We record events, specially between Pakistan and Turkey. Views expressed are blogger's own.
Ambassador Sohail Mahmood visits Turkish Language Institution
Chughtai Sanat Ödülleri Konya Valisi ve Belediye Başkanı tarafından verildi
KONYA, 26 May, 2015: Konya Valisi Muammer EROL ve Belediye Başkanı
Tahir Akyürek Pazartesi günü , Konya Halk Kütüphanesin’de gerçekleşen 2015
Chughtai Sanat Yarışması Ödül Törenine katılarak başarılı olan öğrencilere
ödüllerini verdiler.Pakistan Ankara Büyükelçisi Sohail Mahmood, Konya ilinin
üst düzey yetkilileri, yarışmaya katılan
öğrenciler, Konya ‘da eğitim görmekte
olan çok sayıda öğrenci, akademisyen ve öğrenci velilerinden oluşan kalabalık
bir grup yarışmada hazır bulundu.
Chughtai Sanat Yarışması, kültürel diplomasinin bir parçası olarak, ,
Pakistan’ın Ankara Büyükelçiliği tarafından bu yıl Konya’da düzenlendi.
Yarışmanın Teması “ Pakistan Sanatı ve Mimarisi” olarak belirlendi.Yarışma
Konya İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü’nün işbirliği ile düzenlendi.
Yarışmaya Konya İli Liselerinde okumakta olan
öğrenciler katıldı. 36 resim yarışma jürisi tarafından değerlendirmeye alındı
ve bu resimlerden 9 tanesi jüri tarafından
3 kategoride ödüle layık görüldü. Mehmet Akif Anadolu Lisesi öğrencisi
Engin Sayın, yarışmanın birincisi oldu. Aynı okuldan Fatma Vural ikinci, Konya
Çimento Güzel Sanatlar Lisesi öğrencisi Esra Ergun ise üçüncü oldu.
Ödül Töreninde bir konuşma yapan Belediye Başkanı
Tahir Akyürek, Pakistan ve Türkiye arasındaki yakın bağların önemini, Mevlana
Celalettini Rumi ve Allama Muhammad İqbal’in arasındaki bağlatıyı vurguladı.
Öğrencilerin östermiş olduğu çabalarındandolayı kutladı ve İl Milli Eğitim
Müdürlüğü’nün öğrencilere verdiği destekten övgüyle bahsetti.
Büyükelçi Sohail Mahmood öğrencileri ve
öğretmenleri yarışmaya katılımlarından dolayı kutladı. Pakistan ve
Türkiye halkları arasındaki kardeşlik bağları ve ülkelerarası kültürel
benzerliğin iki ülke arasındaki özel bağları güçlendirdiğini belirtti. Ayrıca,
Pakistan’ın milli şairi Muhammad Iqbal ve büyük sufi Hz.Mevlana Celalettini
Rumi‘nin iki millet arasındaki manevi
bağların en büyük sembolü olduğunu belirtti. Büyükelçi Mahmood, Pakistan
ve Türkiye arasındaki siyasi, ekonomik
ve kültürel alandaki bağların daha da
kuvvetlendirilmesinin en büyük arzuları olduğunun altını çizdi.
Konya İl Milli Eğitim Müdürü Mukadder Gürsoy ise
konuşmasında, Konya‘da öğrencilerinin
hepsinde Pakistan sevgisinin çok büyük olduğunu ve bu sevginin
yansımasının yaptıkları resimlerden görülebileceğini vurguladı. Bu yarışmanın
düzenli olarak yapılmasını arzu ettiğini belirtti. Resim sergisi 25-29 Mayıs
2015 tarihleri arasında Halk Kütüpanesin’de açık olacaktır.
Pakistan Büyükelçisi Sohail Mahmood, yarışma
öncesinde Konya Valisi Sayın Muammer Erol ve daha sonra Konya Büyükşehir
Belediye Başkanı Tahir Akyürek’i makamlarında ziyaret etti. Multan ile Konya
İli arasındaki güçlü bağların, iki şehir arasında imzalanmış olan “Kardeş Şehir
Protokolü” ile daha da güçlendirilmesi gerektiğini berlitti. İki ülke
arasındaki bağlantıların, Iqbal-Rumi arasındaki benzerlik temelinde daha da
derinleştirilmesinin öneminine değindi. Konya’nın ekonomisinin önemli ölçüde
büyüdüğünü ve Türkiye’nin dış ticaretine
önemli katkısı olduğunu belirtti. Her iki taraf da iki ülke arasındaki ekonomik
ve ticari bağların kuvvetlendirilmesi konusunda anlaşmaya vardı.
Ayrıca, Pakistan
Büyükelçisi, KOMEK Mesleki Eğitim kursuna katılıp, kursu başarı ile
tamamlamış Konya’lı hanımların el
emeklerinin gösterildiği serginin açılışına davet edildi. Konya Belediye
Başkanı Sayın Tahir Akyürek serginin açılışında yaptığı konuşmada Pakistan ve
Türkiye arasındaki özel bağların önemini vurguladı ve iki kardeş ülke arasındaki çok-boyutlu
işbirliğinin ileride daha da arttacağını ümit ettiğini belirtti.
Konya Governor & Mayor distribute prizes at Chughtai Awards ceremony
As part of Cultural Diplomacy, the Pakistan Embassy in Ankara
organized this year’s Chughtai Art Awards competition in the Konya province. The thematic focus of the
competition was “Art & Architecture of Pakistan .” The event was organized
in collaboration with Konya
branch of National Education Ministry of Turkey.
High school students of the Konya
Province participated in
the competition. A total of 36 paintings
were shortlisted for consideration of a panel of independent judges, who
selected nine paintings for prizes in three categories. A painting made by Mr
Engin Sayin of Mehmet Akif Ersoy Anadolu Lisesi won the first prize while
paintings of Ms. Fatma Vural of the same school and Ms. Esra Ergun of Konya
Çimento Güzel Sanatlar Lisesi got second and third prizes, respectively.
Ambassador Sohail Mahmood commended students and teachers for their
active participation. He stated that the ties of brotherhood and cultural
affinity between the peoples of Pakistan
and Turkey
reinforced this special relationship. The Ambassador said that Pakistan ’s national poet Muhammad Iqbal and great mystic
and Sufi saint Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi are great symbols of the spiritual
connection between the two nations. He reiterated the desire to further
strengthen Turkey-Pakistan relations in political, economic and cultural
Earlier, as part of his official visit to Konya , Ambassador Sohail Mahmood separately
met with Governor Muammer Erol and Mayor Tahir Akyurek. He emphasized
the importance of strengthening relations with Konya
within the framework of Sister City Protocol with Multan . The Ambassador also underlined the
importance of deepening mutual links on the basis of Iqbal-Rumi affinity.
Ambassador Sohail Mahmood also noted Konya ’s
tremendous economic progress and its significant contribution to Turkey ’s
external trade. Both sides agreed on
strengthening economic and commercial collaboration.
Separately, the Pakistan Ambassador was also
invited to participate in the opening ceremony of an exhibition of items
prepared by women graduates of vocational training. During his opening speech
on the occasion, the Mayor of Konya highlighted the special bonds between Pakistan and Turkey and expressed the hope that
multi-dimensional cooperation between the two fraternal nations would be
further enhanced.
More photos on https://goo.gl/5KjlV9
Pakistan Büyükelçisi Sohail Mahmood’un Chunghtai Sanat Yarışması Ödül Töreni Konuşması Konya, 25 May 2015
Pakistan Büyükelçisi Sohail
Mahmood’un Chugtai Sanat Yarışması Ödül Töreni Konuşması
Konya, 25 May 2015
Chugtai Sanat
Ödülleri 2015
Konya Valisi Sayın
Muammer EROL,
Belediye Başkanı Sayın
Sayın Mukadder Gürsoy Konya
İl Milli Eğitim Müdürü,
Çok Değerli Basın
Öğretmenler, Veliler ve Sevgili
Konuşmama başlamadan önce,
sizleri en samimi duygularımla selamlamak istiyorum.
Pakistan Büyükelçiliği
olarak, Sayın Konya Valisi’ne nezaket
gösterip ödül törenine katılımlarından dolayı özel teşekkülerimizi sunarız.
Bugün gerçekten özel bir
gün. Hazırladıkları “Pakistan Sanatı ve
Mimarisi” konulu birbirinden mükemmel
resimlerden dolayı Konya İli’nin kıymetli öğrencilerini ödüllendirmek
için burada toplandık.
Bildiğiniz üzere, bu
yarışma ismini, Pakistan’ın ünlü ressamı Abdul Rehman Chungtai’den aldı.
2011 yılından beri
Pakistan Büyükelçiliği tarafından, düzenli olarak, her yıl yapılmaktadır. Daha
öneceki yarışmalar Ankara’da düzenlenmişti. Bu yıl ise, yarışma Konya İlin’de
Konya İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü’ne bu organizasyonun
gerçekleşmesi için vermiş oldukları eşsiz destek ve yardımlar için minnettar olduğumu belirtmek isterim.
Chungthai Sanat
Yarışması’na katılan tüm öğrencileri çok çalıştıkları ve derin düşüncelerini ortaya koydukları için tebrik
Pakistan ve Türkiye
arasında varolan derin ve benzersiz
bağlardan, Genç nesillerimizin bu tür organizasyonlar aracılığı ile daha çok
haberdar olacaklarını ümit ediyoruz.
Özel ilişkilerimiz başarılı
nesiller ile beslenmiştir,dolayısı ile, bu muhteşem gelenek,her iki ülke gençleri
tarafından devam ettirilmelidir.
Bu yarışmanın ortak
hedeflerimizi gerçekleştirmede oldukça faydalı olacağına inanıyorum.
Değerli Misafirler,
Konya İli’nin Pakistanlı’ların
kalbinde önemli bir yeri vardır.
Pakistan’lı Milli Şair
Allana Muhammad Iqbal ve Büyük Sufi Hz. Mevlana Celalettin’i Rumi iki ülke
arasındaki manevi bağların iki önemli sembolüdür.
Biz, binlerce kilometre
uzaklıkta yaşıyoruz,ancak kalplerimiz birlikte atıyor.
En büyük arzumuz siyasi,
ekonomik ve kültürel alanlardaki bağlarımızı daha da güçlendirmektir.
Kültürel alanda, özellikle,
Konya ve Multan arasındaki “Kardeş Şehir
Protokolü” çerçevesinde, yakın zamanda, sizinde göreceğiniz üzere, Inşallah
daha çok aktivite yapılacaktır.
Katılımcılara ve bu gün
burada olarak bizi onurlandıran üst düzey Türk yetkililere bir kez daha
teşekkürlerimi sunmak istiyorum.
Öğrencilerimizi cesaret
ve şevkleri için öğrencilerimizi ve onları
Pakistan – Türkiye arasındaki güçlü ilişkileri geleceğe taşıyacak olan Elçiler
olarak teşvik eden öğretmenlerimizi tebrik ediyorum.
Sayın Aydın Uygun ve
Mukadder Gürsoy’a bu yarışmanın düzenlenmesinde vermiş oldukları çok değerli destek
için özel teşekkürlerimi sunuyorum.
Konya halkı ile
ortaklığımızı gelecekte daha da güçlendirmeyi sabırsızlıkla bekliyoruz.
Yaşasin Pakistan-Türkiye
Remarks by Ambassador Sohail Mahmood at prize distribution ceremony of Chughtai Art Awards 2015 at Konya, 25 May 2015
H.E. Muammar Erol, Governor Konya
H.E. Mr. Tahir Akyurek, Mayor of Konya
Mr. Mukadder Gürsoy, Director of Provincial
Directorate for National Education
Honourable representatives of the Media
Teachers, Parents, and my dear students
I wish to begin by extending a warm welcome to all
the participants.
We are especially grateful to the Governor and Mayor
of Konya for
gracing this occasion.
Today is indeed a special day, as we are gathered to
honour the students of Konya
who made excellent paintings on the Art and Architecture of Pakistan.
As you are aware, this competition is named after Pakistan ’s
renowned painter, Abdul Rehman Chughtai.
Since 2011, the Pakistan Embassy has been regularly
holding this competition. Earlier, it was organized in Ankara . This year, it has taken place in Konya .
I am grateful to the Provincial Directorate of
National Education for their invaluable support and assistance in this venture.
I appreciate the hard work and deep thinking of all
the students who took part in the Chughtai Art Award competition.
We hope that through such activities, our younger
generation will become more aware about the deep fraternal ties that exist
between the peoples of Pakistan
and Turkey .
Our special relationship has been nurtured by successive
generations and this glorious tradition must be passed on to the youth in both
We believe this art competition helps advance this
shared goal.
We may be living thousands of miles apart, but our
hearts beat together.
It is our earnest desire to further strengthen our
relations in political, economic and cultural fields.
In the domain of culture, you will Inshallah see
many more activities in the near future, especially also in the framework of
the Sister City Protocol between Konya and Multan .
I once again thank all the participants and the Turkish
dignitaries who have honoured us with
their presence today.
I particularly appreciate the spirit and zeal of the
students and teachers and encourage them to be the Ambassadors of strong
Pakistan-Turkey relations in the future.
My special thanks to Mr. Aydin Uygun and Mr. Mukadder
Gürsoy for their all out support for organizing this event.
We look forward to further strengthening our partnership
with the people of Konya .
Thank you. Yasasin Pakistan-Turkiye Kardeslik.
Ambassador Sohail Mahmood visits Urdu Department at Ankara University
The Ambassador also
visited the Urdu Department and met with its Chairperson Prof. Dr. Asuman Belen
Özcan, other faculty members and students. Matters relating to the promotion of
Urdu language and litarature in Turkey
came under discussion.
The Urdu Department
was established in 1960 in the Faculty of Languages, History & Geography.
The Faculty was established in 1935 and currently has over 8,000 students. Over
100 students are pursuing studies at the undergraduate and graduate levels at
the Urdu Department.
Büyükelçi Sohail Mahmood Ankara Universitesi Urdu Dili Bölümünü ziyaret etti.
Urdu Dili Bölümüne
de bir ziyarette bulunan Büyükelçi
Sohail Mahmood, Urdu Dili Bölüm Başkanı Prof. Dr. Asuman Belen Özcan , diğer
fakülte yetkilileri ve öğrenciler ile de görüştü. Görüşmede, Urdu Dili ve
Edebiyatını Türkiye’de tanıtmak için yapılması gerekenler gündeme getirildi.
Pakistan Büyükelçiliği Konya’da “ 2015 Yılı Chugtai Sanat Yarışması düzenliyor

bu yıl, Konya İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü işbirliği ile Konya’da düzenlenecektir. Ödül ve sertifika
dağıtım töreni 25 Mayıs 2015 tarihinde Konya Halk Kütüphanesin’de
düzenlenecektir. Ödül törenine, Türkiye’den üst düzey hükümet yetkilileri,
Pakistan Büyükelçisi Sohail Mahmood, öğretmenler, öğrenciler ve öğrenci
velilieri katılacaktır.
ili liselerinde eğitim görmekte olan
öğrencilerinin yaptığı “ Pakistan
Sanatı ve Mimarisi” konulu resimlerden oluşan sergi 25-29 Mayıs 2015 tarihleri
arası arasında açık kalacaktır.
Pakistan Embassy holding “Chughtai Art Awards 2015” competition in Konya
This year,
arrangements have been made to hold the art competition in Konya , in collaboration with Provincial
Branch of the National Education Ministry of Turkey. A prize and certificate
distribution ceremony will be held on 25 May 2015 at the Public Library of
Konya. Senior Turkish government officials, elected representatives, Ambassador
of Pakistan
Mr. Sohail Mahmood, teachers, students and their parents will be participation
in the awards ceremony.
The paintings made
by high school students of Konya
province on the theme “Art and Architecture of Pakistan” shall remain on
display from 25-29 May 2015.
Pakistan’in Büyüleyici Müziği Akbank Sanat’ta
Etkinlik Adı
Pakistan’in Büyüleyici Müziği Akbank Sanat’ta
26 Mayıs 2015 / 20:00
Akbank Sanat
Akbank Sanat, Mayıs ayı boyunca farklı coğrafyalardan gelen sanatçıların katılımı ile gerçekleştirilen Dünya Müziği Günleri'ne ev sahipliği yapmaya devam ediyor.
Etkinlik kapsamında Pakistan’ın en ünlü sitar ustalarından Ashraf Sharif Khan ve önde gelen tabla virtüözlerinden Shahbaz Hussain 26 Mayıs 2015, Salı günü Akbank Sanat Dünya Müziği Günleri’nin konuğu olacak. Sınırları aşan müzikleri ve büyüleyici performansları tanınan ikili Akbank Sanat’taki konserlerinde dinleyenleri unutulmaz bir müzikal yolculuğa çıkaracak.
Etkinlik: Konser – Ashraf Sharif Khan & Shahbaz Hussain (Pakistan)
Ashraf Sharif Khan, sitar
Shahbaz Hussain, tabla
Etkinlik kapsamında Pakistan’ın en ünlü sitar ustalarından Ashraf Sharif Khan ve önde gelen tabla virtüözlerinden Shahbaz Hussain 26 Mayıs 2015, Salı günü Akbank Sanat Dünya Müziği Günleri’nin konuğu olacak. Sınırları aşan müzikleri ve büyüleyici performansları tanınan ikili Akbank Sanat’taki konserlerinde dinleyenleri unutulmaz bir müzikal yolculuğa çıkaracak.
Etkinlik: Konser – Ashraf Sharif Khan & Shahbaz Hussain (Pakistan)
Ashraf Sharif Khan, sitar
Shahbaz Hussain, tabla
Pakistan Büyükelçisinden Başkan Acehan’a ziyaret
Pakistan'ın Ankara Büyükelçisi SohailMahmood, Ankara’nın Çubuk ilçesine gelerek Çubuk Belediye Yaklaşık bir buçuk ay önce göreve başlayan Pakistan'ın Ankara Büyükelçisi SohailMahmood, Çubuk’a gelerek Şehir Müzesi ile Turşu üretim tesislerini incelerken, Çubuk Belediye Başkanı Tuncay Acehan’ı da makamındaziyaret etti.
Ziyaretten duyduğu memnuniyeti ifade eden Başkan Acehan, dost ve kardeş ülke Pakistan’ın her zaman kendilerinin yanında ayrı bir yeri olduğunu söyledi.
Bu yıl 11’incisini yapacakları Uluslararası Çubuk Kültür Festivali hakkında bilgi veren Başkan Acehan,”Daha önceleri festivalde tüm ilişkiler batıdaki ülkelerle yapılmaktaydı. Bundan sonra yüzümüzü kardeş ülkelere döndük. Bunlar arasında Pakistan’da bulunmaktadır. İ nşallah Pakistan ile birlikte çok güzel işbirlikleri yapacağız” dedi.
Müzede bulunan Pakistan köşesi için teşekkür eden Büyükelçi SohailMahmood’ da, Türkiye için aynı duyguları paylaştığını ifade ederek, bu tür ikili ilişkiler sayesinde iki ülke arasındaki ticari ilişkilerin yavaş yavaş geliştiğini kaydetti.
Uluslararası Çubuk Kültür Festivali’ne büyükelçilik olarak katılacaklarını aktaran Mahmood, Çubuk’un ziyaret ettiği üçüncü şehir olduğunu anlatarak, şunları söyledi:
“Çubuk’a geldim bu müzeyi ziyaret ettim. Bu müzenin hepsi çok güzel olmuş ve içerisindeki eşyaların hepsi Çubuk’ta bulunan ürünlerden. İnşallah buraya tekrara geleceğiz. Burası çok önemli bir şehir, buraya geldiğim için çok mutluyum. Biliyorsunuz Türkiye ve Pakistan iki kardeş devlettir. Bu nedenle ekonomik ticaretin çok daha fazla olması gerekiyor. Bizde bunun için çalışıyoruz. Bu noktada inşallah önümüzdeki günlerde çok daha iyi olacak. Türkiye çok güzel bir kardeş ülkedir. Göreve başlayalı birkaç defa İstanbul’a gittim, Konya’ya gittim ve Çubuk’a geldim. İnşallah bundan sonra başka şehirlere de gideceğim.”
Ziyaretin sonunda Başkan Acehan’ın Çubuk Agat taşından yapılmış plaket takdim ettiği Büyükelçi Mahmood, müze şeref defterini de imzaladı.
Ziyarette Pakistan'ın Ankara Büyükelçisi SohailMahmood’a Belediye Başkan Yardımcısı Zeki Metin, Yıldırım Ahalisi Dernek Başkanı Emrah Erdoğan, Belediye Meclis üyesi Nurdan Çoban ve köylü ressam Halil Basri Uluğ eşlik etti.
Ziyaretten duyduğu memnuniyeti ifade eden Başkan Acehan, dost ve kardeş ülke Pakistan’ın her zaman kendilerinin yanında ayrı bir yeri olduğunu söyledi.
Bu yıl 11’incisini yapacakları Uluslararası Çubuk Kültür Festivali hakkında bilgi veren Başkan Acehan,”Daha önceleri festivalde tüm ilişkiler batıdaki ülkelerle yapılmaktaydı. Bundan sonra yüzümüzü kardeş ülkelere döndük. Bunlar arasında Pakistan’da bulunmaktadır. İ nşallah Pakistan ile birlikte çok güzel işbirlikleri yapacağız” dedi.
Müzede bulunan Pakistan köşesi için teşekkür eden Büyükelçi SohailMahmood’ da, Türkiye için aynı duyguları paylaştığını ifade ederek, bu tür ikili ilişkiler sayesinde iki ülke arasındaki ticari ilişkilerin yavaş yavaş geliştiğini kaydetti.
Uluslararası Çubuk Kültür Festivali’ne büyükelçilik olarak katılacaklarını aktaran Mahmood, Çubuk’un ziyaret ettiği üçüncü şehir olduğunu anlatarak, şunları söyledi:
“Çubuk’a geldim bu müzeyi ziyaret ettim. Bu müzenin hepsi çok güzel olmuş ve içerisindeki eşyaların hepsi Çubuk’ta bulunan ürünlerden. İnşallah buraya tekrara geleceğiz. Burası çok önemli bir şehir, buraya geldiğim için çok mutluyum. Biliyorsunuz Türkiye ve Pakistan iki kardeş devlettir. Bu nedenle ekonomik ticaretin çok daha fazla olması gerekiyor. Bizde bunun için çalışıyoruz. Bu noktada inşallah önümüzdeki günlerde çok daha iyi olacak. Türkiye çok güzel bir kardeş ülkedir. Göreve başlayalı birkaç defa İstanbul’a gittim, Konya’ya gittim ve Çubuk’a geldim. İnşallah bundan sonra başka şehirlere de gideceğim.”
Ziyaretin sonunda Başkan Acehan’ın Çubuk Agat taşından yapılmış plaket takdim ettiği Büyükelçi Mahmood, müze şeref defterini de imzaladı.
Ziyarette Pakistan'ın Ankara Büyükelçisi SohailMahmood’a Belediye Başkan Yardımcısı Zeki Metin, Yıldırım Ahalisi Dernek Başkanı Emrah Erdoğan, Belediye Meclis üyesi Nurdan Çoban ve köylü ressam Halil Basri Uluğ eşlik etti.
Ambassador Sohail Mahmood emphasizes enhanced cultural collaboration during visit to Cubuk

Mayor Dr. Tuncay Acehan highlighted the special feelings of the Turkish people towards Pakistan. The Mayor also invited Pakistan to take part in the 11th Cubuk Cultural Festival in 2015. He also presented the Cubuk Agat stone to the Ambassador on the occasion.
Separately, Ambassador Sohail Mahmood visited the Cubuk City Museum and saw the Pakistan Corner, established there last year. The Ambassador appreciated the artistic presentation of the life of the people of Cubuk in the historical and cultural perspective and commended the efforts of the Museum personnel. The Ambassador later visited a Pickle Processing Centre. Cubuk is also famous in Turkey and abroad for its pickles.
‘Pakistan and Turkey are two leading countries in the Islamic world' by ALI Ünal - Daily Sabah

Turkey and Pakistan, which already enjoy strong ties due to shared history, common faith and cultural similarities, could further enhance relations with concerted efforts, says Sohail Mahmood, Pakistani ambassador to Turkey
Pakistan and Turkey have a strong political relationship established through their common faith, shared history and cultural bond. However, this political relationship of an exceptional nature could not ensure full-fledged cooperation due to existing constraints. In February, prime ministers of the two countries, Ahmet Davutoğlu and Nawaz Sharif, agreed to prioritize bilateral relations to overcome the said constraints. Daily Sabah spoke with Sohail Mahmood, ambassador of Pakistan to Turkey, about a spectrum of topics, including relations between Turkey and Pakistan, regional developments such as Iran's nuclear program and Yemeni crisis and Pakistan-India relations.
- Pakistan and Turkey enjoy good relations and both countries define each other as sister countries. Hence, how do you believe that relations can be enhanced further?
Pakistan and Turkey enjoy a unique relationship in inter-state relations; it is unique in terms of mutual trust, understanding and close cooperation. This relationship has a solid foundation based as it is on common faith, shared history and cultural affinities. Our long-standing relations span diverse areas – from political to economic, to defense and security, to education and culture. Pakistan and Turkey work closely in the United Nations and other international and regional organizations. Both countries support each other on issues like Kashmir and Cyprus and have similar perspectives on regional and international issues. It is possible, and indeed highly desirable, to further deepen this already close relationship by realizing the untapped potential in various areas. And this is the concerted effort on both sides.
Both countries seek to further relations by increasing bilateral trade and deepening economic cooperation. In this regard, a number of steps have been initiated. Prime Minister Davutoğlu, for example, was in Pakistan for co-chairing with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif the fourth meeting of the High Level Strategic Cooperation Council (HLSCC) in February 2015. Both prime ministers placed the highest priority on increasing bilateral trade and commercial ties. A consequential decision was taken to initiate negotiations on a free trade agreement (FTA). It was also agreed to promote mutual investments and strengthen collaboration in the areas of energy, infrastructure, transportation, agriculture and so on. The overall effort is to intensify mutual cooperation in all fields and impart a strong economic content to the relationship. The vision is to transform this long-standing, cordial relationship into a comprehensive and robust economic partnership.
- Total trade volume between the two countries is currently about $1 billion and does not reflect the strong political relations. What are the limitations for further improvement?
There are a number of factors relevant in this context. Firstly, the private sectors in both countries have traditionally focused more on other markets, rather than each other's. Secondly, the absence of direct transportation links has been a serious constraint. Thirdly, despite efforts, there is still a lack of better understanding about the vast opportunities existing in the two countries. Then, there are safeguard duties on textiles acting as a constraint in the way of enhanced trade. The issue of low trade volume was a subject of discussion between the two prime ministers in February, and a series of steps were considered, including enhancement of transportation and communications links. As I have mentioned, creating a new legal framework for freer trade in the shape of a free trade agreement was also agreed. All of these are very important steps towards addressing the constraints and building a deeper economic partnership between the two countries.
- Negotiations on a preferential trade agreement (PTA) between the two countries have been continuing for several years but the agreement has not been inked yet. What is the latest on the PTA talks?
We had several rounds of negotiations on a preferential trade agreement; however, what the two prime ministers decided in February 2015 was to transform this process into an entirely new and more substantial one. Now, as I have noted, the two countries are focused on having a free trade agreement, which would be much wider in scope, befitting the close relationship between Pakistan and Turkey. It is envisaged that the FTA would cover trade in goods, services and investments. We believe the leadership in both countries is committed to completing the FTA process on a fast-track basis and forging an enhanced economic partnership.
- You have mentioned previously that Turkey and Pakistan work closely in the United Nations. As you know, Turkey is in favor of reforming the U.N. Security Council. What are Pakistan's views on this issue?
Pakistan and Turkey have similar views on reforming the U.N. Security Council. Both countries are members of Uniting for Consensus (UfC), which is for comprehensive U.N. reform and for making the Security Council more representative, democratic, effective, legitimate and accountable to the general membership. We believe there should be expansion only in the number of elected (non-permanent) members. This would not only prevent the expansion of a privileged group of countries, but would also enable other important countries of the world to serve on this most important forum with the primary responsibility for maintenance of international peace and security.
- Turkey and Pakistan are backing efforts to restore order in Yemen. Do you think these efforts will be successful? What can be done to further the regional stability?
Turkey and Pakistan have been in consultations at the highest level regarding the situation in Yemen. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif visited Ankara in this regard on April 3, and the leadership in the two countries has since been in regular contact. The deteriorating situation and the sectarian dimension has been a matter of concern for both Pakistan and Turkey. The effort has been to promote dialogue for a political solution. The international community acted in concert and the U.N. Security Council adopted an important resolution that has been welcomed by both Pakistan and Turkey. The recent ceasefire announcement is also a very encouraging development. Pakistan and Turkey are two leading countries of the Islamic world. Their close cooperation and coordination not only contribute to a peaceful resolution of this issue but also reinforces efforts for regional peace and stability.
- Although Iran and the P5+1 have signed a nuclear agreement, criticisms from both sides are on going. How do you believe that the deal is promising for the future of the region?
Pakistan welcomed the preliminary understanding reached between Iran and the P5+1. It is our earnest hope that the parties concerned would be able to achieve a comprehensive agreement. Pakistan has consistently supported peaceful resolution of the Iranian nuclear issue through dialogue. Faithful implementation of any such agreement would contribute to peace and stability in the region.
- What is the current stage of the peace talks with the TTP (Pakistani Taliban), which started last year? How do you evaluate the future of the process?
Pakistan has suffered grievously from extremism and terrorism over the past decades. Tens of thousands of Pakistani citizens and security personnel have been martyred in the fight against this scourge. You would recall the horrendous attack on a school in Peshawar last December, which shocked the entire world. As for your question, the government had initially tried to reach out and hold peace talks; unfortunately, this gesture was not reciprocated in any good measure. While the effort was made for talks, the terrorist attacks continued. Eventually, the government reached a point where an operation was deemed necessary. In June 2014, Operation Zarb-e-Azb was launched, and it continues to date. The primary objective has been to clear areas in North Waziristan. Also, across the country, intelligence-led operations have been conducted and impressive results achieved. The nation's resolve for eliminating this scourge continues to be firm and unshakable.
- What is the current situation in relations between Pakistan and India? From your perspective, how can Pakistan resolve the disputes?
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, since he assumed office in June 2013, has pursued his vision of a "peaceful neighborhood." In this context, he reached out to Pakistan's immediate neighbors, including Afghanistan and India. The effort of the prime minister was to pick up the thread from where it left off in 1999 in terms of dialogue with India and peaceful resolution of all outstanding issues, including Kashmir. The prime minister promptly congratulated Mr. Modi upon his electoral victory and later made the gesture of going to New Delhi to attend his swearing-in ceremony in May 2014 as well. The two prime ministers agreed to resume dialogue at the level of foreign secretaries. Unfortunately, we saw that this commitment was not fulfilled, and the FS-level talks were abruptly cancelled on the pretext that our high commissioner had met with the Kashmiri leadership, although this was not something new. Nonetheless, it remains our endeavor to see the resumption of composite dialogue process. Pakistan remains ready for peaceful, negotiated resolution of all outstanding issues with India, including the issue of Jammu and Kashmir, in accordance with the U.N. Security Council resolutions and the aspirations of the Kashmiri people. We believe a fair and lasting solution for Kashmir is essential for durable peace and stability in South Asia.
- Both countries share a tremendous accumulation of Islamic culture from the past. How do you think these two countries can cooperate more in the context of cultural issues?
Culturally speaking, Pakistan and Turkey are very close to each other. The cultural connection between our two peoples spans centuries. The Mughal Empire in the subcontinent was established by Babur Shah, who came from Ferghana. Since then, connections between the Muslims of South Asia and the Turkic people of Central Asia have been very strong. These are reflected in our language, in our literature, in our architecture and in our way of life. Similarly, there is a strong spiritual connection between our national poet Iqbal and Mevlana Rumi. Generations of people, men of letters, have been inspired by the literary works on both sides. I would say that both countries and both governments are conscious of this precious shared cultural tradition and are making concerted efforts to increase cultural collaboration. The High Level Strategic Cooperation Council, which is co-chaired by the two prime ministers, has cultural cooperation as one of its key agenda items. The two countries have a joint working group on culture. In its meeting last February, this working group took a number of decisions that were reflected in the joint declaration signed by the two prime ministers. It inter alia envisages the establishment of cultural centers in both countries, seminars on Iqbal and Rumi, preservation and restoration of historical buildings and so on. I wish to underline that cultural collaboration is a very important part of our efforts to intensify bilateral cooperation and our endeavors in this direction will continue with all possible vigor.
- There have been increased numbers of Pakistani students studying in Turkish universities in recent years. How do you evaluate it and do you think that Turkey is becoming a brand of education in the region?
I think it is very gratifying to see the number of Pakistani students in Turkish universities grow steadily. We have had a long-standing tradition of Pakistani students coming to Turkish universities, particularly Middle East Technical University (METU). We have a tradition of Turkish students going to Pakistani universities. Some of the graduates of these institutions are playing a very important role in Turkey and are in high positions in public life here. Pakistani students who graduated from Turkish universities are similarly making important contributions in Pakistan. Currently, according to the figures we have, the number of Pakistani students in Turkey is close to 1,000, and they are studying in various disciplines -- from natural sciences to engineering to business administration. The credit goes to the two governments for having taken the initiative to increase the number of scholarships. The Higher Education Commission (HEC) in Pakistan has been giving scholarships to Pakistani students for graduate and post-graduate studies in Turkey. Similarly, we have Turkish government scholarships and also universities offering scholarships to Pakistani students. However, we would want the numbers to increase much further. We would want a greater number of Turkish students going to Pakistani institutions as well because this is a part of our efforts to enhance people-to-people contacts, which in turn brings the two nations even closer.
- Pakistan and Turkey enjoy good relations and both countries define each other as sister countries. Hence, how do you believe that relations can be enhanced further?
Pakistan and Turkey enjoy a unique relationship in inter-state relations; it is unique in terms of mutual trust, understanding and close cooperation. This relationship has a solid foundation based as it is on common faith, shared history and cultural affinities. Our long-standing relations span diverse areas – from political to economic, to defense and security, to education and culture. Pakistan and Turkey work closely in the United Nations and other international and regional organizations. Both countries support each other on issues like Kashmir and Cyprus and have similar perspectives on regional and international issues. It is possible, and indeed highly desirable, to further deepen this already close relationship by realizing the untapped potential in various areas. And this is the concerted effort on both sides.
Both countries seek to further relations by increasing bilateral trade and deepening economic cooperation. In this regard, a number of steps have been initiated. Prime Minister Davutoğlu, for example, was in Pakistan for co-chairing with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif the fourth meeting of the High Level Strategic Cooperation Council (HLSCC) in February 2015. Both prime ministers placed the highest priority on increasing bilateral trade and commercial ties. A consequential decision was taken to initiate negotiations on a free trade agreement (FTA). It was also agreed to promote mutual investments and strengthen collaboration in the areas of energy, infrastructure, transportation, agriculture and so on. The overall effort is to intensify mutual cooperation in all fields and impart a strong economic content to the relationship. The vision is to transform this long-standing, cordial relationship into a comprehensive and robust economic partnership.
- Total trade volume between the two countries is currently about $1 billion and does not reflect the strong political relations. What are the limitations for further improvement?
There are a number of factors relevant in this context. Firstly, the private sectors in both countries have traditionally focused more on other markets, rather than each other's. Secondly, the absence of direct transportation links has been a serious constraint. Thirdly, despite efforts, there is still a lack of better understanding about the vast opportunities existing in the two countries. Then, there are safeguard duties on textiles acting as a constraint in the way of enhanced trade. The issue of low trade volume was a subject of discussion between the two prime ministers in February, and a series of steps were considered, including enhancement of transportation and communications links. As I have mentioned, creating a new legal framework for freer trade in the shape of a free trade agreement was also agreed. All of these are very important steps towards addressing the constraints and building a deeper economic partnership between the two countries.
- Negotiations on a preferential trade agreement (PTA) between the two countries have been continuing for several years but the agreement has not been inked yet. What is the latest on the PTA talks?
We had several rounds of negotiations on a preferential trade agreement; however, what the two prime ministers decided in February 2015 was to transform this process into an entirely new and more substantial one. Now, as I have noted, the two countries are focused on having a free trade agreement, which would be much wider in scope, befitting the close relationship between Pakistan and Turkey. It is envisaged that the FTA would cover trade in goods, services and investments. We believe the leadership in both countries is committed to completing the FTA process on a fast-track basis and forging an enhanced economic partnership.
- You have mentioned previously that Turkey and Pakistan work closely in the United Nations. As you know, Turkey is in favor of reforming the U.N. Security Council. What are Pakistan's views on this issue?
Pakistan and Turkey have similar views on reforming the U.N. Security Council. Both countries are members of Uniting for Consensus (UfC), which is for comprehensive U.N. reform and for making the Security Council more representative, democratic, effective, legitimate and accountable to the general membership. We believe there should be expansion only in the number of elected (non-permanent) members. This would not only prevent the expansion of a privileged group of countries, but would also enable other important countries of the world to serve on this most important forum with the primary responsibility for maintenance of international peace and security.
- Turkey and Pakistan are backing efforts to restore order in Yemen. Do you think these efforts will be successful? What can be done to further the regional stability?
Turkey and Pakistan have been in consultations at the highest level regarding the situation in Yemen. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif visited Ankara in this regard on April 3, and the leadership in the two countries has since been in regular contact. The deteriorating situation and the sectarian dimension has been a matter of concern for both Pakistan and Turkey. The effort has been to promote dialogue for a political solution. The international community acted in concert and the U.N. Security Council adopted an important resolution that has been welcomed by both Pakistan and Turkey. The recent ceasefire announcement is also a very encouraging development. Pakistan and Turkey are two leading countries of the Islamic world. Their close cooperation and coordination not only contribute to a peaceful resolution of this issue but also reinforces efforts for regional peace and stability.
- Although Iran and the P5+1 have signed a nuclear agreement, criticisms from both sides are on going. How do you believe that the deal is promising for the future of the region?
Pakistan welcomed the preliminary understanding reached between Iran and the P5+1. It is our earnest hope that the parties concerned would be able to achieve a comprehensive agreement. Pakistan has consistently supported peaceful resolution of the Iranian nuclear issue through dialogue. Faithful implementation of any such agreement would contribute to peace and stability in the region.
- What is the current stage of the peace talks with the TTP (Pakistani Taliban), which started last year? How do you evaluate the future of the process?
Pakistan has suffered grievously from extremism and terrorism over the past decades. Tens of thousands of Pakistani citizens and security personnel have been martyred in the fight against this scourge. You would recall the horrendous attack on a school in Peshawar last December, which shocked the entire world. As for your question, the government had initially tried to reach out and hold peace talks; unfortunately, this gesture was not reciprocated in any good measure. While the effort was made for talks, the terrorist attacks continued. Eventually, the government reached a point where an operation was deemed necessary. In June 2014, Operation Zarb-e-Azb was launched, and it continues to date. The primary objective has been to clear areas in North Waziristan. Also, across the country, intelligence-led operations have been conducted and impressive results achieved. The nation's resolve for eliminating this scourge continues to be firm and unshakable.
- What is the current situation in relations between Pakistan and India? From your perspective, how can Pakistan resolve the disputes?
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, since he assumed office in June 2013, has pursued his vision of a "peaceful neighborhood." In this context, he reached out to Pakistan's immediate neighbors, including Afghanistan and India. The effort of the prime minister was to pick up the thread from where it left off in 1999 in terms of dialogue with India and peaceful resolution of all outstanding issues, including Kashmir. The prime minister promptly congratulated Mr. Modi upon his electoral victory and later made the gesture of going to New Delhi to attend his swearing-in ceremony in May 2014 as well. The two prime ministers agreed to resume dialogue at the level of foreign secretaries. Unfortunately, we saw that this commitment was not fulfilled, and the FS-level talks were abruptly cancelled on the pretext that our high commissioner had met with the Kashmiri leadership, although this was not something new. Nonetheless, it remains our endeavor to see the resumption of composite dialogue process. Pakistan remains ready for peaceful, negotiated resolution of all outstanding issues with India, including the issue of Jammu and Kashmir, in accordance with the U.N. Security Council resolutions and the aspirations of the Kashmiri people. We believe a fair and lasting solution for Kashmir is essential for durable peace and stability in South Asia.
- Both countries share a tremendous accumulation of Islamic culture from the past. How do you think these two countries can cooperate more in the context of cultural issues?
Culturally speaking, Pakistan and Turkey are very close to each other. The cultural connection between our two peoples spans centuries. The Mughal Empire in the subcontinent was established by Babur Shah, who came from Ferghana. Since then, connections between the Muslims of South Asia and the Turkic people of Central Asia have been very strong. These are reflected in our language, in our literature, in our architecture and in our way of life. Similarly, there is a strong spiritual connection between our national poet Iqbal and Mevlana Rumi. Generations of people, men of letters, have been inspired by the literary works on both sides. I would say that both countries and both governments are conscious of this precious shared cultural tradition and are making concerted efforts to increase cultural collaboration. The High Level Strategic Cooperation Council, which is co-chaired by the two prime ministers, has cultural cooperation as one of its key agenda items. The two countries have a joint working group on culture. In its meeting last February, this working group took a number of decisions that were reflected in the joint declaration signed by the two prime ministers. It inter alia envisages the establishment of cultural centers in both countries, seminars on Iqbal and Rumi, preservation and restoration of historical buildings and so on. I wish to underline that cultural collaboration is a very important part of our efforts to intensify bilateral cooperation and our endeavors in this direction will continue with all possible vigor.
- There have been increased numbers of Pakistani students studying in Turkish universities in recent years. How do you evaluate it and do you think that Turkey is becoming a brand of education in the region?
I think it is very gratifying to see the number of Pakistani students in Turkish universities grow steadily. We have had a long-standing tradition of Pakistani students coming to Turkish universities, particularly Middle East Technical University (METU). We have a tradition of Turkish students going to Pakistani universities. Some of the graduates of these institutions are playing a very important role in Turkey and are in high positions in public life here. Pakistani students who graduated from Turkish universities are similarly making important contributions in Pakistan. Currently, according to the figures we have, the number of Pakistani students in Turkey is close to 1,000, and they are studying in various disciplines -- from natural sciences to engineering to business administration. The credit goes to the two governments for having taken the initiative to increase the number of scholarships. The Higher Education Commission (HEC) in Pakistan has been giving scholarships to Pakistani students for graduate and post-graduate studies in Turkey. Similarly, we have Turkish government scholarships and also universities offering scholarships to Pakistani students. However, we would want the numbers to increase much further. We would want a greater number of Turkish students going to Pakistani institutions as well because this is a part of our efforts to enhance people-to-people contacts, which in turn brings the two nations even closer.
Courtesy: Daily Sabah, 17.5.2015
Minister for Defence Production of Pakistan Rana Tanveer meets with Turkish and Azerbaijani Defence Ministers in Istanbul

Highlighting the long-standing
brotherly ties between Pakistan
and Turkey ,
the two Ministers stressed the importance of enhanced economic cooperation and
people-to-people contacts. The two Ministers expressed satisfaction at the
outcome of the 10th session of High Level Military Dialogue Group (HLMDG) held
in Pakistan
in October 2014 and agreed to further increase the frequency of high level
contacts and inetnsifying mutual collaboration in the fields of military
training and joint exercises. They reviewed progress on the ongoing defence
projects including the construction of Logistics Support Ship for Pakistan Navy being built in Karachi
Shipyard by STM of Turkey. Views were also exchanged on the scope of mutual
collaboration in the area of air defence and prospects of joint ventures in the
defence production sector. Both sides also stressed the importance of close
consultations on regional issues, noting that regional stability was imperative
for peace, security and continued economic progress of the two countries.
Chairman Pakistan Aeronotical
Complex (PAC) Air Marshal Javaid Ahmed, Pakistan ’s
Ambassador to Turkey
Mr. Sohail Mahmood, Additional Secretary of Ministry of Defence Production Maj.
Gen. Tariq Ghafoor, and other senior officials were present in the meeting.
Minister for Defence Production
of Pakistan Rana Tanveer Hussain also met with Minister for Defence Industry of
Azerbaijan Mr. Yavar Jamalov. They reviewed follow-up on the discussions held
during the visit of the President of Pakistan to Azerbaijan in March 2015. Both
sides agreed on enhanced cooperation in diverse fields, including defence
production. In pursuance of the discussions held during their own bilateral
meeting of 13 March in Baku ,
the two Ministers agreed to have intensified high-level contacts in the coming
months. Rana Tanveer Hussain told Mr. Yavar Jamalov that he was looking forward
to his visit to Pakistan
for the next meeting of the Inter-Governmental Commission. During the visit,
matters relating to collaboration in the defence industry would also be
Seperately, Minister Rana Tanveer Hussain met with the Undersecretary for
Turkish Defence Industries Prof Dr Ismail Demir and exchanged views on mutual
collaboration in the field of defence production. He also visited stalls of Turkey and other
countries established at IDEF. During his visit to the stalls, he had
interaction with the senior leadership of the Turkish defence industries
including Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI), Military Electronic
Industries of Turkey (ASELSAN), Turkish Military Software Corporation
For more photos
click https://goo.gl/hsXgwq
Minister for Defence Production of Pakistan Rana Tanveer meets with counterparts, defence sector executives at Istanbul
Turkish President Mr. Recep
Tayyip Erdogan alongwith with the visiting Ministers and Turkish military
leadership cut the ribbon to inaugurate the exhibition on 5th May.
In his inaugural address, the Turkish President highlighted the progress being
made by Turkey
in the defence production sector. He also emphasized the importance of collaboration
and partnership with friendly countries.
The visiting Pakistani dignitary
met with Commander of the Turkish General Staff General Necdet Özel and exchanged
views on the entire spectrum of Pakistan-Turkey defence cooperation. They expressed
satisfaction at the outcome of the 10th session of High Level Military Dialogue
Group (HLMDG) held in Pakistan
in October 2014. They reiterated their mutual desire to undertake joint defence
production projects and agreed to utilize all bilateral forums to promote such
collaboration. They also agreed to further increase the frequency of high level
contacts, enhance cooperation in military training and joint exercises, and
pursue joint ventures.
Rana Tanveer Hussain also met
with Commander of Turkish Air Force Gen. Akın Öztürk and discussed progress on
the ongoing projects between the air forces of the two countries. They showed
satisfaction over the recently completed project for midlife upgradation of
F-16s undertaken at Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI). They also discussed
collaboration in the fighter aircraft project which TAI is pursuing. Chairman
PAC Air Marshal Javaid Ahmed also attended the meeting.
Minsiter for Defence Production of
Pakistan also met with Romanian Secretary of State for Ministry of Economy,
Trade and Tourism Mr. Sorin Encutescu. Rana Tanveer Hussain briefed the
Romanian delegation about the initiatives and progress made by Pakistan in
defence production sector. They discussed ongoing cooperation in the defence
sector and decided to further boost high level contacts in the defence
production sector. Both countries agreed to frequently exchange visits to each
other’s defence establishments.
“Pakistan Pavilion” at IDEF 2015
is drawing impressive response and is attracting a large number of visitors. Leading
defence manufacturing companies from Pakistan including Pakistan
Ordinance Factories (POF), Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC), Heavy
Industries Taxila (HIT), Defence Export Promotion Organization (DEPO), National
Systems, etc. have established stalls showcasing their products.
High level attendance at Pakistan Pavilion in IDEF 2015 Istanbul

Members of the Pakistan delegation are holding meetings with
their Turkish counterparts and other visiting delegations from the Middle East,
Africa and Europe .
The biennial IDEF fair is held
under the auspices and support of the Ministry of National Defence of Turkey
and managed by Turkish Armed Forces Foundation. A large number of Turkish and
foreign companies and company representatives from 70 countries, as well as ministers
and military chiefs from several countries are in attendance at this event.
For more photos please visit the link https://goo.gl/hsXgwq
Pakistan Ankara Büyükelçisi Sohail Mahmood Avrupa Gazeteciler Derneği Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Adnan Fişenk i kabul etti
Avrupa GAzeteciler Derneği Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Adnan Fişenk, Pakistan Ankara Büyükelçisi Sohail Mahmood'i Elçilik binasında ziyaret etti.
Çok samimi ve sıcak ortamda geçen kabul sırasında, Medya ile ilgili her iki ülkedeki ve dünyadaki genel konular, medya çalışanların sorunları, Medya çalışanlarının ülkeleri ile ilgili kültürel ve mesleksel bilgi alış verişlerine imkan sağlayacak yakınlaşmalarla ilgili konulara değinildi.
Bu temaslarda her iki tarafın katkıları ne olabilir üzerinde durularak , atılabilinecek adımların, mevcut imkanlar dahilinde en iyi şekilde yapılması ve sürekli olması adına müşterek bir noktada görüş birliği sağlandı.
Dost ve Kardeş iki ülke medya çalışanlarını, ayrıca dünya genelin de bu sektördeki çalışanları mümkün mertebe birbirleri ile iletişim kurabilecek ve birbirlerini yakından tanımalarını sağlıyacak ortamlarda buluşturmayı temennisinde bulunuldu. Zaman içinde daha etkin etkinliklerin yapılabilmesi için gerikli girişimlerde bulunulacağı konusunda müşterek çaba sarfedileceği dile getirilerek ilerleyen tarihlerde tekrar bir araya gelinmek üzere Kabul ve ziyaret tamamlandı.
Büyükelçilik binasında gerçekleşen ziyarette Anadolu Ajansı Dış Haberler İngilizce Editörü Emre Solak ve Pakistan Basın Ateşesi Abdul Akbar'ın da hazır bulundu.
Çok samimi ve sıcak ortamda geçen kabul sırasında, Medya ile ilgili her iki ülkedeki ve dünyadaki genel konular, medya çalışanların sorunları, Medya çalışanlarının ülkeleri ile ilgili kültürel ve mesleksel bilgi alış verişlerine imkan sağlayacak yakınlaşmalarla ilgili konulara değinildi.
Bu temaslarda her iki tarafın katkıları ne olabilir üzerinde durularak , atılabilinecek adımların, mevcut imkanlar dahilinde en iyi şekilde yapılması ve sürekli olması adına müşterek bir noktada görüş birliği sağlandı.
Dost ve Kardeş iki ülke medya çalışanlarını, ayrıca dünya genelin de bu sektördeki çalışanları mümkün mertebe birbirleri ile iletişim kurabilecek ve birbirlerini yakından tanımalarını sağlıyacak ortamlarda buluşturmayı temennisinde bulunuldu. Zaman içinde daha etkin etkinliklerin yapılabilmesi için gerikli girişimlerde bulunulacağı konusunda müşterek çaba sarfedileceği dile getirilerek ilerleyen tarihlerde tekrar bir araya gelinmek üzere Kabul ve ziyaret tamamlandı.
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