giving “independence” to India and leaving that region, it planted seeds of conflict and unrest in the region and it created “Kashmir dispute” between India and Pakistan.
Honourable guests,
The atrocities and violence in Kashmir, which is one of the long-lasting bleeding wounds of the Islamic world, is commemorated in all over the world every year on 5 February.
At this point, before continuing my words, I would like to commemorate Prof. Dr. Oya Akgönenç Mughisuddin with gratitude who passed away last year in October. She greatly contributed for the Kashmir cause. May Allah’s mercy be upon her.
If we explain it shortly, Kashmir is a mountainous area in the borders of India, Pakistan and China. The valley in the south of western Himalayas is named as Kashmir. When it gained its independence in 1947 from Great Britain, as most of its population was Muslim, Pakistan demanded this region that belonged to the Kashmir state. Although the majority of Kashmir was Muslim and it was geographically contagious to Pakistan, the Kashmiri Maharaja Hari Singh, who was a Hindu, announced Kashmir’s accession to India and he escaped to Delhi. Upon this, Indian Forces entered Kashmir on 27 October 1947. And wars between Pakistan and India began which never ended. The birth registry records of that period indicate that out of the 4 million total population of Kashmir, 3 million were Muslim and 809,000 were Hindu. This decision caused severe objections and reactions of Kashmiris and when India sent troops to the region, the following developments led into a war between Pakistan and India. Disputes and conflicts still continue.
Kashmir region, which has borders to India, Afghanistan, Pakistan and People’s Republic of China today, is divided physically into four parts. Its northern part is controlled by Pakistan and in its west, there is Azad Kashmir. In the south, there is the Jammu & Kashmir region which is controlled by India. And in the east, there is the Aksa-i Chin region, which is controlled by China since 1962.
According the United Nations Security Council Resolution dated 21 April 1948 numbered 47, even though it is clearly stated that “The future of Kashmir should be solely determined by the Kashmiri people”, the Kashmir issue has continued until now and the atrocities still continue. During this historical struggle, brave Kashmiris have made un-parallel and unprecedented sacrifices.
Since 1989, more than 100,000 brothers and sisters have lost their lives until today and 10,000 people were disappeared by the Indian security forces and there is no information about their whereabouts. Tens of thousands of women have been subjected to dishonourable actions, more than one thousand brothers and sisters were targeted by pellet guns and they lost their eyesight due to these weapons. Kashmir issue is not the issue of only India or Pakistan but as required by our belief, it is an issue of the Muslim Ummah.
National View parties and ESAM’s contribution for Kashmir:
World Kashmir Council President Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai who attended Muslim Communities Union meeting that ESAM organized on 2-3 December 2018 and who spoke in ESAM Wednesday Conference on 5 December 2018 said the following:
“I especially thank the Saadet Party and ESAM for keeping Kashmir issue in the agenda during many years and for the support they offered. In 1991, exactly 27 years ago, we had initiated International Kashmir Peace Conferences in Washington. And one of the first names that attended this conference was Mr. Recai Kutan. A final declaration of the conference was published which more than 600 people attended. There was also the signature of Recai Kutan under that final declaration. We were demanding something very simple in that declaration. UN had accepted in that period that Kashmiri people had the right of self determination. Our only demand was this resolution to be implemented. In the delegation of 7 people which was sent in 1995 to America by Pakistan Jamaat-e Islam Party Chairman Khursheed Ahmed, there was Abdullah Gül who was assigned by Erbakan Hodja. The agenda of the council consisted of 3 bullet points. Islamophobia, Palestine, Kashmir …”
Respected Guests,
On 8 October 2005, a terrible earthquake of 7.6 magnitude happened in Pakistan. Azad Kashmir in the north of Pakistan was destroyed. According to official statements, 87,850 Muslim brothers lost their lives. And there were hundreds of thousands of injured ones. May God rest the souls of the dead in peace. This poor Kashmir, which had serious problems with India, was immersed into bigger difficulties with this earthquake. I was the Chairman of Saadet Party at that time. And we decided to go to Pakistan to share the grief of our brothers and to determine their needs. Our eight persons delegation consisting of our Deputy Chairman Temel KARAMOLLAOĞLU, Cansuyu Aid Association Chairman Mustafa KÖYLÜ and Prof. Dr. Sacit GÜNBEY and media persons. In the first day, we met with the directors of Pakistani foundations in Lahore we were coordinating aid for the earthquake areas. We received detailed briefing about the earthquake and rescue processes. The same day, we had a meeting of about 1.5 hours with Pakistan Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz. Shaukat Aziz especially expressed his gratitude and pleasure of the people of Pakistan for the aid and assistance from the Turkish State, many civil society organizations and even from Turkish individuals. The first thing that we noticed in the earthquake area was that the satellite towns were mainly built by the Europe branch of National View and Turkish Red Crescent, Turkish IHH and Cansuyu Association and some of these were giving service day and night as hospitals and clinics and as kitchens to the earthquake victims. The bakeries that were built by Ankara and Istanbul Metropolitan Municipalities were meeting the entire bread requirement of the public. Not only through foundations and associations but also our people themselves were giving blankets, tents, and food and clothing support to the affectees. During our visit, an old Turkish citizen came to me. I asked him what they were doing. He said that they brought 250 tents and they installed them there. And when I asked him from which foundation or association they were, he said that “We are from Istanbul Sütlüce District. We gathered up as the neighborhood residents to help our Muslim brothers. Everybody contributed by their share and we purchased 250 tents and brought here. We saw that the people whose houses were demolished at villages in footsteps of mountains don’t want to leave their houses. We set their tents near their demolished houses and we delivered to them. Inshaallah we will return to Turkey today.”
Imperialists only understand from power and they also abstain from it. The principles and targets which was put forward by the D-8 Agreement signed on 15 July 1997 is an important step made to fulfil the wishes of humanity towards peace, dialogue, cooperation, justice, equality and freedom.
The most important one is the fight between real justice and superstition. There had always been Nimrods who dragged the world to disasters but thank to God, there were also Abrahams as well. What really matters is with which side we take a stand.
The solution is that the representatives of all Muslim communities come together and they establish a new fair and just world order. Today is the day to trust in own beliefs and values and to build our own civilization that is the only recipe that would save humanity.
I pray for peace, tranquillity and justice for Kashmir and to the entire Islamic world and humanity.
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