We record events, specially between Pakistan and Turkey. Views expressed are blogger's own.
While visiting Turkey in 2013, I recall facing difficulty in connecting to internet while I with my colleagues was on roads for our official visits. The bus driver who happened to be an ex-Turkish military soldier (Selcuk Sahinalp, my Facebook friend too) on knowing our concern opened up his wi-fi (installed in the bus) for us as a good will gesture (Internet in Turkey is more expensive than many EU countries). While we thanked him for the gesture, he replied “when my country needed help; your women sent their jewelry to us, so this is nothing comparable”. This small incident defines the nature of historically well-knit relationship between people of Turkey and Pakistan.
On 25th Apr this year coinciding with the first day of Ramadan, PTV aired the first episode of the popular Turkish TV series “Resurrection: Ertuğrul Ghazi”. Often described as the Turkish Game of Thrones, the series is woven around 13th century Anatolia and tells the story of the Muslim Oğuz Turks centering around the life of Ertuğrul, the father of Osman I, founder of the Ottoman Empire. The success of this show in Pakistan was nothing short of astronomical. With over 1.4 million subscribers and 60 million views, the drama was set to break the record of most new subscribers in a month on YouTube. PTV had dubbed the series in Urdu after PM Imran Khan visited Turkey last year and was informed about the importance of the series. Turkey, Pakistan and Malaysia also agreed to fight the rising global trend of Islamophobia, mainly in the West. The trio of nations also decided to launch a television channel dedicated to confronting challenges posed by Islamophobia and to produce films on Muslim heroes.
The huge success of Ertuğrul in Pakistan is due to many varying dynamics. Firstly, a very nationalist PM who repeatedly talks of Sate of Medina as his datum of governance had endorsed a media production and secondly, in all probability Pakistanis were able to relate many commonalities with the series e.g. From their troubled political history of seven decades marred by betrayals, current domestic situation involving people compromising national interests, shameless corruption and injustice, geo-political environment with existential threat, a deep affection for religion, inherent love for Turks and the desire to rise to the challenge posed by anti-state and liberal elements who target the social, cultural, religious and ideological boundaries.
The last three decades of Pakistan have been disastrous in many major domains, specially ruling period of two rival political dynasties. Slowly but surely, the graph of moral, religious, ethical, social, cultural and financial index of society continued to slide down. While few aspects were deliberately compromised for personal gains by ruling elite, many appeared as a byproduct and engulfed the country vertically and laterally both. The war on terror provided perfect environment for foreign hostile elements to support local franchise holders for embedding their assets in various streams e.g media, bureaucracy, business, politics, judiciary and at various levels of governance. These all factors resulted in producing a range of mediocrity which further devastated the system inside out while average Pakistanis helplessly watched their country slipping in to an abyss. But more importantly, a significant part of new generation was drifting in to a psychological domain thereby accepting ascendency of hostile neighbours, looking down on Islamic principles, disregarding the Muslim history, taking pride in aligning their lives with Western cultural values and disrespecting the vital family system of country. The national social and religious fiber was under a serious threat. Pakistan calls it a hybrid war against her.
Leo Tolstoy said, “The two most powerful warriors are patience and time”. After a painful and patient wait, time finally started to change for Pakistan. With swiftly transforming geo-politics in the region, exposure and downfall of shady political dynasties, rise of a new patriotic and pan-Islamic mindset in Pakistan coupled with an extremist sentiment in neighbouring India, time was ripe for a counter response by the state. The influence of liberal and secular elements which had achieved a deep ingress in our society started to recede. Their effort to prove Pakistan’s independence from India a mistake, advocating a cultural and religious closeness with Hindu mindset, creating fake impressions on issues of human rights, minorities and religious freedom were are all smashed by Modi regime. India inherently had ruined its huge investment in Pakistan herself. Indian policies of extreme hate towards Islam and Muslims, tarnishing history by portraying Muslims as evil through movies defied what anti-Pakistan elements stood for. The famous aerial combat over Kashmir on 27th Feb 2019 proved to be a watershed in reviving confidence of Pakistani nation against far larger Indian armed forces in which two Indian fighter aircraft were shot down and a pilot captured (later released by Pakistan as a goodwill gesture).Indian annexation of Kashmir, notorious nationality laws targeting Muslims, a row with Gulf states on social media over state brutality and ridiculing Islam all acted in favour of ideology of Pakistan. After God gifted kinetic responses, it was time for a virtual riposte.
Then on 1stRamazan in Pakistan, Ertuğrul happened….a near perfect recipe to many ills spreading in society. Despite a certain level of obligatory dramatization and addition of sensational spice for enhanced viewership, fact remains that 600 years of Ottoman Empire spread over three continents is a testimony of the events that more or less happened in almost similar manner as reflected in the TV series. Significance of a humble group of people rising to the pinnacles of glory by virtue of its religious convictions and self-belief is not a new phenomenon in the history of Islam. The very inception of Islam had itself shined from the darkest of the eclipses.
Ertuğrul is not a mere Muslim warrior and his tribe not merely a community of poor shepherds striving to secure a peaceful land of their own but reflect a far greater concept. The series speaks of a handful of Muslim warriors who dared to contest all the brutal hegemonic powers of their time with a faith and belief visibly similar to initial struggling days of Islam and Prophet (PBUH). Depiction of the daily life of Turks is noticeably simple, decent, enriched with repeated references to Allah swt, drawing motivation from Prophet (PBUH) and his sahaba, deep respect for other prophets, family elders and siblings. Seeking divine help and spiritual guidance from a great scholar of the time Ibn-al-Arabi, striving for justice and praying for righteousness remain the hall mark of the series. The events also describe how nations can be harmed by disunity and let down by traitors who fall for lust of power and money. The end of drifted, twisted, disloyal and sold out elements is also an eye opener for many.
Ertuğrul captured the minds of young Pakistanis by bringing them a lost chapter of the rich, courageous and glorious past of Muslims. More importantly, conviction of the religious beliefs, strength of personal character and determination to stay on righteous path as defined by the series were a pleasant and welcome surprise. Though alone a TV series cannot be entrusted with changing mindsets, however can be an effective tool in creating a reversal and establishing a platform for change. This is exactly why liberal, secular and sold out quarters who had invested many years through mal-intended education empires, fake narratives to inject false sense of inferiority found themselves at a back foot. After Ertuğrul became a house hold name in Pakistan and people started to relate to the Muslim history and glory reviving the lost pride and confidence, liberal and secular elements mocked the nation by reminding them that they have nothing common with Turkish or Arab history and Pakistanis need to associate themselves with Indian history. On the other hand, while the series was a success in Asia, Europe, Americas and Africa, it was banned in some Muslim countries. On February 10, 2020, Diriliş: Ertuğrul was banned in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the UAE (quite understandable as Arab states were part of the Ottoman Empire and revolted to gain independent status). Egypt’s Dar Al-Iftaaeven published a statement accusing Turkey of trying to create an “area of influence” for itself in the Middle East using its soft power, according to Yeni Şafak English.
Irrespective of what individual nations or people may perceive, history can neither be amended nor denied. In the light of last sermon by holy Prophet (PBUH), “all mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good actions. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood”.
In essence, words of last sermon imply that Turkish or Arab history is as much ours as is theirs; it also implies Muslim rule over Indian subcontinent as much a pride for Pakistanis as for Turks, Arabs or Egyptians. This also makes us share the glory and grief of UMMAT in different periods of history. If this was not true, world would not have labeled Pakistani nuclear bomb as “Islamic Bomb”. Fact remains that irrespective of how much secular, enlightened, liberal or westernized Muslims become, world shall always view them from the prism of religion.
While arguments and counter arguments shall continue, the conflict between left and right shall linger on, let us enjoy and absorb the message of Diriliş: Ertuğrul Ghazi and give a shout out to Turkey…..Eyvallah.
Amjad Mahmood holds a Master degree in Strategic Studies from National Defence University, Islamabad. He has varied interests from geo-politics, music, sports to flying. He occasionally contributes on varied subjects. He tweets @Flyingtastic and can be reached on amjad-aviator@hotmail.com
Message addressed to H.E. Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President of the Republic of Turkey from the Prime Minister of Pakistan, H.E. Mr. Imran Khan, on the occasion of Democracy and National Unity Day of Turkey, 15 July 2020
On behalf of the Government and people of Pakistan, and on my own behalf, I would like to reaffirm our solidarity with the brotherly people and Government of Turkey on the occasion of ‘Democracy and National Unity Day.’
Four years ago, on this day, the Turkish people displayed their characteristic resilience and legendary bravery to defy the forces of darkness targeting Turkey’s peace and stability as well as its democratic institutions.
The saga of human courage and determination witnessed on 15 July 2016 was indeed an inspiration for millions across the globe and will be remembered in the annals of history.
Symbolizing the same spirit that motivated our forefathers not to hesitate from making any sacrifice for their Turkish brethren a century ago, there was spontaneous outburst of support and solidarity for Turkey on 15 July 2016. The entire Pakistani nation spoke with one voice against the attempt to undermine Turkey’s peace, democracy and march towards prosperity. We join the people of Turkey in honouring the martyrs and supporting their families.
Pakistan continues to stand by Turkey and has been taking all possible steps to support Turkey’s efforts to address the threat posed by the Fethullah Gulen Terrorist Organization (FETO). As has been the tradition of our two nations, we will always be shoulder-to-shoulder supporting each other.
Our prayers and best wishes are with you and the people of Turkey as they determinedly march towards peace and prosperity, and ever greater glory.
15 Temmuz 2020 Türkiye Demokrasi ve Milli Birlik Günü dolayısıyla Pakistan Başbakanı Sayın İmran Han'ın Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Cumhurbaşkanı Sayın Recep Tayyip Erdoğan'a gönderdiği mesaj
Pakistan Hükümeti ve kendim adına, "Demokrasi ve Milli Birlik Günü" dolayısıyla Türkiye'nin kardeş halkı ve hükümetiyle dayanışma duygularımızı yeniden ifade etmek isterim.
Dört yıl önce bugün, Türk halkı Türkiye'deki barışı ve istikrarı ve aynı zamanda demokratik kurumları hedef alan karanlık güçleri defetmek için kendisine özgü olan direnci ve destansı kahramanlığı göstermiştir.
15 Temmuz 2016'da tanık olduğumuz bu insan üstü cesaret ve kararlılık destanı dünyadaki milyonlarca kişi için ilham kaynağı olmuştur ve tarihin sayfalarında yerini almıştır.
Bir yüzyıl önce, atalarımızın Türk kardeşleri için fedakarlıkta bulunmak amacıyla hiç tereddüt etmediği aynı ruhla, 15 Temmuz 2016'da Türkiye için kendiliğinden bir destek ve dayanışma seli meydana gelmiştir. Tüm Pakistan halkı, Türkiye'de barışı, demokrasiyi ve refaha doğru yürüyüşü baltalamak isteyen bu girişime karşı tek ses olmuştur. Bu olayda şehit olanları anmak ve geride kalan ailelerine destek vermek için Türk halkının yanındayız.
Pakistan Türkiye'nin yanında durmaya devam etmektedir ve Fethullah Gülen Terör Örgütünün (FETÖ) tehditlerine karşı durmak için Türkiye'nin gösterdiği çabaları desteklemek amacıyla gerekli tüm adımları atmaktadır. Ülkelerimiz arasındaki geleneğe göre, biz her zaman omuz omuza duracağız.
Dualarımız ve en iyi dileklerimiz, barışa, refaha ve daha da büyük zaferlere doğru kararlı biçimde yürümeniz için sizin ve Türk halkının yanında olacaktır.
Pakistan Büyükelçisi Türk Parlamenterleri Hint İşgalindeki Cammu ve Keşmir’de kötüleşen insan hakları ve insani durum hakkında bilgilendirdi
ANKARA, 14 Temmuz 2020: Pakistan’ın Türkiye Büyükelçisi Syrus Sajjad Qazi bugün Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisini (TBMM) ziyaret etti ve Parlamentodaki İnsan Hakları Araştırma Komisyonu Başkanı Sayın Hakan Çavuşoğlu’nu ve Türkiye-Pakistan Parlamentoları Dostluk Grubu Başkanı Sayın Ali Şahin’i ayrı ayrı ziyaret etti.
Hint işgalindeki Cammu ve Keşmir’deki son insan hakları ve insani durum hakkında iki tanınmış Türk Parlamenteri bilgilendiren Büyükelçi Qazi, onların dikkatini Cammu ve Keşmir’in anlaşmazlıklı durumunu değiştirmeyi, demografik yapısını bozmayı ve Keşmirlileri vazgeçilmez kendi kaderlerini belirleme hakları da dahil temel haklarından mahrum bırakmayı amaçlayan Hindistan’ın aldığı yasadışı, tek yanlı ve provakatif kararlara çekti.

Hint İşgalindeki korkunç insan hakları ve insani durum hakkında derinden endişelerini ifade eden Büyükelçi Qazi, Hint İşgalinde yaşayan Keşmirlilerin bugün itibariyle neredeyse bir yıldır tam bir blokaja direndiklerini söyledi. Çirkin insan hakları ihlalleri kesintisiz devam etti ve son aylarda Hint İşgal Güçleri sahte biçimde düzenlenmiş “karşı karşıya gelmelerle” ve yargısız infazlarla düzinelerce Keşmirliyi şehit etti.
Kendisi 13 Şubat 2020’de Keşmir Şehitler Gününün dünyanın her tarafındaki milyonlarca Keşmirli tarafından kutlandığını, atalarının bu haklı mücadele için yaptığı fedakarlıkları hatırladıklarını ve uluslararası topluluğa kendi kaderlerini belirleme haklarını talep etmesi için çağrıda bulundukları bilgisini verdi.
Büyükelçi Syrus Sajjad Qazi Türk Parlamentosuna ve bütün Türk Milletine Cammu ve Keşmir anlaşmazlığının adil biçimde çözülmesi için verdikleri prensipli ve sarsılmaz destek için teşekkür etti.
Ambassador of Pakistan briefs Turkish Parliamentarians on the deteriorating human rights and humanitarian situation in the Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir
ANKARA, 14 July 2020: Ambassador of Pakistan to Turkey, Ambassador Syrus Sajjad Qazi, visited the Turkish Grand National Assembly (TGNA) today, and separately called on the Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Human Rights Inquiry, H.E. Mr. Hakan Çavuşoğlu, and the Chairman of Turkey-Pakistan Inter-Parliamentary Friendship Group, H.E. Mr. Ali Şahin.
Briefing the two eminent Turkish Parliamentarians on the latest human rights and humanitarian situation in the Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir, Ambassador Qazi drew their attention towards India’s illegal, unilateral and provocative measures aimed at changing the disputed status of Jammu & Kashmir; altering its demographic composition; and depriving the Kashmiris of their fundamental rights, including the inalienable right to self-determination.
He emphasized that Indian actions were not only a blatant violation of the relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions on Jammu & Kashmir as well as the international law, but also posed a direct threat to the peace and security of South Asia and the broader region.
Expressing his deep concern at the grave human rights and humanitarian situation in the Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir, Ambassador Qazi said that Kashmiris living under the Indian occupation were enduring a complete blockade for nearly a year now. Gross violations of human rights continued unabated and in the recent months, the Indian occupation forces had martyred dozens of innocent Kashmiris in fake “encounters,” and extra-judicial killings.
He informed that the Kashmir Martyrs Day was commemorated on 13 July 2020 by millions of Kashmiris across the globe, recalling the sacrifices made by their forefathers in their just struggle and calling the international community to uphold their right to self-determination.
Ambassador Syrus Sajjad Qazi thanked the Turkish Parliament, government as well as the entire Turkish nation for their principled and unwavering support for the just resolution of the Jammu & Kashmir dispute.
Doğu Akdeniz’de Pakistan faktörü - Doç. Dr. İsmail Şahin - 10 Tem 2020 - Diriliş Postası
Türkiye, Doğu Akdeniz’de deniz yetki
alanlarına yönelik hak ve menfaatlerini koruma kararlılığını uluslararası hukuk
çerçevesinde attığı fiili ve hukuki adımlarla ortaya koymaya devam ediyor.
Türkiye’nin bu eylemlerinin,hiçbir devlete karşı örtülü veya açık bir
saldırganlık niyeti taşımadığı çok bellidir. Buna rağmen, Ankara’yı
uluslararası platformlarda yalnızlaştırmak için sıkı bir lobi faaliyeti
yürütüldüğü, kara propaganda yapıldığı net bir şekilde görülebiliyor.
Türkiye’nin, Doğu Akdeniz’de deniz
güvenliğini sağlamak adına yürüttüğü başarılı politikaya büyük destek veren
ülkelerin başında, Pakistan geliyor. Pakistan, Kurtuluş Savaşı ve Kıbrıs Barış
Harekâtı gibi en zorlu dönemeçlerde, uluslararası politik baskılara rağmen
somut yardımlarıyla Türkiye’nin yanında yer almış ender ülkelerden biridir.
Günümüzde ise Akdeniz Kalkanı Harekâtı’na katılımıyla, Türkiye’den yana olan
tarihsel tavrını bir kez daha ortaya koymuştur.
Pakistan her fırsatta Türkiye’nin, Kıbrıs
ve Doğu Akdeniz’deki haklılığını desteklediğini ifade etmekten geri durmadığı
gibi bu hususta “bizim kaynaklarımız, sizin kaynaklarınızdır” felsefesini
kendisine rehber edinmiş bir vaziyettedir. Pakistan nükleer silah teknolojisine
sahip dokuz ülkeden biri olmasının yanı sıra deniz, hava ve kara gücü
bakımından da yerkürenin en güçlü ordular sıralamasında ilk yirmi ülke arasında
yer alıyor. Bu yüzden 220 milyonluk nüfusuyla dünyanın en kalabalık beşinci
ülkesi olan Pakistan’ın askeri caydırıcılık kapasitesi oldukça yüksektir. Yunan
medyasının Pakistan’ın Doğu Akdeniz’deki rolüne dikkat çekmesi buradan ileri
Türkiye ile Pakistan’ın, askeri ve savunma
alanında başlattıkları projeleri daha geniş sahaya yaymaları gerekmektedir. İki
ülke arasındaki bu denli tarihi bağlara ve işbirliğine rağmen ticaret hacminin
bir milyar doların altında seyretmesi, her iki ülkenin potansiyelini
yansıtmaktan çok uzaktır.
Ticari ilişkilerin beraberinde eğitim,
kültür ve sinema konularında da ortak projeler yapılması, her iki ülkeye
yumuşak güç bağlamında önemli kazanımlar sağlayacaktır. Dahası Türkiye ile
Pakistan arasında güçlü, kalıcı ve zengin içerikli işbirliği programlarının
hayata geçirilmesi, Akdeniz’den Umman Denizi’ne kadar uzanan bölgenin güvenlik,
istikrar ve refahına şüphesiz kayda değer katkılar sunabilme imkânına sahiptir.
Tüm bu fırsatlar, zaman kaybetmeden değerlendirilmelidir.
Benzer durum Azerbaycan için de geçerlidir.
Üç ülkenin Keşmir, Kıbrıs ve Karabağ konularında ortak çözümler üretmek kadar,
bölgesel diğer sorunlar için de yoğun bir teşrikimesai yapmaları önemlidir. Her
şeyden önce Doğu Akdeniz, Orta Doğu ve Kuzey Afrika’da tehlikeli bir şekilde
tırmanan çatışmalarda adı geçen üç ülkenin sonuç alıcı bir şekilde birlikte
hareket etmesi yenilenmekte olan uluslararası politik yapının şekillenmesinde
anahtar bir rol oynayabilir.
Azerbaycan, Pakistan ve Türkiye’nin sahip
oldukları coğrafi özellikler ve kaynaklar dikkate alındığında bunların
toplamının küresel ve bölgesel güç merkezlerinde meydana gelebilecek
kırılmalara etki düzeyinin yüksek olduğu göze çarpar. Ancak burada söz konusu
olan jeopolitik bir güç gösterisi değildir. Esas maksat, üç ülkenin her alanda
bölgesel ve küresel barışa omuz verebilecek nitelikte, sürdürülebilir, diğer
bölge ülkelerine açık, uzun vadeli girişimlerde birlikte hareket etmeleridir.
Ayrıca küresel düzeyde silahlanma yarışının
hızlandığı hassas bir dönemde, kırılgan bir coğrafyada yer alan adı geçen üç
ülkenin, tek başına bölgesel veya küresel çapta meydana gelen krizleri, uzun
süreli yönetme ya da üstesinden gelme gibi yeterli bir kaynağı yoktur. O halde
bölgesel ve küresel krizlerden azami ölçüde korunmak için üç ülkenin geniş
tabanlı işbirliği yapması kaçınılmazdır.
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