Pakistan’ın en üst düzey askeri görevlisi savunma bağlarını daha da güçlendirmek için Türkiye'yi ziyaret etti

ANKARA, 31 Mart 2021: Türk Genelkurmay Başkanı Orgeneral Yaşar Güler'in daveti üzerine, Pakistan Silahlı Kuvvetleri Genelkurmay Başkanı (CJCSC) Orgeneral Nadeem Raza Türkiye'yi 27 Mart-2 Nisan 2021 tarihleri arasında ziyaret etti.

Orgeneral Yaşar Güler, Orgeneral Nadeem Raza'yı Salı günü Türk Genelkurmay Başkanlığı Karargahında ziyaret etti.  Her iki komutan geniş meseleler hakkında tartıştılar.  İkili çıkar meseleleri, jeostratejik durum ve güvenlik meselelerine vurgu yapılarak konuşuldu.  Her iki taraf, iki kardeş ülkenin silahlı kuvvetleri arasındaki işbirliğini daha da arttırmak için kararlılıklarını yeniden teyit ettiler.  


Pakistan-Türkiye savunma bağlarının geliştirilmesi için yaptığı olağanüstü hizmetlerden dolayı, Türk Genelkurmay Başkanı CJCSC Orgeneral Nadeem Raza'ya Ankara'daki Türk Genelkurmay Başkanlığı karargahında yapılan bir törende 'TSK Liyakat Madalyası' takdim etti.  


Türkiye'deki kalışı sırasında, Orgeneral Nadeem Raza aynı zamanda Türkiye Milli Savunma Bakanı Hulusi Akar'ı, Türk Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanı Orgeneral Ümit Dündar'ı, Türk Deniz Kuvvetleri Komutanı Oramiral Adnan Özbal'ı ve Türk Hava Kuvvetleri Komutanı Orgeneral Hasan Küçükakyüz'ü ve Türk Savunma Sanayileri Başkanı Prof. Dr. İsmail Demir'i de ziyaret etti. Kendisi aynı zamanda Türk savunma sanayilerinin çeşitli tesislerini gezdi. 


Orgeneral Nadeem Raza ayrıca Keçiören, Ankara'daki APS Şehitleri Parkını da ziyaret etti.  Belediye Başkanı Turgut Altınok'la beraber, Şehitler anıtına çiçek koydu.  16 Aralık 2014'teki Peşaver Ordu Devlet Okulu'na yapılan terör saldırısının şehitlerini anmak için, APS Hatıra Parkı Keçiören, Ankara halkı tarafından kurulmuştur.  Bir hatıra nişanı olarak, her bir şehit için 144 ağaç dikilmiştir.  

Modern Türkiye'nin kurucusuna saygılarını sunmak için, Orgeneral Nadeem Raza ayrıca Anıtkabir'i ziyaret etmiş ve Atatürk'ün mozolesine çiçek bırakmıştır.

Pakistan’s top military commander visits Turkey to further strengthen defence ties

ANKARA, 31 March 2021: At the invitation of the Chief of Turkish General Staff, General Yaşar Güler, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee (CJCSC) of Pakistan Armed Forces, General Nadeem Raza is visiting Turkey from 27 March to 2 April 2021.

Gen. Yaşar Güler, received Gen. Nadeem Raza in Turkish General Staff Headquarters on Tuesday. Both the commanders held extensive talks. Matters of bilateral interest with emphasis on geo-strategic situation and security challenges came under discussion. Both sides reaffirmed the resolve to further enhance cooperation between the armed forces of the two brotherly countries. 


In recognition of his outstanding services for promotion of Pakistan-Turkey defence ties, Chief of Turkish General Staff awarded ‘Legion of Merit’ to the CJCSC General Nadeem Raza at a ceremony in Turkish General Staff Headquarters Ankara. 


During his stay in Turkey, General Nadeem Raza also called on Minister for National Defence of Turkey Hulusi Akar, Commander of the Turkish Land Forces General Umit Dundar, Commander of the Turkish Naval Forces Admiral Adnan Ozbal, and Commander of Turkish Air Forces General Hasan Küçükakyüz, and Head of Presidency of Turkish Defence Industries Prof. Dr. Ismail Demir. He also visited various facilities of Turkish defence industries. 


General Nadeem Raza also visited APS Martyrs Park in Keçiören, Ankara. Together with Mayor Turgut Altinok, he laid floral wreath at the Martyrs Monument. To commemorate the martyrs of Army Public School Peshawar terrorist attack of 16 December 2014, APS Memorial Park was established by the people of Keçiören, Ankara. As a token of remembrance, 144 trees were planted, one for each Shaheed.


In order to pay respects to the founder of modern Turkey, Gen. Nadeem Raza also visited the Mausoleum of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and laid floral wreath on Ataturk’s tomb.

Foreign Minister’s meeting with Turkish Foreign Minister on the sidelines of 9th Ministerial Conference of the Heart of Asia – Istanbul Process

Pakistan Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi met with Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu on the sidelines of the 9th Ministerial Conference of the Heart of the Asia – Istanbul Process in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, on 29 March 2021.

​During the meeting, the two Foreign Ministers discussed myriad dimensions of bilateral relations -- including political and diplomatic engagement, economic cooperation, defence ties, and collaboration in education and cultural fields. Views were also exchange on the regional situation.

​Recalling Turkish Foreign Minister’s visit to Pakistan in January 2021, Foreign Minister Qureshi highlighted excellent bilateral relations between the two countries, based on shared history and commonality of views. He underlined that the High-Level Strategic Cooperation Council (HLSCC) had transformed bilateral relations into strategic partnership.

​Foreign Minister Qureshi reiterated appreciation for Turkey’s principled and steadfast support on the issue of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir, which has been a source of strength for the Kashmiri people.

​During the meeting, the two Foreign Ministers evaluated the latest developments in the Afghan peace process. Foreign Minister Qureshi briefed his counterpart on Pakistan’s consistent support for and positive contributions to the Afghan peace process. Underlining that there was no military solution to the Afghan conflict, the Foreign Minister stressed that an inclusive, broad-based and comprehensive political settlement was the only way forward.

​The Foreign Minister added that the progress achieved since the beginning of the U.S.-Taliban Peace Agreement and the commencement of the Intra-Afghan Negotiations in Doha should be preserved and further built upon to lead the process to its logical conclusion. The Foreign Minister also cautioned against the role of “spoilers”, both within and outside Afghanistan, who did not wish to see return of peace and stability in the region.

​Expressing concern on the high level of violence, Foreign Minister Qureshi stressed the imperative for the Afghan parties to work for reduction in violence, leading to ceasefire.

​The two Foreign Ministers also exchanged views on the proposed meeting on Afghanistan in Turkey.

​Highlighting that Turkey was instrumental in establishing Heart of Asia–Istanbul Process (HoA–IP), Foreign Minister Qureshi stated that Pakistan valued this process to advance the shared goals of peace, stability and prosperity in Afghanistan and the region.

​The two Foreign Ministers agreed to remain in close contact and maintain the momentum of high-level exchanges between the two countries.


Pakistan Milli Meclisi Başkanı Antalya’daki 4. Parlamento Başkanları Konferansına giden Pakistan heyetine liderlik etti


ANTALYA, 26 Mart 2021: Pakistan Milli Meclisi Başkanı Asad Qaiser Antalya, Türkiye’de 24-25 Mart 2021’de düzenlenen “Terörizmle Mücadele ve Bölgesel Bağlantılılığın Güçlendirilmesi” üzerine 4. Parlamento Başkanları Konferansına katılan bir parlamenter heyete başkanlık etti. Heyet hem Pakistan Senatosundan hem de Pakistan Milli Meclisinden gelen parlamenterlerden oluşuyordu. Afganistan, Çin, İran, Irak, Rusya ve Türkiye’den de parlamenter heyetler bu konferansa katıldılar. Konferansta, saygıdeğer Meclis Başkanı bağlantılılığın bölgesel bütünleşme ve işbirliğinin temel taşı olduğunu vurguladı. 

 Bu bağlamda, bölgesel bağlantılılığı güçlendirmek aracılığıyla faydalar sağlamak için bölgede var olan çeşitli fırsatlara dikkatleri çekti. Dünyada artan yabancı düşmanlığı, İslamofobi, ayrımcılık ve hoşgörüsüzlük hakkındaki endişelerini paylaştı. 

 Dördüncü Parlamento Başkanları Konferansı aynı zamanda oybirliğiyle bir Antalya Deklarasyonu yayınladı, parlamentolar arası işbirliğinin barış, güvenlik ve gelişmeye katkıda bulunan diyalog kanalları kurduğuna dair. Antalya Deklarasyonu aynı zamanda küresel ve bölgesel barış ve istikrarı garanti etmek için Cammu ve Keşmir anlaşmazlığı da dâhil bölgede halen devam eden tüm meselelerin ilgili BMGK kararlarına göre çözüme kavuşturulması gerektiğini de belirtti. Konferansın yan oturumlarında, Pakistan parlamenterler heyeti bölgesel işbirliğinin ve bütünleşmenin arttırılması için hangi adımların atılması gerektiği üzerinde Türkiye, Afganistan ve Irak ile de toplantılar düzenledi. 

Pakistan’ın konferansa gönderdiği parlamenterler heyeti Senatör Sn. Quratulain Marri, Senatör Muhammad Ayub, Senatör Prince Ahmed Umer Ahmedzai, ve Milli Meclis Üyeleri (MNA) Sardar Talib Hasan Nakai, Sanaullah Khan Mastikhel, Dr. Haider Ali Khan, Faiz Ullah Kamoka, Syed Naveed Qamar, Ms. Shazia Marri, Amjad Ali Khan Niazi, Engr. Sabir Hussain Kaim Khani ve Fazal Muhammad Khan’dan oluşuyordu. Bunun yanı sıra, Pakistan’ın Türkiye Büyükelçisi M. Syrus Sajjad Qazi, Senato Sekreteri Sn. Qasim Samad Khan ve Milli Meclis Sekreteri Sn. Tahir Hussain de bu heyete dahildiler.

Speaker National Assembly of Pakistan lead Pakistan delegation to the 4th Conference of Speakers of Parliaments in Antalya


ANTALYA, 26 March 2021: The Speaker National Assembly of Pakistan, Mr. Asad Qaiser, led a Parliamentary delegation to participate in the Fourth Conference of Speakers of Parliaments on “Countering Terrorism and Strengthening Regional Connectivity” in Antalya, Turkey on 24-25 March 2021. The delegation comprised Parliamentarians from both Senate and National Assembly of Pakistan. Parliamentary delegations from Afghanistan, China, Iran, Iraq, Russia and Turkey also participated in the Conference. 

 At the Conference, the honourable Speaker highlighted that connectivity was the foundation stone of regional integration and cooperation. In this context, he drew attention to the numerous opportunities existing in the region to reap benefits through strengthening regional connectivity. He shared his concerns on the rising xenophobia, Islamophobia, discrimination and intolerance around the world. 

 The Fourth Speakers Conference also adopted “Antalya Declaration” through consensus, which reiterated that inter-parliamentary cooperation establishes dialogue channels that contribute to peace, security and development. The Antalya Declaration also noted that for ensuring global and regional peace and stability, all outstanding issues in the region, including the Jammu and Kashmir dispute, need to be resolved in accordance with the relevant UNSC resolutions. 

 On the sidelines of the Conference, the Parliamentary delegation of Pakistan also held meetings with Turkey, Afghanistan and Iraq, in which steps to boost regional cooperation and integration were discussed.  
Pakistan’s Parliamentary delegation to the Conference comprised of Senator Ms. Quratulain Marri, Senator Muhammad Ayub, Senator Prince Ahmed Umer Ahmedzai, as well as Members National Assembly (MNA) Sardar Talib Hasan Nakai, Sanaullah Khan Mastikhel, Dr. Haider Ali Khan, Faiz Ullah Kamoka, Syed Naveed Qamar, Ms. Shazia Marri, Amjad Ali Khan Niazi, Engr. Sabir Hussain Kaim Khani, Fazal Muhammad Khan. Ambassador of Pakistan to Turkey M. Syrus Sajjad Qazi, Secretary Senate Mr. Qasim Samad Khan and Secretary National Assembly Mr. Tahir Hussain were also part of the delegation.

Pakistan Milli Günü Türkiye'de Kutlandı, Ankara’nın en yüksek kulesi “Atakule” ışıklandırıldı, İstanbul'daki Köprüler Pakistan Bayrağının renkleriyle ışıklandırıldı

ANKARA: 23 Mart 2021:   Pakistan Milli Günü bugün Türkiye'de Ankara'daki Pakistan Büyükelçiliğinde etkileyici bir törenle kutlandı. Pakistan'ın Türkiye Büyükelçisi Muhammad Syrus Sajjad Qazi, Büyükelçilik çalışanlarının ve medyanın önünde Pakistan bayrağını Milli Marş eşliğinde göndere çekti.   


Pakistan Cumhurbaşkanının ve Başbakanının mesajları bu olay üzerine okundu. 


Büyükelçi Syrus Qazi konuşmasında atalarımız ayrı bir vatan kurma kararını verdiğinde 23 Mart'ın Güney Asya Müslümanlarının kahramanca mücadelesinde önemli bir kilometre taşı olduğunu belirtti.  23 Mart 1940'ta Pakistan Kararları uygulandıktan yedi yıl sonra, Pakistan Kaid-i Azam Muhammed Ali Cinnah'ın ilham verici liderliğinde bağımsız ve hür bir devlet olmuştur.   


Büyükelçi Türkiye'ye Türk "Mehter Takımını" (Osmanlı Askeri Bandosu) ve "Solo Türk" hava akrobasisi ekibini 25 Mart'taki Pakistan Günü kutlamalarına gönderdiği için şükranlarını sundu.  Her iki ekip te geçmişteki benzersiz performanslarıyla tüm Pakistanlıların kalbini kazanmıştır.  

Türkiye'de, Ankara'nın anıtlarından biri ve en iyi ışıklandırılan binası olan "Atakule" 22 ve 23 Mart akşamları Pakistan-Türkiye dayanışma mesajlarını gösterdiler.  Atakule hemen karşısında Kaid-i Azam Muhammed Ali Cinnah'ın anıtı bulunan Cinnah Caddesi üzerindedir.  Dahası, İstanbul Boğaziçi üzerindeki Asya'yı Avrupa ile birleştiren her üç köprü de bu akşam Pakistan bayrağının renkleriyle ışıklandırıldı.   


Büyükelçi Syrus Qazi ve Keçiören Belediye Başkanı Turgut Altınok birlikte 2014 APS Peşaver terör saldırısı kurbanları için hatıra ormanlarındaki yeni anıtın açılışını yaptılar.  Hatırlanmalıdır ki, 16 Aralık 2014 hain terör saldırısının ardından Pakistan halkıyla dayanışma göstermek için, Keçiören Belediyesi ve Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AK Parti) Gençlik Kolu üyeleri Keçiören, Ankara'daki AK Parti Hatıra Ormanında her bir şehit için bir tane olmak üzere 144 ağaç dikmişti.  

National Day of Pakistan Celebrated in Turkey, Ankara’s tallest tower “Atakule” illuminated, Bridges in Istanbul to be illuminated in Pakistan Flag colours

ANKARA: 23 March 2021:   The National Day of Pakistan was marked in Turkey at an impressive ceremony at Pakistan Embassy in Ankara today. The Ambassador of Pakistan to Turkey, Muhammad Syrus Sajjad Qazi, raised the Pakistan flag to the tune of the National Anthem in the presence of the Embassy officials and media.   

Messages of the President and Prime Minister of Pakistan were read out on the occasion.  


Ambassador Syrus Qazi in his remarks stated that 23 March was an important milestone in the heroic struggle of the Muslims of South Asia when our forefathers made the historic decision to have a separate homeland. Seven years after the Pakistan Resolution of 23 March 1940 was adopted, Pakistan became an independent and sovereign state under the inspiring leadership of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. 


The Ambassador expressed gratitude to Turkey for sending Turkish band ‘Mehter’ (Ottoman Janissary Band) as well as aerial aerobatic team “Solo Turk,” that will be participate in the Pakistan Day celebrations on 25 March. Both these team had won the hearts of all Pakistanis through its unique performance in the past. 


In Turkey, “Atakule,” one of Ankara’s landmarks, its tallest tower and best lit building, is showing messages of Pakistan-Turkey solidarity during the nights on 22 and 23 March. Atakule is situated on Jinnah Road that also has Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s monument right opposite to it. Moreover, all the three bridges in Istanbul on the Bosporus linking Asia with Europe would be illuminated in Pakistan flag colours this evening. 


Ambassador Syrus Qazi and Mayor of Keçiören Municipality of Ankara Turgut Altinok jointly unveiled the plaque of a renovated memorial forest for 2014 APS Peshawar terrorist attack victims. It may be recalled that as a show of solidarity with the people of Pakistan after the 16 December 2014 heinous terrorist attack, Keçiören Municipality and Youth Wing members of the Justice and Development (AK) Party planted 144 trees, one for each shaheed, at the AK Party Memorial Forest in Keçiören, Ankara.

Remarks by the Ambassador of Pakistan Muhammad Syrus Sajjad Qazi at the Anniversary of late Prof. Dr. Necmettin Erbakan on 27 February 2021

Excellency Mr. Temel Karamollaoglu, Chairman of Saadet Party

Honourable Mr. Oğuzhan Asiltürk, Milli Görüş leader

Distinguished ESAM President Recai Kutan

Representatives of political parties,


Ladies and Gentlemen!



We are gathered here today to pay homage to one of the greatest statesmen of Turkey – and indeed the entire Muslim Ummah – His Excellency Prof. Dr. Necmettin Erbakan Merhum. 


Prof. Dr. Necmettin Erbakan’s teachings, ideas, philosophy and leadership not only inspired numerous transformative movements and political parties in Turkey, but also across the Muslim world. His political philosophy was anchored in ethics and spirituality, which inspired many statesmen. 


His entire life was a living example of standing up for truth, justice and democracy. His legacy continues to enrich our lives even today.  


Prof. Dr. Necmettin Erbakan’s great mission was to bring together the Muslim Ummah – politically as well as economically.   


His resolute and unwavering principled support for the oppressed Muslims across the world, in particular Northern Cyprus, Palestine and Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir, remains a source of inspiration for us. He was always the voice of resistance in the face of injustice and occupation.  


One of his most important intellectual and institutional contributions towards the unity of the Muslim Ummah was to pursue a dream for a shared economic future. He realized this dream by laying the foundation of the Developing-Eight (D-8) Organization for Economic Cooperation.

D-8 is not merely an institution for economic collaboration but also a revolutionary idea aimed at changing the very future of the Ummah by making it economically independent and strong. 


Ladies and gentlemen,


His Excellency Prof. Dr. Necmettin Erbakan Merhum was a true and sincere friend of Pakistan and its people. 


The people of Pakistan fondly remember his successful visit to Pakistan in 1996 as an elected Prime Minister of Turkey. As a result of his historic visit, the two brotherly countries further strengthened their cooperation.



Ladies and Gentlemen,  


The life and teachings of Prof. Erbakan Merhum show us that truth and justice always prevail and cannot be defeated.


May Allah grant the departed soul of Merhum Erbakan Hoca the highest place in paradise, and help us pursue his vision of a bright future for the entire Ummah.   


Long-live Pakistan Turkey brotherhood! 


Thank you