Rawalpindi - January 26, 2017: General Umit DUNDAR, Deputy
Chief of Turkish General Staff, Republic of Turkey, met Chief of Army Staff
(COAS) General Qamar Javed Bajwa at GHQ today. Matters of mutual and
professional interest with special emphasis on defence and security
collaboration between the two brotherly countries were discussed. Both sides
agreed to further optimize military to military ties particularly in training
and counter terrorism domain. The visiting dignitary appreciated Pakistan
Army’s role for regional peace and stability and contributions towards
defeating terrorism.
We record events, specially between Pakistan and Turkey. Views expressed are blogger's own.
Joint communique of 12th round of Pakistan-Turkey High Level Military Dialogue Group meeting
12th Round of Pakistan-Turkey High Level Military Dialogue Group meeting (HLMDG) was held in Ministry of Defence, Rawalpindi from 25-26th January 2017. Lt Gen (Retd) Zamir-ul-Hasan Shah, Secretary Defence led Pakistan delegation while Turkish delegation was led by General Umit DUNDAR, Deputy Chief of Turkish General Staff of Republic of Turkey.
Prior to holding of Plenary Session, General Umit DUNDAR, had a meeting with Lt Gen (Retd) Zamir-ul-Hasan Shah. During the meeting, matters of mutual interest including whole spectrum of bilateral defence cooperation were discussed. Both leaders expressed their concern on terrorist attacks in Pakistan and Turkey. Secretary Defence apprised the visiting delegation about the successes achieved by Pakistan as a result of military Operation Zarb-e-Azb and National Action Plan.
Both sides deliberated upon various areas of interest, including security, counter terrorism and prevailing regional environment particularly with reference to Afghanistan and Middle East. In addition, delegations took stock of the measures that have been taken since last HLMDG meeting held in Turkey in October 2015.

The highlight of the HLMDG meeting was that both sides agreed to work for a Comprehensive Bilateral Strategic Framework Agreement which must encompass all facets of cooperation.
Talks were held in a most cordial and congenial atmosphere. Delegation leaders resolved to work together for enhanced cooperation in defence and security related fields. It was agreed that 13th Round of Pakistan-Turkey HLMDG meeting will be held in Turkey.
Second Round of Pakistan-Turkey Consultations on UN related matters
Second round of Pakistan-Turkey consultations on UN related
matters was held on 17th January 2017 at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Islamabad . The Turkish
delegation was led by Ambassador Hasan Ulusoy, Director Generalfor Multilateral
Political Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Pakistan side was led by Mr. Asim
Iftikhar Ahmad, Director General (UN), Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The two sides exchanged views on a wide range of issues
including UN Security Council reform, human rights and humanitarian issues, refugees,
cooperation in the context of ECOSOC, Sustainable Development Goals, political
and peace and security issues, counter-terrorism, combating Islamophobia & religious
discrimination, and candidatures in international organizations.
Both sides welcomed that the excellent bilateral relations
and similarity of views, guided by the political leadership of the two
countries, was also manifest in common understanding, mutual support, and close
collaboration on a host of issues at the United Nations and other multilateral
fora. They reiterated the common desire and commitment to further strengthen
this cooperation in the years ahead. They also reaffirmed faith in United
Nations and multilateralism as the best mechanisms for collectively addressing
the challenges faced by the international community.
The visiting delegation also called on Foreign Secretary, Mr.
Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry. The Foreign Secretary noted that the consultations would
deepen relations and help identify new avenues of cooperation between the two
countries at multilateral fora.
Pakistan-Turkey consultations on UN related matters are part
of the wider relationship between the two countries. The first round of these
consultations was held at Ankara
in September 2015.
Türk Kargo Uçağının Kırgızistan'da düşmesi üzerine başsağlığı mesajı
Pakistan Dışişleri Bakanlığı
Sözcülük Makamı
Basın Bülteni
Türk Kargo Uçağının Kırgızistan'da düşmesi üzerine başsağlığı mesajı
Türk ve Kırgız uyruklu 37 kişinin kaybıyla sonuçlanan ve İstanbul'a giden Türk kargo uçağının Kırgızistan'da düşmesiyle yaşanan üzücü hava trajedisini kederle ve üzüntüyle öğrenmiş bulunmaktayız.
Pakistan Hükümeti ve halkı en içten başsağlığı dileklerini Türkiye'nin ve Kırgızistan'ın kardeş insanlarına ve bu trajik kazada hayatını kaybedenlerin ailelerine iletmek ister.
Pakistan bu acılı zamanda Türk ve Kırgız kardeşleriyle güçlü bir dayanışma içerisinde durmaktadır.
İslamabad, Ocak 16, 2017.
Condolence message on Turkish Cargo Plane Crash in Kyrgyzstan
Office of the SpokespersonPress ReleaseCondolence message on Turkish Cargo Plane Crash in KyrgyzstanIt is with utmost grief and sorrow that we have learnt about the sad air tragedy that struck the Turkish cargo plane in Kyrgyzstan en-route to Istanbul resulting in the loss of 37 precious lives of Turkish and Kyrgyz nationals.The Government and the people of Pakistan offer their heartfelt condolences to the Governments and the brotherly peoples of Turkey and Kyrgyzstan, as well as to the families of those who lost their loved ones in this tragic accident.Pakistan stands in strong solidarity with their Turkish and Kyrgyz brethren in this hour of grief.IslamabadJanuary 16, 2017.
Pakistan terörizmin vurduğu Türkiye ile dayanışma olduğunu bir kez ifade ediyor
Pakistan terörizmin vurduğu Türkiye ile dayanışma olduğunu bir kez ifade ediyor.
Kardeş Türkiye yi bir kez daha vuran trajik terör saldırısı bizi derinden üzmüştür.
Pakistan, Istanbul Beşiktaş Ortaköy'de bulunan bir gece klübüne karşı yapılan hain terör saldırısını en güçlü şekilde kınamaktadır. Saldırıda 39 masum kişinin hayatını kaybettiği ,ölenlerin arasında Türk ve yabancı uyruklu vatandaşların da olduğu bildirildi.Çok sayıda ağır yaralı olduğu da belirtiliyor.
Pakistan Hükümeti ve halkının , savunmasız insanlara karşı, yılbaşı sabahı yapılan bu terör saldırısından dolayı derinden üzüntü ve acı duyduğunu ifade eder, Türk Hükümeti , kardeş Türk halkı ve diğer ülke vatandaşlarının acılı ailelerine en derin başsağlığı dileklerini sunar. Yaralıların en kısa zamanda iyileşmesi için duacı olduğumuzu belirtiriz.
Türk Hükümeti ve halkının terörle kararlı mücadelesinde sonuna kadar yanında olduğumuzu bir kez daha belirtir , bu gibi menfur saldırıların Türkiye'nin barış, istikrar, ilerleme ve iç huzurunu hiç bir zaman bozamayacağına inancımızın sonsuz olduğunu yineleriz.
Pakistan , terörün her türlü şekli ve tezahürünü kınamaktadır.
1 Ocak 2017
Pakistan reaffirms solidarity with Turkey as terrorism strikes again
Ministry of
Foreign Affairs
Office of the
Press Release
We are deeply anguished as terror and tragedy have struck
brotherly Turkey
The Government and the people of Pakistan
express their heartfelt grief and sorrow at this despicable act of terrorism
against defenseless people gathered for new year and extend their profound
sympathies and condolences to the bereaved families and to the leadership, Government
and brotherly people of Turkey
as well as other nations. We also pray for the speedy recovery of those injured.
We reaffirm our strong and unwavering solidarity with the
Government and people of Turkey
in its resolute fight against terrorism and reiterate our belief that such
heinous acts aimed at undermining Turkey 's peace, stability, progress
and internal harmony would never succeed.
1 January 2017
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