We record events, specially between Pakistan and Turkey. Views expressed are blogger's own.
Gul lauds Pakistan’s role in fighting terrorism, Turkey confers Legion of Merit on Pakistani General
ANKARA, June 29: Turkish President H.E. Mr. Abdullah Gul during a meeting with General Tariq Majid, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee of Pakistan on Monday evening lauded the sacrifices rendered by Pakistani nation and its Armed Forces in their fight against terror.
“Pakistan’s successful campaign against terrorism has made us proud,” said Gul adding “both brotherly countries must join hands to wipe out armed militancy and violent extremism from our societies.” The President reiterated that both countries have convergent perceptions on all regional and international issues and are facing common challenges.
Gen. Majid offered his condolences to the President and Turkish people for the loss of precious lives of the Turkish soldiers and citizens in the recent terrorist attacks and Freedom Flotilla incident.
General Tariq Majid during his official visit to Turkey also met with Turkish Minister of Defence Mr. Vecdi Gonul and General Ilker BAŞBUG, Chief of Turkish General Staff. During his interaction, Gen. Tariq Majid emphasized on the need to further enhance military cooperation between the two countries. This will include training of officers at mid career and junior levels aimed at cultivating brotherhood amongst the young officers. Strategic partnership and joint ventures focusing on cutting edge technologies, research & development, and transfer of technology in public as well as private sectors were also discussed.
General BASBUG conferred Legion of Merit on General Tariq Majid for his efforts to enhance the bilateral relations between Pakistan, Turkey and its armed forces.
Beyond Madrasas: Assessing the Links Between Education and Militancy in Pakistan
Increasing educational attainment is likely to reduce conflict risk, especially in countries like Pakistan that have very low levels of primary and secondary school enrollment. Education quality, relevance and content also have a role to play in mitigating violence. Education reform must therefore be a higher priority for all stakeholders interested in a more peaceful and stable Pakistan. Debate within the country about education reform should not be left only to education policymakers and experts, but ought to figure front and center in national dialogues about how to foster security. The price of ignoring Pakistan’s education challenges is simply too great in a country where half the population is under the age of 17.
There has been much debate concerning the roots of militancy in Pakistan, and multiple factors clearly come into play. One risk factor that has attracted much attention both inside Pakistan and abroad is the dismal state of the national education sector. Despite recent progress, current school attainment and literacy levels remain strikingly low, as does education spending. The Pakistani education sector, like much of the country’s public infrastructure, has been in decline over recent decades. The question of how limited access to quality education may contribute to militancy in Pakistan is more salient now than ever, given the rising national and international security implications of continued violence.
The second half of 2009 witnessed not only the Pakistani government stepping up action against insurgents but also the release of a new Pakistan National Education Policy that aspires to far-reaching and important reforms, including a commitment to increase investment in education—from 2 to 7 percent of gross domestic product. Hundreds of millions of dollars in international education aid have been newly pledged by donor countries. This renewed emphasis on education represents a substantial opportunity to seek to improve security in Pakistan and potentially also globally over the medium to long term. Policymakers both inside and outside Pakistan should give careful consideration to whether and how education investments can promote peace and stability, taking into account what we now know about the state of the education sector and the roots of militancy.
This report takes a fresh look at the connection between schools, including but not limited to Pakistan’s religious seminaries, known as “madrasas,” and the rising militancy across the country. Poor school performance across Pakistan would seem an obvious area of inquiry as a risk factor for conflict. Yet to date, the focus has been almost exclusively on madrasas and their role in the mounting violence. Outside Pakistan, relatively little attention has been given to whether and how the education sector as a whole may be fueling violence, over and above the role of the minority of militant madrasas.
To read full article by Rebecca Winthrop, Co-Director, Center for Universal Education and Corinne Graff of The Brookings Institution, visit http://www.brookings.edu/papers/2010/06_pakistan_education_winthrop.aspx#
There has been much debate concerning the roots of militancy in Pakistan, and multiple factors clearly come into play. One risk factor that has attracted much attention both inside Pakistan and abroad is the dismal state of the national education sector. Despite recent progress, current school attainment and literacy levels remain strikingly low, as does education spending. The Pakistani education sector, like much of the country’s public infrastructure, has been in decline over recent decades. The question of how limited access to quality education may contribute to militancy in Pakistan is more salient now than ever, given the rising national and international security implications of continued violence.
The second half of 2009 witnessed not only the Pakistani government stepping up action against insurgents but also the release of a new Pakistan National Education Policy that aspires to far-reaching and important reforms, including a commitment to increase investment in education—from 2 to 7 percent of gross domestic product. Hundreds of millions of dollars in international education aid have been newly pledged by donor countries. This renewed emphasis on education represents a substantial opportunity to seek to improve security in Pakistan and potentially also globally over the medium to long term. Policymakers both inside and outside Pakistan should give careful consideration to whether and how education investments can promote peace and stability, taking into account what we now know about the state of the education sector and the roots of militancy.
This report takes a fresh look at the connection between schools, including but not limited to Pakistan’s religious seminaries, known as “madrasas,” and the rising militancy across the country. Poor school performance across Pakistan would seem an obvious area of inquiry as a risk factor for conflict. Yet to date, the focus has been almost exclusively on madrasas and their role in the mounting violence. Outside Pakistan, relatively little attention has been given to whether and how the education sector as a whole may be fueling violence, over and above the role of the minority of militant madrasas.
To read full article by Rebecca Winthrop, Co-Director, Center for Universal Education and Corinne Graff of The Brookings Institution, visit http://www.brookings.edu/papers/2010/06_pakistan_education_winthrop.aspx#
Ten reasons why India won’t become a superpower
The prominent Indian historian and well-known author Ramachandra Guha thinks that the superpower aspirations of some Indian leaders are stupid and misleading. Guha names ten reasons why India will not be a superpower: religious extremism, left wing terror, discrepancy rich-poor, political favoritism, corruption, the erosion of the public institutions, pollution, apathy of the media political fragmentation, dangerous border conflicts and the instability of the neighboring countries. These problems use up a lot of energy and damage the democracy and the economy. The corrupted and weakens state should, instead of looking for superpower, look for stability.
In his standard work India after Gandhi, which has been translated recently in Dutch, he describes the Indian democracy as a reckless and unique experiment. This largest democracy in the world, with all its populations, religions and languages, is an example and should be protected.
One of the main problems is the situation of the tribal people, the Adivasi.
While the dalits, the former untouchables have a political voice, the Adivasi, the tribal people only have the Indian Maoist movement Naxalites to defend them. Guha explains during a lecture in The Hague, that many Indian politicians want to compete on the international level; it is a kind of machismo. Our PM Manmohan Singh, has gone already three times to the USA, during the last year, but he has not visited a state where the Adivasi live, which would have been preferable.
In his standard work India after Gandhi, which has been translated recently in Dutch, he describes the Indian democracy as a reckless and unique experiment. This largest democracy in the world, with all its populations, religions and languages, is an example and should be protected.
One of the main problems is the situation of the tribal people, the Adivasi.
While the dalits, the former untouchables have a political voice, the Adivasi, the tribal people only have the Indian Maoist movement Naxalites to defend them. Guha explains during a lecture in The Hague, that many Indian politicians want to compete on the international level; it is a kind of machismo. Our PM Manmohan Singh, has gone already three times to the USA, during the last year, but he has not visited a state where the Adivasi live, which would have been preferable.
Turkey honours Pakistan Air Force Chief
Chief of Air Staff, Air Chief Marshal Rao Qamar Suleman was on 16th June decorated with highest military award of Turkey. Commander of Turkish Air Force General Hasan Aksay decorated his Pakistani counterpart with “Legion of Merit” award at impressive ceremony in Ankara.
Turkey to Support Pakistan’s candidature for UN Security Council Membership
ISTANBUL, 9 June 2010: Turkey will support Pakistan’s candidacy for non-permanent seat of UN Security Council. Turkey also offered support and preparatory work on next Friends of Democratic Pakistan (FoDP) Miniserial meeting to be held in Brussels in October this year. Turkish President H.E. Abdullah Gül said this to Foreign Minister of Pakistan Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi who met the President at Istanbul today.
H.E. Abdullah Gül informed that Turkish businessmen are now investing in the energy sector projects in Pakistan and showed satisfaction over the level of growing economic ties. The President thanked the leadership of Pakistan for their warm welcome during his recent visit to Pakistan and said he noticed so much affection on the faces of people in his every engagement.
Mr. Gül also appreciated the level of support that the Government of Pakistan and the people of Pakistan provided over the Peace Flotilla issue. The President acknowledged Pakistan’ support for the Turkish initiative to defuse tension over Iran’s nuclear issue that resulted in the May 17 nuclear fuel exchange deal.
Foreign Minister on the occasion expressed the hope that this agreement would pave the way for a negotiated resolution of the controversy surrounding Iran’s nuclear program. He shared that Pakistan had consistently advocated for a peaceful resolution of Iran’s nuclear issue by recognizing Iran’s right to use of nuclear technology for peaceful purposes while adhering to its NPT obligations.
Mr. Qureshi expressed deep condolences over the loss of lives of peace activists onboard the Peace Flotilla, where Israeli forces brutally murdered nine people on Turkish ship Mavı Marmara on 31st May 2010. He informed that both the Houses of Parliament of Pakistan has, through a unanimous resolution condemned this naked act of aggression and state terrorism by the Israeli Government. It constituted a blatant violation of international law and human rights, and was fact a crime against humanity.
The Minister congratulated the President of Turkey for assuming the Chairmanship of the CICA and on organizing the 3rd CICA Summit in an effective manner. He said the joint declaration adopted at the conclusion of the Summit speaks in itself for the success of the event.
The Foreign Minister was leading Pakistan’s delegation to the 3rd CICA Summit held at Istanbul from 7-8 June 2010.
H.E. Abdullah Gül informed that Turkish businessmen are now investing in the energy sector projects in Pakistan and showed satisfaction over the level of growing economic ties. The President thanked the leadership of Pakistan for their warm welcome during his recent visit to Pakistan and said he noticed so much affection on the faces of people in his every engagement.
Mr. Gül also appreciated the level of support that the Government of Pakistan and the people of Pakistan provided over the Peace Flotilla issue. The President acknowledged Pakistan’ support for the Turkish initiative to defuse tension over Iran’s nuclear issue that resulted in the May 17 nuclear fuel exchange deal.
Foreign Minister on the occasion expressed the hope that this agreement would pave the way for a negotiated resolution of the controversy surrounding Iran’s nuclear program. He shared that Pakistan had consistently advocated for a peaceful resolution of Iran’s nuclear issue by recognizing Iran’s right to use of nuclear technology for peaceful purposes while adhering to its NPT obligations.
Mr. Qureshi expressed deep condolences over the loss of lives of peace activists onboard the Peace Flotilla, where Israeli forces brutally murdered nine people on Turkish ship Mavı Marmara on 31st May 2010. He informed that both the Houses of Parliament of Pakistan has, through a unanimous resolution condemned this naked act of aggression and state terrorism by the Israeli Government. It constituted a blatant violation of international law and human rights, and was fact a crime against humanity.
The Minister congratulated the President of Turkey for assuming the Chairmanship of the CICA and on organizing the 3rd CICA Summit in an effective manner. He said the joint declaration adopted at the conclusion of the Summit speaks in itself for the success of the event.
The Foreign Minister was leading Pakistan’s delegation to the 3rd CICA Summit held at Istanbul from 7-8 June 2010.
Pakistan’s Foreign Minster Meets Indian Trade Minster
ISTANBUL, 8 June 2010: Foreign Minister of Pakistan Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi met Indian Minister for Commerce & Industry Mr. Anand Sharma on the sidelines of 3rd CICA Summit at Istanbul today.
Both the ministers discussed the immense trade potential that exists between India and Pakistan. Mr. Sharma said that he is looking forward to meet his Pakistani counterpart to discuss the issues of bilateral trade and commerce.
The Foreign Minister appreciated meeting between Pakistani and Indian businessmen in New Delhi held recently. Mr. Sharma also lauded the meeting and informed the Foreign Minister that he would send a delegation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry to Pakistan in October 2010 to further cement and explore bilateral economic ties.
The Ministers also discussed the forthcoming dialogue between India and Pakistan. They deliberated on the modalities to bridge trust deficit that exists between the two countries and the ways to take the dialogue process forward.
Mr. Qureshi welcomed Indian Home Minister Chadam Baram’s upcoming visit to Pakistan; and said that in his interaction with the Home Minister he will discuss issues of mutual concern. He reiterated that the answer to the problem of terrorism lies in enhanced engagement.
The Foreign Minister conveyed his best wishes to His Excellency Dr. Manmohan Singh, the Prime Minister of India and the Foreign Minister Mr. S.M. Krishna.
Both the ministers discussed the immense trade potential that exists between India and Pakistan. Mr. Sharma said that he is looking forward to meet his Pakistani counterpart to discuss the issues of bilateral trade and commerce.
The Foreign Minister appreciated meeting between Pakistani and Indian businessmen in New Delhi held recently. Mr. Sharma also lauded the meeting and informed the Foreign Minister that he would send a delegation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry to Pakistan in October 2010 to further cement and explore bilateral economic ties.
The Ministers also discussed the forthcoming dialogue between India and Pakistan. They deliberated on the modalities to bridge trust deficit that exists between the two countries and the ways to take the dialogue process forward.
Mr. Qureshi welcomed Indian Home Minister Chadam Baram’s upcoming visit to Pakistan; and said that in his interaction with the Home Minister he will discuss issues of mutual concern. He reiterated that the answer to the problem of terrorism lies in enhanced engagement.
The Foreign Minister conveyed his best wishes to His Excellency Dr. Manmohan Singh, the Prime Minister of India and the Foreign Minister Mr. S.M. Krishna.
Statement by Pakıstan FM Qureshi at the 3rd CICA Summıt at Istanbul on 8 June 2010
Chairman CICA Summit,
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Asslam-o-AlaikumMr. Chairman,
Let me first of all convey, on behalf of His Excellency President Asif Ali Zardari, our warm greetings and good wishes on your assumption of the Chairmanship of CICA. We are confident that under your able leadership, CICA will achieve further strength and emerge as an effective forum to enhance cooperation among Asian States and partners based on mutual respect.
I would like to express our highest appreciation to His Excellency President Nursultan Nazarbayev for his bold initiative and untiring efforts to make CICA an important forum in such a short time. Excellency, under your stewardship CICA has achieved recognition and many important milestones. We are thankful for your leadership.
I would also like to warmly welcome the Socialist Republic of Veitnam and Republic of Iraq as full members and the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh, as an observer to the CICA fraternity.
For every Pakistani, Turkey is like second home. I am very delighted to be in Istanbul once again. Istanbul is a uniquely inspiring city. Spanning two continents it is a meeting point for East and West; faiths and peoples; and traditions and cultures. Its rich social fabric woven from different cultures and traditions has greatly contributed in shaping the history of world civilization.
I am grateful to my Turkish brothers and sisters and particularly the people of Istanbul for their warm welcome and generous hospitality extended to me and my delegation. I congratulate them on declaration of Istanbul as the European capital of culture for 2010.
Mr. Chairman,
We have gathered here at a time when our Asian region is undergoing defining transformation. On the one hand we are witnessing unprecedented economic growth, advancement in science and technology, improved connectivity through infrastructure development and information technology. On the other, we continue to be confronted with huge challenges in the form of old and new disputes, poverty and deprivation aggravated by lack of equitable distribution of wealth, population explosion, environmental degradation and climate change, denial of fundamental rights and, of course, terrorism, the most serious and daunting challenge to our open societies.
We owe it to our future generations to make concerted efforts to create healthy, safe and secure societies, banish poverty and deprivation, and leave an ecologically sustainable planet through prudent use of water and other natural resources. CICA provides an excellent forum to discuss all these common challenges.
Mr. Chairman,
A week ago, we witnessed brazen use of force against a humanitarian mission trying to deliver humanitarian aid to besieged Palestinian people in Gaza. It resulted in the death of a number of Turkish nationals. The use of brute force constituted a flagrant violation of international humanitarian law. We strongly condemned the use of force against humanitarian flotilla. We would like to convey our heartfelt condolences and sympathies to the Turkish nation and grieved families.
This tragic incident highlights the urgency to find a just solution of the longstanding Palestinian dispute. The establishment of an independent Palestinian state is essential to bring the Palestinian sufferings to an end and achieve durable peace in the Middle East. This has been the objective of all peace efforts including the Oslo Peace Accord, the Arab League Declaration of 2002, the Quartet Peace Process and even the UN Security Council Resolutions 2424 and 338.
In our own region, the Prime Ministers of Pakistan and India held a constructive meeting on the sidelines of 14th SAARC Summit held in Thimpu, Bhutan in late April. The two Prime Ministers agreed to resume the stalled dialogue process at the Foreign Ministers level. On my invitation H.E. Mr. S. M. Krishna, Minister for External Affairs of India will be visiting Pakistan on 15 July 2010. I look forward to have constructive and result-oriented dialogue with him. We believe that as the two largest countries in south Asia, Pakistan and India must earnestly endeavour to resolve all outstanding disputes including the core issue of Jammu and Kashmir to start a new era of trust, amity and friendship in the region.
Mr. Chairman,
Pakistan, like other CICA member countries is deeply concerned on the continued instability in Afghanistan. We have been closely working with Turkey and other partner countries for peace, stability and re-construction in Afghanistan. We support President Hamid Karzai’s initiative of national reconciliation and re-integration. Pakistan has high stakes in peace and stability in Afghanistan, as it would facilitate early return of 3.5 million Afghan refugees to their homeland in honor and dignity.
Terrorism remains the paramount security threat confronting the world today. As a neighbor of Afghanistan, Pakistan has been in the forefront of the fight against terrorism. We have suffered enormous losses both in human lives and material, which include more than 2500 security personnel and 10,000 civilians. Economic losses exceed US$ 40 billion. We even lost our most charismatic and popular leader, former Prime Minister Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto to a terrorist’s bullet. All this has not dented our resolve. If anything, it has led to a national consensus in Pakistan that we must root out terrorism from our territory and the region at large. We are determined to pursue the terrorists to the very end. We are pursuing a 3Ds strategy (Dialogue, Development and Deterrence) to eradicate terrorism from our land. The law enforcement operations in Swat, South Waziristan, Bajaur, and Mahmand agencies have met great success.
There is a need to pursue a cooperative approach against the threat of terrorism by the international community. It would entail a two-pronged strategy: One; Real time intelligence-sharing, cooperation in law enforcement and mutual legal assistance. It would help bring the perpetrators of heinous crimes to justice and Two; Address root causes which are exploited by the terrorists to radicalize the youth. These include economic deprivations, political injustices, foreign occupation and denial of fundamental rights including the right to self-determination.
Mr. Chairman,
An environment of security is indispensable for human, social and economic development. Conversely, the foundation of stability and durable peace among nations and within societies rests on socio-economic well-being, rule of law and equal opportunities for progress for all segments of society.
Economic cooperation at the regional and sub-regional levels is a key to achieving socio-economic development and by implication to ensure peace and stability in and between the countries.
Geographic contiguity, well developed communication and transportation links and economic inter-dependence offer vast opportunities for closer cooperation and collaboration between CICA countries. The destinies of Asian countries today are more closely intertwined than ever before.
It is encouraging that CICA is exploring cooperation among member states in various dimensions including economic, environmental and human dimensions. Some parts of CICA region fall in the category of vulnerable regions in the context of climate change. The Central and South Asian regions which largely depend on glacial and rain waters for their fresh water supplies will be most affected by the global warming. The environmental assessment undertaken by our own experts indicate that Pakistan falls in the region most susceptible to the adverse impact of climate change. We must endeavour to benefit from respective strengths of CICA member states to overcome the challenges posed by global warming.
Mr. Chairman,
Pakistan’s strategic location at the crossroads of South, Central and West Asia places us in an ideal position to act as the most convenient trade and energy corridor for these vital regions and China. We have developed a deep sea port at Gawadar, which will be used as a transshipment port to facilitate trade with the Central Asian region and western parts of China. We have also undertaken major infrastructure projects to upgrade road and rail transportation networks to facilitate commerce and trade with the regional counties.
Mr. Chairman,
CICA is a unique organization as it represents the diversity and richness of Asian region, which faces a range of formidable challenges but also offers enormous opportunities. There are any number of analysts already describing the 21st century as the Asian century. We are very optimistic about the future, as Asia prepares to tread on the path of close interaction and cooperation among regional countries. Pakistan is ready to play its part for a prosperous, peaceful and stable region. At this Summit, I believe, we shall come out with tangible results in achieving our cherished objectives.
I thank you Mr. Chairman.
Cooperative approach against terrorism – Pakistani Foreign Minister
ISTANBUL, 7 June 2010: Foreign Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi attended a special event titled ‘Security and Economic Cooperation in Euroasia in the 21st Century’ held on the sidelines of 3rd CICA Summit at Istanbul on 7 June 2010.
The Foreign Minister in his inervention stated that in today’s global landscape, security and development are intrinsicly linked. The issues of concerns for Pakistan are terrorism, organized crime, drugs, money laundering, etc. Secrurity thus needs a common coordinated approach, which is indespensible for human social and economic development, Mr. Qureshi emphasized.
He saıd terrorism posed the most serious challenge to our open societies. The democratic government in Pakistan has evolved a national consensus against the forces of extremism and terrorism. It is important that the international community pursues a cooperative approach against the threat of terrorism. This entails a two pronged strategy, Mr. Qureshi said. ‘One one side we need real-time intelligence sharing, cooperation in law enforcement, and mutual legal assistance. On the other sıde we need to address the root causes which radicalize people such as economic depriviation, political injustices, foreign occupation, and denial of fundamental rights including the right of self-determination, for example Palestine and Kashmir.’
Pakıstani Foreign Minıster urged closer economic cooperation among Euroasian countries for addressing poverty, unemployment and under development.
The Foreign Minister in his inervention stated that in today’s global landscape, security and development are intrinsicly linked. The issues of concerns for Pakistan are terrorism, organized crime, drugs, money laundering, etc. Secrurity thus needs a common coordinated approach, which is indespensible for human social and economic development, Mr. Qureshi emphasized.
He saıd terrorism posed the most serious challenge to our open societies. The democratic government in Pakistan has evolved a national consensus against the forces of extremism and terrorism. It is important that the international community pursues a cooperative approach against the threat of terrorism. This entails a two pronged strategy, Mr. Qureshi said. ‘One one side we need real-time intelligence sharing, cooperation in law enforcement, and mutual legal assistance. On the other sıde we need to address the root causes which radicalize people such as economic depriviation, political injustices, foreign occupation, and denial of fundamental rights including the right of self-determination, for example Palestine and Kashmir.’
Pakıstani Foreign Minıster urged closer economic cooperation among Euroasian countries for addressing poverty, unemployment and under development.
JOINT STATEMENT adopted at the conclusion of trilateral meetıng of FMs of Pakıstan, Turkey and Afghanıstan
Istanbul, 7 June 2010

His Excellency Ahmet Davutoğlu, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey, His Excellency Dr. Zalmai Rassoul, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and His Excellency Mahkdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan met in Istanbul on 7 June 2010. The meeting took place on the basis of the decision taken at the Third Trilateral Summit held in Ankara on 1 April 2009 to supplement the Trilateral Summit Process with the meetings at the level of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the three countries.
The Ministers of Foreign Affairs recalled the invaluable contribution of the Trilateral Summit Process as a robust platform, since its launch on 30 April 2007, in furthering the multi-dimensional dialogue and cooperation among the three countries for their peoples’ as well as their region’s benefit. They underscored the importance of the Trilateral Summit Process as a useful mechanism to develop, implement and oversee cooperation in a broad range of issues including, among others, trade, economy, including support to private sector interaction, education, security and intelligence. They further emphasized the added value brought by the Trilateral Summit Process in facilitating exchanges among parliamentarians, high-level government officials, members of the armed forces, intelligence circles and businesspersons. Recalling the decisions taken at the fourth Trilateral Summit held in Istanbul on 25 January 2010, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs underlined that education was another important topic on which the three countries agreed to increase their cooperation in the time ahead. They also recalled the decision taken by the three Presidents to expand and strengthen the trilateral cooperation, committing all their relevant institutions and expressed their determination to take it forward.
The three Ministers of Foreign Affairs had a comprehensive exchange of views on the implementation of the decisions taken hitherto in the framework of the Trilateral Summit Process. They welcomed the progress made to date. The Ministers, recalling the decision to focus on closer cooperation in economic infrastructure particularly in the field of energy, trade and transportation at the next Summit meeting, exchanged views on the steps to be taken in the time ahead in preparation of the next Trilateral Summit. Referring to efforts to realize freight transport by railway between Pakistan and Turkey, the three Ministers concurred on the potential benefits of developing projects with a view to improving regional connectivity and agreed to further elaborate on this issue in the context of the preparations of the fifth Trilateral Summit.
At the meeting, His Excellency Dr. Zalmai Rassoul provided an overview on the results of the National Consultative Peace Jirga. The three Ministers of Foreign Affairs also exchanged views on the upcoming Kabul Conference. The Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Republic of Turkey reiterated, on this occasion, their continued support for a stable, prosperous and peaceful Afghanistan; expressed their commitment to Afghan ownership of all efforts under way; and underscored their resolve to work with the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan for the success of the upcoming Kabul Conference, Parliamentary elections on 18 September 2010 and for longer-term stability, reconstruction and development of Afghanistan.
On that basis, the three Foreign Ministers discussed a detailed roadmap with a view to maximizing the added value brought by the Trilateral Process to increased cooperation among their countries. Accordingly, they:
- Extended their support to the Consultative Peace Jirga held in Kabul on 2-4 June 2010,- Expressed their readiness to attend the Kabul Conference of 20 July and agreed to convene the Joint Working Group to contribute to the preparations of the Conference,
- Called upon the Istanbul Forum to convene in Kabul preferably in the aftermath of the Kabul Conference and before the Parliamentary elections with a view to furthering the interaction among the private sectors of the three countries,
- Decided that the fourth Regional Economic Cooperation Conference on Afghanistan (RECCA) to be held in Turkey after the 18 September 2010 Parliamentary elections in Afghanistan would inter alia review the outcomes of the previous RECCA meetings with a view to taking them forward and developing a mechanism for their implementation,
- Commissioned the Istanbul Forum to organize an expanded private sector meeting on the margins of the upcoming RECCA in Turkey,
- Recommended that the fifth Trilateral Summit among the Presidents of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Republic of Turkey be convened early next year.
His Excellency the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey informed on this occasion his counterparts about the second Turkish civilian-led Provincial Reconstruction Team to be established in Jowzjan province in northern Afghanistan, which will also cover Sar-e Pol province.
The Ministers of Foreign Affairs strongly condemned the terrorist attacks in their countries resulting in the loss of lives. They paid tribute to great sacrifices made by the security forces in defence of the people against the terrorists and reiterated their condolences to the bereaved families. The Ministers reiterated that terrorism is a crime against humanity and agreed to elaborate further steps to decisively counter the nexus of terrorism, extremism and narcotics. They expressed their resolve to increase cooperation among their relevant security and intelligence institutions in this regard. They underscored the importance of enhanced cooperation, including through joint training opportunities and exercises among the armed forces of the three countries.
Referring to the critical importance of training and education as the single most important means in the context of investing in human capital, as well as improving people-to-people bonds, the three ministers committed to boosting trilateral training and education programs among their countries and broadening its scope by offering additional opportunities.
Stressing their strong conviction that enhanced regional cooperation among Afghanistan and its neighbours is an indispensable pillar of efforts aimed at comprehensively tackling regional challenges as well as promoting mutually beneficial cooperation, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs reiterated their commitment to the shared vision, principles of cooperation as well as the concrete proposals for regional cooperation set out by the Istanbul Statement adopted at the conclusion of Istanbul Summit on Friendship and Cooperation in the “Heart of Asia” held on 26 January 2010. They recalled that the Istanbul Statement as well as the vision set out therein was welcomed by the United Nations Security Council in its resolution 1917. They commended Turkey’s efforts to hold the Minds Platform meeting this year in implementation of the decisions of the Istanbul Statement. The Ministers also underlined their commitment to the success of the upcoming fourth Regional Economic Cooperation Conference on Afghanistan to be held in Turkey later this year.
The three Ministers reiterated their commitment to maintain close and regular consultations including in the framework of the Trilateral Summit Process to the benefit of the peoples of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Turkey and emphasized their strong resolve to deepen and strengthen their cooperation.
The Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic Afghanistan and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan condemned the Israeli aggression in violation of international law on the Freedom Flotilla destined for Gaza which resulted in the loss of lives, underlined their solidarity with the Government and people of Turkey and expressed their condolences to the people of Turkey and families of the victims.
The Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic Afghanistan and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan expressed their sincere thanks to His Excellency Ahmet Davutoğlu and the Government of the Republic of Turkey for hosting the meeting. Istanbul, 7 June 2010
Qureshi to represent Pakistan at third CICA Summit in Istanbul

Pakistani Parliament condemns Israeli aggression

“This House strongly condemns the naked act of aggression and state terrorism by the Israeli Government against the Freedom Flotilla carrying relief goods to the valiant Palestinian people, which constitutes a blatant violation of international law and human rights and is in fact, a crime against humanity.
This House expresses its whole-hearted support for the Palestinian people in their just struggle for self determination, freedom and basis human rights.
This House salutes the bravery and commitment of the activists who had volunteered their services for this humanitarian peace mission which was subjected to the dastardly Israeli attack.
The House calls upon the Government of Pakistan to seek OIC, Arab League and UN intervention to end the inhuman blockade of Gaza. It also calls upon the international community in general and the UN in particular to ensure that the blockade is lifted and the free movement of goods and supplies to Gaza ensured.”The House lauded the bold steps taken by the Turkish government on the issue and also sought a similar proactive role from other Muslim states.
Zardari phone to Gül, condemns Israeli aggression
Pakistani President Mr. Asif Ali Zardari Tuesday (2 June 2010) evening had a telephonic conversation with his Turkish counterpart Mr. Abdullah Gül.
Mr. Zardari expressed deep condolences over the tragic incident and the loss of precious lives on board Turkish flagged ship that was assaulted by Israeli commandos. The President said Pakistan strongly condemns the use of brazen force by Israel against a humanitarian mission and the killing of members of the humanitarian mission was a brutal and inhuman act which constituted flagrant violation of international law and norms.
The President said that Pakistan stands by Turkey in its courageous and principled stance on this tragic incident and sheer aggression. He said that Pakistan is deeply concerned at the Israeli blockade of Gaza in violation of international humanitarian law and we will continue extending unequivocal support to the legitimate cause of Palestinians.
The President said that Pakistan appreciates the efforts undertaken by Turkey including the meeting of UN Security Council and the adoption of the statement by the Council.
The President said that Pakistan has proposed to the Organization of Islamic Conference to hold an urgent meeting in order to discuss and agree upon a unified OIC response to the attack.
The Turkish President thanked the President for Pakistan’s unequivocal support to Turkey and the humanitarian missions for the Palestinians and said that the Turkish Government expects the international community to take practical steps to restrain Israeli aggression against innocent Palestinians and the humanitarian missions.
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