CİNNAH-10 2019 Türkiye-Pakistan Ortak Komando Tatbikatı, 17-28 Mart 2019 tarihleri arasında Dağ Komando Okulu ve Eğitim Merkezi Komutanlığında icra edildi.
We record events, specially between Pakistan and Turkey. Views expressed are blogger's own.
Pakistan'ın en modern cerrahi ürün ihracatçıları Expomed Avrasya'ya katılıyor
İSTANBUL, 28 Mart 2019: Pakistan'dan altı önde gelen cerrahi alet imalatçısı ve ihracatçısı İstanbul'da 28-30 Mart 2019'da İstanbul'da düzenlenen bölgenin ünlü sağlık bakımı sektörü fuarı "Expomed Eurasia" fuarına katılıyor.
Türkiye Sağlık Bakan Yardımcısı Prof. Dr. Emine ALP Meşe önde gelen endüstri profesyonelleri ve sağlık bakımı sektörü dernekleriyle beraber fuarın açılışını yaptı.

Pakistan şirketleri tarafından fuarda gösterilen en uygun fiyatlardaki belirgin ürün dizisinden dolayı, daha fazla müstakbel müşterinin Pakistan'ın en modern cerrahi aletler pazarından faydalanma şansı elde etmesi beklenmektedir.
Expomed Eurasia bu üç günlük olaya 35.000'den fazla yerel ve yabancı profesyonelin/ticari ziyaretçinin katılmasını beklemektedir. 45 ülkeden 1,100'ün üzerinde şirket/marka bu yıl fuara katılmaktadır. Expomed Eurasia sağlık bakımı sektöründeki en son teknolojiler, Ar-Ge ve son model yenilikler için birincil platformdur.
Pakistan’s cutting-edge surgical products exporters participate in Expomed Eurasia

Turkish Deputy Minister for Health, Prof. Dr. Emine ALP Meşe, inaugurated the exhibition along with leading industry professionals and healthcare sector associations. Pakistan’s Consul General Mr. Bilal Pasha also attended the inauguration ceremony.
The Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP) and the Consulate General of Pakistan in Istanbul established a custom made Pakistan Pavilion under the theme of Emerging Pakistan where Pakistani products are showcased. Pakistan enjoys specialized skills and an illustrious history of manufacturing surgical products, which are exported into high income markets of USA, EU and many other countries and earned more than $325 million in 2018. Pakistan’s exports of surgical instruments to Turkey are about $6 million during last three years but there is a great potential of more exports keeping in view increasing demand in Turkey.
Due to its distinct product range displayed by the Pakistani companies at the Fair which are offered at most competitive prices, it is expected that more and more prospective customers will have a chance to benefit from Pakistan’s cutting edge surgical instruments market.
Expomed Eurasia is expected to receive more than 35,000 local and foreign professionals/trade visitors in the three days event. Over 1,100 companies/brands from 45 countries are participating in the Fir this year. Expomed Eurasia is a premier platform for the latest technologies, R&D and cutting-edge innovations in the healthcare sector.
Pakistan Milli Günü Türkiye'de kutlandı, Ankara’nın en yüksek kulesi “Atakule” Pakistan-Türkiye dayanışma mesajlarıyla ışıklandırıldı
Çok sayıda saygıdeğer Türk konuk, Pakistan topluluğu üyeleri, Türk üniversitelerinde okuyan Pakistanlı öğrenciler ve Büyükelçilik memurları ve aileleri törene katıldılar.
Pakistan Cumhurbaşkanının ve Başbakanının mesajları bu olay üzerine okundu. Ankara'daki Pakistan Büyükelçiliği Okulu (PEISG) öğrencileri ulusal şarkılar söylediler. Pakistanlı çocuklarla çevrelenmiş Büyükelçi Syrus Qazi ve eşi Sayın Shaza Syrus Pakistan Gününü anmak için bir pasta kestiler.
Gün içerisinde daha öncesinde, hava akrobasisi takımı "Solo Türk" Islamabad'daki "Pakistan Günü" geçit törenindeki uçuş gösterisine katıldı. Istanbul'da Asya'yı Avrupa'yla birleştiren boğaz üzerindeki "15 Temmuz Şehitler Köprüsü" bu akşam Pakistan bayrağının renkleriyle aydınlatılacak. Dahası, Ankara'nın anıtlarından biri ve en yüksek kulesi olan "Atakule" 21, 22 ve 23 Mart gecelerinde Pakistan-Türkiye dayanışma mesajlarını gösterecek. Atakule üzerinde hemen karşısındaki Muhammed Ali Cinnah anıtı bulunan Cinnah Caddesinde bulunmaktadır.
Büyükelçi Syrus Qazi ve Pakistan'ın Bursa Onursal Başkonsolosu Sayın Murat Tarman birlikte Ankara'daki Atakule Alışveriş Merkezinde "Pakistan'ın Renkleri" fotoğraf sergisinin açılışını yaptılar. Bu 3 günlük sergi Pakistan'ın kültürünü, manzaralarını ve insanlarını betimlemektedir.
Bunun yanı sıra, Pakistan Cumhurbaşkanı önde gelen politikacı ve Türk Parlamentosunun Eski Başkanı Sayın İsmail Kahraman'a Pakistan'ın prestijli sivil ödülü "Hilal-i Pakistan'ı" takdim etti. Cumhurbaşkanı aynı zamanda Türk politikacı ve eski Sağlık Bakanı Prof. Dr. Recep Akdağ'a "Hilal-i İmtiyaz" nişanını taktı. Bu ödüller saygıdeğer Türk politikacılarına Pakistan-Türkiye ilişkilerini daha da geliştirdikleri için verilmiştir.
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National Day of Pakistan Celebrated in Turkey, Ankara’s tallest tower “Atakule” illuminated in Pakistan-Turkey solidarity messages, Turkish politicians with Pakistan's civil awards
ANKARA: 23 March 2019: The National Day of Pakistan was celebrated in Ankara at an impressive ceremony at Pakistan House Ankara today. The Ambassador of Pakistan to Turkey, Mr. Muhammad Syrus Sajjad Qazi, raised the Pakistan flag to the tune of the National Anthem.
A large number of Turkish dignitaries, members of Pakistani community, Pakistani students studying in Turkish Universities and Embassy officials and their families attended the ceremony.
The messages of the President and Prime Minister of Pakistan were read out on the occasion. Students of Pakistan Embassy School (PEISG) in Ankara presented national songs. Flanked by Pakistan children, Ambassador Syrus Qazi and his spouse Mrs. Shaza Syrus cut a cake to mark Pakistan Day.
Ambassador Syrus Qazi, in his welcome address said on 23rd March 1940, the Muslims of the sub-continent, through their collective will and indomitable spirit, expressed unshakable resolve to carve out a separate homeland for themselves wherein they could fashion their lives in accordance with their own traditions, values and culture. Ambassador Qazi said Pakistan is a resilient country and it went through stressful times only to emerge victorious, due to the impeccable decision making powers of its leadership and strong will of its people. He said through our collective efforts marked by patriotism, sincerity, commitment and honesty, the people of Pakistan would steer the country towards greater prosperity and glory. Ambassador also thanked the people and leadership of Turkey for standing beside Pakistan during challenging of times. He remarked that Pakistan and Turkey enjoy a relationship that has no parallels.
Earlier in the day, aerial acrobatic team “Solo Türk” participated in the fly-past ceremony during “Pakistan Day” parade in Islamabad. In Turkey, “15 July Martyrs Bridge” in Istanbul on the Bosporus linking Asia with Europe would be illuminated in Pakistan flag colours this evening. Moreover, “Atakule,” one of Ankara’s landmarks and its tallest tower is showing messages of Pakistan-Turkey solidarity during the nights on 21, 22 and 23 March. Atakule is situated on Jinnah Road that also has Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s monument right opposite to Atakule.
Ambassador Syrus Qazi and Pakistan’s Honorary Consul General in Bursa Mr. Murat Tarman jointly inaugurated a photographic exhibition “Colours of Pakistan” at Atakule Shopping Center Ankara. The 3-day exhibition depicts Pakistan’s culture, landscapes and people.
Meanwhile, President of Pakistan has conferred Pakistan’s prestigious civil award “Hilal-i-Pakistan” upon Mr. Ismail Kahraman, leading politician and former Speaker of the Turkish Parliament. The President also conferred “Hilal-e-Imtiaz” upon Prof. Dr. Recep Akdağ, Turkish politician and former Health Minister. The awards were conferred upon the Turkish dignitaries for their services for further promoting Pakistan-Turkey relations.
Statement by Foreign Minister of Pakistan Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi at the Open Ended Emergency Meeting of the OIC Executive Committee at Istanbul, Turkey (22 March 2019)
Statement by Foreign Minister of Pakistan Makhdoom Shah
Mahmood Qureshi at the Open Ended Emergency Meeting of the OIC Executive
Committee at Istanbul, Turkey
(22 March 2019)
Your Excellency, Foreign Minister Mevlet Cavosoglu
Honourable Secretary General OIC, Dr. Yousaf bin Ahmad Al-Usay-mean,
Distinguished Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Assalam-o-Alaikum and a Very Good Morning!
Let me begin by thanking the Republic of Turkey, the OIC
Summit Chair for convening this Emergency meeting of the OIC Executive
We are meeting at a particularly somber moment, in the wake
of the terrorist attack on two mosques and the carnage that followed, motivated
by anti Muslim hatred in Christchurch on 15 March.
50 innocent lives lost in the brazen terrorist attacks, nine
of the martyred were from my country. Among them, Mian Naeem Rashid who
heroically confronted the terrorist to protect others. In choosing to render
the ultimate sacrifice, he saved many others. He could not however save his own son, Talha,
whose life was tragically cut short by the evil frenzy of terror.
In recognition of his valor the Government of Pakistan is
awarding Naeem Rashid our highest civilian award for gallantry.
A similar tragedy struck the Raza family, which lost three
members. Others including Haroon Mahmood, Sohail Shahid, Syed Areeb Ahmad and
Jahandad Ali were not only respected members of their communities, but also
loving parents, devoted husbands and sincere friends.
Their void will never be filled. For millions across the
globe this was a moment of deep grief and anguish. Our hearts, thoughts and prayers go out to
the victims, the bereaved families, the impacted communities and the government
and people of New Zealand.
We mourn for the departed;
and pray for the recovery of those injured and incapacitated.
We appreciate also the exemplary leadership of Prime
Minister Jacinda Ardern and her government in supporting and reaching out to
the victims and their families.
Mr. Chairman,
Pakistan is all too familiar with the pain of seeing
innocent blood being shed mercilessly. Pakistan is a stranger neither to trauma
nor terror; nor to selfless acts of heroism transcending all call of duty. In
solidarity with New Zealand our flag has flown at half mast.
Mr. Chairman,
Much as this tragedy has rallied global opinion, it has also
shone a disturbing light on a number of alarming trends:
Firstly, the
mainstreaming of anti-Muslim sentiment by the rise of populist politics in many
western societies. Secondly, the delicate undermining of a culture of respect and
tolerance by narratives of exclusion and bigotry, and Thirdly, the implementation of anti-immigration policies by some in
the west.
The Christchurch attack was not an isolated act of a lone maniac.
What happened in New Zealand is a grim reminder of the tide of Islamophobia
sweeping the world. Every bullet fired
by the terrorist was an assault on the values of pluralism and diversity that
underpin modern multicultural societies. It was an effort to resurrect a view
of history based on reprehensible and unacceptable notions of racial
superiority. It was the culmination of years of deliberately orchestrated
prejudice against Islam and Muslims, in which the mainstream media has
regrettably played a crucial role.
Christchurch was not the disease but a symptom. A
manifestation of a malady far more insidious, widespread and deadly. Today, symptoms of this disease are writ
large on the face of many societies.
It is writ
− In manifestos
of far right parties that call for expulsion of Muslims.
− In attempts
at creating walls and barriers against displaced populations
− In the
politicization and censorship of the Hijab
− In the
vandalizing of Islamic symbols and sites
− In attempts
at incitement in the name of free speech through deliberately hurtful
caricatures and competitions
It is writ large in
the growing racial profiling and stigmatization of Muslims, particularly where
Muslims are in minority. And in such
blatantly racist agendas as the White Supremacists’, or the more subtler
notions of the ‘White Man’s Burden’. Nor is it restricted to the West alone.
Pakistan’s eastern neighbor, a self professed friend to many
of those sitting around the table, prides itself in its democratic and secular
credentials. In practice, it is anything but. In BJP’s India, Muslims face systemic
discrimination, social, political and economic marginalization, and humiliation
at the hands of the Hindutva brigades.
Mob lynching of Muslims in the name of cow protection and
attempts at Muslims’ forced conversion are common place. As indeed is violence against other minorities
including Sikhs, Christians and Dalits.
In Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir, extra judicial
killings, staged encounters, sexual harassment and use of pellet guns against
unarmed protestors are a norm. Recently,
an Indian court exonerated Hindu terrorists who had confessed killing 68 people
mostly Muslims including 44 Pakistanis on a train in India.
There exists no UN architecture that can proscribe such
individuals or address terrorism posed by Hindutva ideologues or white
Brothers and Sisters,
The Christchurch martyrs are only the latest victims of this
phenomenon. They are neither the first, nor the only ones. Sadly, they may not
be the last. This moment warrants deep
introspection, but also concerted collective action.
We consider the following steps to be vital:
ONE: We must call out Islamophobia for what it is,
the fruit of the same poisonous tree that yields other forms of discrimination,
including racism, anti-Semitism and apartheid. The moral ambivalence of those
who treat Islamophobia as a less perverse form of discrimination is false and must end. It was telling how some
used carefully chosen words to characterize the Christchurch attack.
Islamophobia can neither be denied nor dismissed, it must be confronted.
TWO: We must effectively
push back against the rising tide of populism that aims to ride its way to
political power by stoking hatred against Muslims. Unity within our ranks is
imperative to confront, counter and combat this trend.
THREE: We must debunk
the pernicious fallacy of associating Islam with terrorism. Neither are all
Muslims terrorists, nor are all terrorists Muslim.
To operationalize our responses, I would suggest that we
gear ourselves to a more proactive approach. It is time we came up with a
global strategy to combat Islamophobia.
Allow me to submit the following course of action.
Champion strengthening of international obligations
enunciated in existing UNGA and OIC Resolutions on Religious Intolerance.
We must immediately:
A) Call for a
Plenary meeting of the UN General Assembly to seek among other things, a
comprehensive regime outlawing Islamophobia.
B) Support UN
Secretary General’s plans to develop a system wide plan of action against hate
speech and crimes
C) Propose a
comprehensive overhaul of the counter terrorism listings framework at the UN
that goes beyond Al Qaeda, to include terrorists of all colour and hue.
Create a united front against Islamophobia by engaging not
just governments but also civil societies, religious and community leaders,
academia and publics at large.
Employment of anti-Muslim extremist alternate facts need to
be countered by presenting real facts and creating support within Western
Strengthen collaborative partnerships with social media
platforms to prevent dissemination of anti Islam content. We must steadfastly
resist all attempts by purveyors of hate to spread their toxic message in any
garb or guise.
Strengthen and give teeth to OIC’s own regimes to monitor and
counter anti-Islam, anti-Muslim propaganda. We can do so by scaling up OIC
Observatory Reports to collect data and identify perpetrators in real time. OIC
must then,
A. Spell out
specific corrective and pre emptive measures required to be taken
B. Call out
Individuals, entities and States that consciously and consistently orchestrate
C. Leverage our
collective economic potential to sanction Islamophobes
Institutionalize mechanisms within OIC to report and
safeguard rights of Muslim minorities.
The OIC must publish regular reports mapping large scale
atrocities on Muslims in non-OIC countries and occupant territories, and
sanctioning State-sponsored acts of terror.
Continue to root out hate, extremism and terrorism within
our own ranks and in our own societies. Just as we wish others not to attack
Islam, we must ensure, in our own interests, that our countries are not used to
attack others.
Perhaps the most
pressing need is for the Muslim fraternity represented at this forum, to forge
unity and cohesion in its ranks. We cannot bring back those killed in
But we can dignify their memory by acting resolutely and
collectively against Islamophobia, disinformation, hate speech and hate crime. We
must act to address underlying causes of marginalization, armed conflict,
inequality and discrimination against Muslims. We must not let hate win.
I Thank You
Asya ile Avrupa'yı birleştiren İstanbul'daki köprüler Pakistan bayrağının renkleriyle ışıklandırılacak
ANKARA, 22 Mart 2019: 23 Mart 2019'daki
Pakistan Milli Gününü kutlamak için İstanbul Boğazındaki Asya ve Avrupa
kıtalarını birleştiren köprüler Pakistan Bayrağının renkleriyle ışıklandırılacak.
Buna benzer şekilde, ünlü Cinnah
Caddesinin tepesindeki Ankara'nın en belirgin anıtlarından olan Atakule de
21-23 Mart tarihlerinde Pakistan Bayrağının renkleriyle ışıklandırılıyor. Atakule AVM'de ayrıca Pakistan'ın manzaraları
ve kültürünü betimleyen "Pakistan'ın Renkleri" fotoğraf sergisi 23-24
Mart'ta gösterimde olacak.
Bu meyanda, Türk Silahlı Kuvvetlerinin
hava akrobasisi ekibi "Solo Türk'ün" F-16'ları da Islamabad'da 23
Mart "Pakistan Günü" geçit töreninde bir uçuş gösterisi sunacaklar.
Pakistan Büyükelçiliği Türk Hükümeti ve
Atakule AVM'nin Pakistan Milli Gününü kutlamak için yaptığı bu jestlere derin
şükranlarını sunar.
Atakule'nin ve İstanbul köprülerinin
fotoğrafları eklidir
Pakistan'ı kutlayan Türkleri gösteren
video klibini aşağıdaki linkten serbestçe kullanabilirsiniz
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