We record events, specially between Pakistan and Turkey. Views expressed are blogger's own.
Pakistan’ın birinci sınıf deri ürünleri Istanbul'daki önde gelen ticaret fuarında sergilendi
ISTANBUL, 24 Ocak 2019: Pakistan’ın önde gelen deri üreticileri İstanbul Kongre Merkezi'nde 24-26 Ocak'ta düzenlenecek olan "LeShow Istanbul'a" katılıyor. LeShow 21 yıllık bir geçmişi olan en prestijli uluslararası deri ve moda sergisidir ve ilk kez şu andaki fuar Moskova dışında gerçekleşiyor.
Pakistan'dan deri giysiler, el çantaları ve ilgili aksesuarları temsil eden yirmi ünlü firma Gelişen Pakistan temasıyla Pakistan Ülke Stantında ürünlerini sergiliyor. Pakistan Stantı Pakistan Ticareti Geliştirme Yetkili Makamı ile Pakistan İstanbul Başkonsolosluğu yakın işbirliğiyle kurulmuştur. Pakistan Stantı ilk defa Gelişen Pakistan temalı "Deriden Kahve Odası" ile karakterize edilmiştir ve ticaret için gelen ziyaretçilere özel olarak geleneksel Pakistan Çayı ve atıştırmalık yiyecekler verilmiştir ve Pakistan müzikleri çalınmıştır.
LeShow sadece Türk pazarına değil ama aynı zamanda bitişik bölgelerdeki Rusya'ya, Doğu Avrupa ve Orta Asya devletlerine de hizmet etmektedir. Bu bölgelerdeki belirgin sayıdaki ticari ziyaretçi açılış gününe katılmıştır.
Ümit edilmektedir ki, Pakistan şirketleri profesyonel alıcılarına en son deri ve moda ürünlerini sunarak dünyanın en çok büyüyen deri ve moda sektörü pazarlarıyla bağlantılar yaratmak amacını taşıyan LeShow Istanbul'dan en iyi şekilde faydalanacaktır.
Pakistan’s premier leather products showcased at a leading trade fair in Istanbul
ISTANBUL, 24 January 2019: Pakistan’s leading manufacturers of leather products are participating in “LeShow Istanbul” being held from 24-26 January in Istanbul Congress Centre. LeShow is the most prestigious international leather and fashion exhibition with a 21 years old history while it is for the first time that the current edition is held outside Moscow.
Twenty renowned companies from Pakistan representing leather garments, handbags, and related accessories are exhibiting under the Pakistan Country Pavilion with Emerging Pakistan theme. Pakistani Pavilion has been set up by the Trade Development Authorıty of Pakıstan in close liaison with the Consulate General of Pakistan in Istanbul. The Pakistani Pavilion has been characterized with the first ever Emerging Pakistan themed ‘Leather Cafe Lounge’ whereby the trade visitors are being served exclusively with traditional Pakistani Tea and snacks and entertained with Pakistani music.
LeShow is catering not only for the Turkish market but also for the adjoining regions, most importantly Russia, East Europe and Central Asian States. A significant number of trade visitors from these regions attended on the inaugural day.
It is hoped that Pakistani companies would make the best use of LeShow Istanbul which is aimed to create linkages with the world's ever growing leather & fashion sectoral markets by offering the latest leather and fashion specialties to the professional buyers.
Silahlanmanın Yayılmaması ve Silahsızlanma Meseleleri üzerine Pakistan-Türkiye İkili İstişarelerinin 6. Oturumu Ankara'da düzenlendi

6th Round of Pakistan-Turkey Bilateral Consultations on Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Issues held in Ankara

Pakistan-Turkey Joint Statement on the Occasion of Prime Minister Imran Khan's Visit to Turkey

The Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan was accompanied by a high-level delegation on the occasion.
President of the Republic of Turkey, H.E. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and Prime Minister of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, H.E. Imran Khan, held a tete-a-tete meeting followed by delegation level talks on 4 January 2019.
Having exchanged views on the entire spectrum of Turkey - Pakistan bilateral "heart-to-heart" relationship as well as on issues of regional and international importance, the leaders of the two countries:
Re-affirmed that the unparalleled fraternal relations between the peoples and the governments of the two countries date back centuries and are embedded in a common cultural and religious heritage, as well as a shared vision for the future, based on complete mutual understanding and trust;
Reiterated their determination to continue extending strong mutual support to one another on all issues of core national interest;
Expressed their commitment to further enhance their bilateral relations in every field to the benefit of their peoples;
Reiterated the importance of the Turkey-Pakistan High Level Strategic Cooperation Council mechanism that also includes several working groups in further strengthening bilateral relations;
Noted with satisfaction their ever-expanding defense and defense industry cooperation;
Agreed to initiate mechanisms for collaboration in health and agriculture sectors;
Decided to further enhance people-to-people contacts through increased exchanges and cooperation in education, culture, tourism and youth fields;
Underlined their abiding commitment fighting the menace of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations;
Reiterated their resolve to fight against the Fethullah Gulen Terrorist Organization;
Expressed satisfaction at the ongoing cooperation between the two countries at the multilateral forums including at the United Nations, Organization of Islamic Cooperation; Economic Cooperation Organization; Developing 8 Countries; as well as other relevant forums;
Reaffirmed their commitment for achieving and sustaining peace, security and stability in their respective regions as well as internationally;
Underscored the need for resolution of the issue of Jammu and Kashmir through a sustained dialogue process and in accordance with the relevant UN Security Council resolutions;
Recognized the Turkish support for Pakistan's membership in the Nuclear Suppliers' Group (NSG) based on non-discriminatory criteria, and reaffirmed that Pakistan's adherence to the NSG Guidelines and participation in the NSG would strengthen the global non-proliferation objectives;
Acknowledged that sustainable peace and stability in Afghanistan could be achieved through reconciliation of all segments of the Afghan society with support of the regional countries and the international community;
Reiterated their full and resolute support to the efforts for the comprehensive settlement of the Cyprus issue on the basis of the political equality of the two communities on the Island, with a view to building peace and stability in the Eastern Mediterranean;
Emphasized the centrality of the cause of Palestine, rejected any attempt to alter the legal status and historical character of Al Quds; called on the international community to increase their support to the Palestinian people in realizing their quest for the establishment of an independent, sovereign and contiguous State of Palestine on the basis of the borders of 1967 with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital;
Agreed to increase collaboration to uphold the true values of Islam at the international forums as well as to work closely against any attempts to malign, distort or vilify the historical image of Islam, its revered personalities, and its fundamental beliefs;
Expressed their strong resolve to further increase the frequency of bilateral contacts at the highest level;
Reiterated their determination to continue taking steps in all areas of mutual interest for mutual peace and prosperity, especially by transforming the historic Turkey-Pakistan relationship into an increasingly stronger trade, investment and economic relationship for the benefit of the peoples of the two countries; and
Agreed to convene the 6th Session of the Turkey-Pakistan High Level Strategic Cooperation Council in Pakistan at mutually convenient dates for further discussion on these areas.
Pakistan Prime Minister visits Mustafa Kemal Ataturk’s tomb
ANKARA, 4 January 2019: Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan Friday visited the mausoleum of the founder of modern Turkey Gazi Mustafa Kemal Ataturk in Ankara to pay respect. The prime minister, who was on two-day official visit to Turkey at the invitation of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, laid wreath at the grave and wrote down his remarks in the Golden Book. In his remarks, the prime minister said Ghazi Mustafa Kemal Ataturk was one of the greatest statesmen and visionary leaders of the 20th century. He said leading the Turkish nation at one of the most challenging times, he had changed the course of Turkish and the world history, becoming an inspiration for all those resisting the tide of colonialism across the world. The prime minister, who was accompanied by his delegation, said Ataturk was epitome of courage, strength, resilience, forbearance and wisdom. He said Quiad-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, the Founder of Pakistan, described Ghazi Mustafa Kemal Ataturk as “one of the greatest men that ever lived.” “On behalf of the Government and people of Pakistan, I would like to convey my deepest admiration and respect for Ghazi Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. His glorious struggle and leadership for the independence and unity of the Turkish nation will forever remain a golden chapter in the annals of history,” the prime minister remarked.
Pakistan-Turkey Agree to Develop a Joint Economic Strategic Framework
Turkish President Erdogan and Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan agreed on 4thJanuary 2019 in Ankara to develop a joint economic strategic framework. This five year Framework would identify potential areas of economic and trade interests to the two countries, identify obstacles in the way of enhanced trade and investment and remove obstacles, so that the economic relationship reflects the extremely close strategic and historic ties between the two countries.
Turkish Vice President Fuad Ouktay and Finance Minister of Pakistan Asad Umer will meet soon to finalize the agreement which will be signed at the next Summit meeting of the Pakistan Turkey High Level Strategic Cooperation Council meeting to be held in the first half of this year in Pakistan.
Foreign Minister of Pakistan meets Turkish counterpart in Ankara
ANKARA, 4 January 2019: Foreign Minister of Pakistan Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi met Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu in Ankara today. Foreign Minister Qureshi is accompanying Prime Minister on his visit to Turkey.
The Turkish Foreign Minister was among the first dignitaries who had visited Islamabad in September, soon after the PTI government took over. Foreign Minister Qureshi briefed Mr Cavusoglu about the recent developments concerning peace and reconciliation in Afghanistan. He also informed his Turkish counterpart, in detail, about Pakistan's outreach efforts to most important neighbours and regional countries, in the recent weeks, including Afghanistan, Iran, China, Russia and Qatar.

Both sides expressed satisfaction on the trajectory of bilateral relations, symbolized by unprecedented traditional warmth and affection, at the peoples level. This has guided the relationship towards a consistent, harmonious and coordinated approach on various regional and international issues. Pakistan and Turkey, located at strategic locations, among important regions, faced similar challenges and had a lot to share and benefit from each other's experiences.
Prime Minister of Pakistan meets leading Turkish businessmen and investors in Ankara
About 20 leading Turkish investors and businessmen who have on-going projects in Pakistan participated in the first meeting. Turkey-Pakistan Business Council of the Foreign Economic Relations Board of Turkey (DEIK) organized the meeting. President of DEIK Mr. Nail Olpak and Chairman of Turkey-Pakistan Business Council Mr. Atilla Yerlikaya briefed the Prime Minister about Turkish investments in Pakistan. Turkish CEOs introduced their existing operations and updated about future plans.
CEOs and senior officials of Limak Construction, Coca Cola Beverages, Havelsan, Hayat Kimya, Arçelik, Dolsar, Tgl Transtas Global Logistics, Zorlu Energy, Ora Construction, Bank Al Habib, and Tüm Ekip Pharma attended the meeting. DEİK/Turkey-Pakistan Business Council was established in 1986 to develop bilateral economic relations between the two countries. The Business Council focuses its activities on creating new business opportunities for Turkish and Pakistani companies.
Later, a 20-member delegation of Turkish Contractors Association met with the Prime Minister. They showed keen interest to invest in infrastructure sector. They briefed Prime Minister about their future investment projects in Pakistan. Prime Minister appreciated their decision to start investing in Pakistan and assured all out support of the Government. Another delegation of eminent businessmen who have projects in agro-based and dairy sector also met with the Prime Minister.
A delegation led by the Minister of Health of Turkey Dr. Fahrettin Koca (Koja) that included health sector entrepreneurs also called on the Prime Minister. Prospects of collaboration in the health sector including capacity building, experience sharing, technology transfer and investment were discussed. Prime Minister also met with a delegation of investors in agro-based industry led by Turkish Minister for Agriculture and Forestry Mr. Bekir Pakdemirli. Prospects of collaboration in food processing, dairy sector and food chain management were discussed
Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mehmood Qureshi, Finance Minister Asad Umar, Minister for Planning Makhdoom Khusro Bakhtiar, Adviser to the Prime Minister for Commerce, Textile, Industry & Production Abdul Razak Dawood, Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Overseas Pakistanis Zulfikar Bukhari, Foreign Secretary Tehmina Janjua, Ambassador of Pakistan to Turkey Muhammad Syrus Sajjad Qazi and Pakistan Consul General in Istanbul Mr. Bilal Khan Pasha also attended the meetings.
Prime Minister Imran Khan urges take Pakistan-Turkey trade to high level
ANKARA, 3 January: Prime Minister Imran Khan has said it was high time that Pakistan and Turkey took their bilateral trade to a high level, citing Pakistan’s ideal geo-strategic location and its huge potential for investment in infrastructure and tourism.
Addressing the Turkish businessmen at a business forum organized by the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB), the prime minister said that Pakistan was a virgin territory as a lot of trade areas had not yet been exploited and hardly 5% of total mineral reserves could yet be explored.
The prime minister said huge reserves of oil, gas, copper, coal were yet unexplored. He said as Pakistan was undertaking huge connectivity projects under China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), the issue of huge distance impeding Pak-Turkish trade would be resolved.
He said both the countries should start working from now to benefit from the huge opportunities coming out of BRI as it would connect those parts of the world which had been no or less connectivity.
The prime minister said out of 210 million population of Pakistan, around 120 million were below 35 years of age, which besides being a great potential, also required job opportunities.
He Pakistan was ideally connected with the world’s two biggest markets including China and India. Khan said Pakistan is improving its governance system and efforts are underway to further improve ease of doing business and cutting.
Prime Minister assured the Turkish investors that under redefined policies, the government would allow the investors to make money as it would create wealth thus bringing employment opportunities for the youth.
He informed that Pakistan was also embarking on a gigantic project to build five million housing units and Turkish construction companies were welcome to invest there too. Special Economic Zones being developed with China under Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) was another great opportunity to invest, he added.
The prime minister told the Turkish businessmen that Pakistan was one of the most diverse countries in tourism with being home to half of the world’s 12 highest mountain peaks. It is also a center of Buddhism, Sikh, Hindu tourism and was rich of the oldest Indus Valley Civilization.
Citing centuries old ties between Turks and this region, the prime minister said Turks had been the part of ruling elite for hundreds of years and the people of sub-continent donated money when Turkey was fighting for its independence.
Later, the prime minister, along with his team also responded to the questions from the audience.
Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan visits Konya
KONYA - Turkey, 3 January 2019: The Prime Minister of Pakistan Mr. Imran Khan visited Konya today. He is visiting Turkey at the invitation of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan from 3-4 January 2019. This is Prime Minister's first official visit to Turkey.
The Prime Minister was accompanied by a high-level delegation including Minister for Foreign Affairs, Makhdoom Shah Mehmood Qureshi; Minister for Finance Asad Umar; Minister for Planning, Development & Reform, Makhdoom Khusro Bakhtyar; Adviser to the Prime Minister for Commerce, Textile, Industry & Production Mr. Abdul Razak Dawood and Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Overseas Pakistanis, Mr. Zulfikar Bukhari.
Prime Minister Imran Khan was warmly received by Governor Konya Mr Cüneyit (Junaid) Orhan Toprak, Deputy Mayor Mr. Mithat Buyukalim, Ambassador of Pakistan Muhammad Syrus Sajjad Qazi, Garrison Commander and senior Turkish officials at the Konya airport.
In his brief meeting with the Governor Konya, Prime Minister said we take pride in our exemplary brotherly relations with Turkey. He said efforts are being made to take this relationship to newer heights. The Prime Minister said the people of Pakistan have great love for the people of Konya and hold Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi in great reverence. He said the spiritual message of Mevlana Rumi has served to unite humanity from all religions and all walks of life. The Prime Minister said the national poet of Pakistan Allama Muhammad Iqbal was the spiritual disciple of Mevlana Rumi. Iqbal’s philosophy has been inspired by Rumi’s message of love and self-individuation.
To pay homage to the great Sufi saint of the Muslim world, the Prime Minister and his delegation visited the mausoleum of Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi. He also visited the symbolic grave of Allama Muhammad Iqbal located in Mevlana Rumi’s graveyard. The Prime Minister also mixed with the local people.
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