30Mart 2015 - Pakistan Milli Günü kutlamaları bağlamında Ankara’da , haftasonu
boyunca, Pakitan şarkıları dinletileri, Pakistan el sanatları ve kültürünün
sergilenmesi ve moda gösterisi gibi çeşitli kültürel etkinlikler düzenlendi.
Pakistan Büyükelçiliği, KARVAK (Kültürlerarası Araştırma ve Dostluk Derneği) ve
Türkiye’de bulunan Urdu Dili Topluluğu ile birlikte ortak bir etkinlik
Pakistan’ın Türkiye
Büyükelçisi Sayın Sohail Mahmood, Pakistan-Türkiye TBMM Dostluk Grubu Başkanı
Sayın Burhan Kayatürk, Urdu Dili Topluluğu Başakanı Dr. Furqan Hameed, ve
KARVAK Genel Başkanı Sayın Nazmi KUMRAL Kültür Günü etkinliklerinin açılışını
yaptılar. Pakistan’lı ,Türk
ve diğer uluslardan öğrencilerden ve Türkiye’de bulunan Pakistan vatandaşlarından etkinliğe
çok sayıda katılım gerçekleşti.
öğrencilerin mükemmel performansını,
Kültür Günü etkinlikleri boyunca öven Büyükelçi Sohail Mahmood,
Pakistanlı öğrencilerin hem Pakistan’ın
gelişmesinde hem de dünya genelinde Pakistan’ın pozitif imaj
yaratmasında oldukça önemli olduğunu
belirtti. Pakistan’lı
öğrencilerin, Pakistan
ve Türkiye arasındaki dostluk ve işbirliğinin teşvik edilmesinde önemli bir
role sahip gerçek elçiler oldularını
ilave etti . Pakistan
ve Türkiye’nin yüzyıllar öncesine dayanan ilişkilerine atıfta bulunarak, bu
mükemmel kardeşlik bağlarının güçlü ekonomik bağlarla pekiştirileceğini
belirtti. Bu bağlamda, ikili ekonomik ilişkilerin artması için, iki ülkenin
olan Serbest Ticaret Anlaşması için
kararalmasının önemini vurguladı.
Burhan Kayatürk
konuşmasında, öğrencilerin iki ülke arasında gerçek köprü olduklarını belirtti.
Gelecekte yapılacak kültür etkinlikleri için
öğrencilere hertürlü desteği
sağlayacağının sözünü verdi. Nazmi
KUMRAL konuşmasında, KARVAK’ın çeşitli kültürlerden gelen öğrenciler arasında
uyumu arttıdığını belirtti. Bu bağlamda, Türkiye’de bulunan Pakistan’lı öğrencileri ile
devameden işbirliğinin altını çizdi.
Pakistanlı ve Türk öğrenciler ortak bir moda gösterisi sundu. Gösteri izleyilerin büyük
beğenisini topladı. Ziyaretçiler ayrıca, Pakistan’lı
öğrenciler tarafından, Pakistan
standında uygulanan kına motiflerine de büyük ilgi gösterdi. Ayrıca, Pakistan Büyükelçiliği tarafından Ankara
Swissotel’de 31 Mart’a kadar devam edecek olan Pakistan Yemek Festivali
ANKARA: 30 March 2015: In connection with Pakistan Day celebrations, a day long Pakistan
Culture Day featuring cultural performances including national songs, establishment
of stalls displaying Pakistan
culture and handicrafts, and a fashion show was organized in Ankara over the weekend. Pakistani students
studying in various Turkish universities together with the Urdu Language
Society of Turkey, Society for Intercultural Research and Friendship (SIRF),
and the Embassy of Pakistan Ankara organized the event.
Ambassador of Pakistan
Mr. Sohail Mahmood, Head of Turkey-Pakistan Parliamentary Friendship Group in
Turkish Parliament Mr. Burhan Kayaturk, Chairman of Urdu Language Society Dr.
Furqan Hameed and President SIRF Mr. Nazmi Kumral inaugurated the Culture Day
proceedings. A large number of Pakistani, Turkish and international students, and
members of Pakistan
community attended the event.
Lauding the excellent performance of Pakistani students during the Culture
Day activities, Ambassador Sohail Mahmood highlighted the vital role of the
youth in Pakistan’s
development as well as positive projection of the country worldwide. He added
that Pakistani students are
the true ambassadors with a vital role in further
promoting Turkey-Pakistan friendship and cooperation. Referring to the
centuries-old Pakistan-Turkey relations, he said these excellent brotherly ties
are being reinforced with a strong economic partnership. In this context he
highlighted the decision by the two sides to enhance bilateral trade and work
on a Free Trade Agreement (FTA).
Mr. Burhan Kayaturk said the students are a real bridge between the two
countries. He assured every possible support to the students in organizing such
events in future. Mr. Nazmi Kumral in his address informed the audience about SIRF’s
role in promoting harmony between various cultures. In this context, he also
highlighted ongoing collaboration with Pakistani students in Turkey.
Pakistani and Turkish students jointly presented a fashion show which was
appreciated by the audience. Visitors also appreciated Pakistani Hena stall
where expert Pakistani students applied best hena designs. Meanwhile, the
Pakistan Food Festival, organized by the Embassy at Swissotel, is continuing
until 31st March 2015.
Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu's visit to Pakistan in February this year provided yet another opportunity to the leadership of the two countries to give strategic focus and direction to the deepening partnership
March 23 represents a milestone in the epic struggle of the Muslims of South Asia for a separate homeland. It was on this day in 1940 that the Muslims of the sub-continent made the consequential decision to realize their national aspirations to the fullest measure. The All-India Muslim League, at its annual session held at Minto Park in Lahore, adopted a historic resolution demanding the creation of a separate state.
March 23 is, therefore, an auspicious day as it symbolizes the expression of the collective will of the Muslims of the sub-continent and is a reminder of their unity of thought in their march toward a common destiny. The homeland envisioned in the 1940 Lahore Resolution became a reality within a span of seven years. On Aug. 14, 1947, under the dynamic leadership of Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, Pakistan emerged on the world map as an independent and sovereign state. The people of Pakistan, living in the country and abroad, celebrate March 23 as Pakistan Day every year.
Pakistan Day's significance is self-evident. This is an occasion for all Pakistanis to reaffirm their commitment to the ideals for which Pakistan was established. Equally important, it is an occasion to pay tribute to the wisdom and foresight of the father of the nation, Jinnah, and to express gratitude to all those who waged a valiant struggle for this noble cause and those who made the ultimate sacrifice so that our succeeding generations could live in freedom and dignity. The unparalleled democratic struggle of our forefathers was aimed at securing for the Muslims of South Asia a place where they could develop to the fullest their spiritual, cultural, economic, social and political life in a way that was in consonance with their cherished ideals of justice and equality, democracy, constitutionalism, the rule of law and economic well-being.
The new nation-state of Pakistan had to face a number of challenges in the formative phase. But the strong will of its leadership and the resilience of its people made sure that all odds were overcome and the country continued its journey on the path of progress and prosperity.
Pakistan had begun with virtually no industrial base, had a rudimentary civil and military structure and possessed meager financial and energy resources. Today, Pakistan's transformation into an emerging economy, its expanded agricultural and industrial foundation, strong institutions and ever-increasing roles at the regional and international levels testify to the indomitable spirit of the Pakistani nation and the supreme value of the human endeavor. Today, our democratic polity, vibrant civil society, independent judiciary and free media illustrate the progress made on this journey and the immense potential that lies ahead.
Located at the crossroads of strategically-important regions of South Asia, Central Asia and Western Asia, Pakistan is the sixth most populous country in the world. It is endowed with fertile land and vast natural recourses. It has attained self-sufficiency in food and has become one of the leading countries of the world in the production of cotton, rice, wheat, sugarcane and milk. The country has a strong manufacturing base centered on textiles, automotive, cement, sporting goods, leather items and food industries. Pakistan's rich cultural heritage, diverse landscape and hardworking and enterprising people add to the list of factors favoring closer economic engagement with the world.
As an emerging economy with steady growth and an expanding consumer base, Pakistan offers vast opportunities for foreign investors in diverse sectors including energy, telecommunications, infrastructure, agro-based industry, urban development and housing. With an abundance of skilled and economical labor force, well-developed transport and communication networks and attractive government incentive packages Pakistan is well-suited for profitable foreign investments. The stock markets are booming and the currency is stable. Over the last decade the Karachi Stock Exchange has consistently been the best performing market in the region.
Socio-economic development tops the agenda of Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif. Specific policy measures have been initiated to bring the fruits of democracy to the people of Pakistan in the form of good governance, a peaceful and tolerant society and economic prosperity. Our ties with Turkey are time-tested and based on common faith, cultural affinity and shared history and traditions. A deep reservoir of goodwill flows from one people to another. The historic bonds between the two nations predate even the emergence of modern-day Pakistan and Turkey. This has essentially been a journey of friendship and brotherhood between the two peoples spanning decades and nurtured by successive generations. Our bilateral relations are characterized by exceptional warmth, cordiality, mutual trust and understanding. Our perspectives converge on all major issues of regional and global significance.
The government of Pakistan keenly desires to further deepen this exemplary relationship. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif chose Turkey to be one of the countries for his first overseas visit after assuming office in June 2013. During his visit to Turkey in September 2013, he co-chaired the High Level Cooperation Council with then Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. The visit by Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu to Pakistan in February 2015 provided another opportunity to the leadership of the two countries to give a strategic focus and direction to the deepening partnership. Prime Minister Davutoğlu and Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif co-chaired the fourth session of the High Level Strategic Cooperation Council at which trade and economic cooperation were high on the agenda. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in his statement on the occasion underlined that Pakistan and Turkey were "indispensable partners" working assiduously to promote peace and prosperity for their peoples and the region. He highlighted the significance of the metrobus, wind energy and solid waste management projects as shining examples of growing bilateral collaboration with Turkey. Prime Minister Davutoğlu underscored Turkey's resolve to further enhance closer trade, economic and cultural relations with Pakistan. Eleven memorandums of understanding/agreements and protocols were signed in the fields of trade, scientific cooperation, accreditation, patents, minerals exploration and promotion and protection of investments. The two prime ministers signed a joint declaration on Strengthening Pakistan-Turkey Strategic Relationship. Both countries reaffirmed the commitment to further boost ties in the domains of politics, security and defense, trade and finance, energy, communication and transportation, culture, education and science and agriculture.
As a reflection of the resolve to further expand the bilateral economic relationship, Pakistan and Turkey agreed to commence negotiations on a free trade agreement covering trade in goods, services and investments. The two leaders also agreed on enhancing bilateral trade to $2 billion to $3 billion in the coming years. The Turkey-Pakistan Business Forum, attended by the two prime ministers, resulted in the reaffirmation of their shared commitment to foster a strong economic partnership. The Business Forum also provided an excellent opportunity to the private sectors of the two countries to interface and reinforce efforts for mutually beneficial collaboration in diverse sectors of the economy. At the highest level these endeavors will undoubtedly help the two sides steer the trade, investment and commercial ties toward the realization of shared goals.
Several Turkish companies have ventured into the Pakistani market in recent years and have benefitted from the special facilities and investment opportunities offered by the government. We are sure that Turkish investors and businessmen will participate in the multi-billion dollar projects in the energy and infrastructure sectors including the Dasu hydropower project and others. As the newly appointed ambassador of Pakistan to Ankara, I am keenly looking forward to working closely with Turkish authorities and the private sector to transform this historic relationship into a strong economic partnership. As we celebrate Pakistan Day, I wish to convey my profound gratitude to the people and the government of Turkey for their steadfast support in good as well as challenging times. I also extend my warmest felicitations to my fellow Pakistanis living in Turkey on this special occasion. I conclude by praying for long-lasting friendship and brotherhood between our two peoples.
*Sohail Mahmood is Pakistan’s ambassador to Turkey
ANKARA: 24 Mart 2015: Büyükelçi Sohail Mahmood Pakistan pazartesi akşamı Pakistan Milli Günü
için düzenlenen resepsiyona ev sahipliği yaptı. Politik ve askeri liderler,
milletvekilleri, üst düzey görevliler, medya temsilcileri, Pakistanlı halk ve
Türkiye’de bulunan pek çok diplomat davete katıldı.
Çevre ve
Şehircilik Bakanı ve Pakistan – Türkiye karma ekonomik komisyon eş başkanı
Ekselansları İdris Güllüce resepsiyonun onur konuğuydu. Türkiye – Pakistan
Meclis Dostluk Grubu Başkanı Burhan Kayatürk ve Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri
Genelkurmay II. Başkanı General Yaşar Güler respsiyona katılan üst düzey
Bakan İdris
Güllüce yaptığı konuşmada; Türkiye ve Pakistan’ın kardeş olduklarını belirtti.
Güllüce; Pakistan halkının Kurtuluş Savaşı’nın zor günlerinde hep Türk halkının
yanında olduğunu ve Türk milletinin bu desteği hiçbir zaman unutmayacağını ve
Pakistan’ın kalperimizde özel bir yeri olduğunu söyledi. Mükemmel süren ikili
ilişkilerinde güçlü bir ekonomik ortaklığa dönüştüğünü ve Pakistan ile Türkiye
arasındaki ticaret hacminin en az 1 milyar dolara çıkartılması gerektiğini
söyledi. Çanakkale kara ve deniz savaşları’nın anma törenine Pakistan’da en üst
düzeyde katılım sağlanacağınıda sözlerine ekledi.
Büyükelçisi Sohail Mahmood yaptığı konuşmada; Milli Gün kutlamalrına katılan
davetlilere teşekkür etti. Pakistan milli gününü Türkiye'de kutlamanın
Pakistan'da kutlamaktan farklı olmadığını ifade eden Mahmud, "Türkiye,
gerçekten Pakistan halkı için ikinci vatandır" diye konuştu.Pakistan ve Türkiye
arasındaki bağların çok özel ve benzersiz olduğunu,
Her iki ülkenin
de, bu samimi ilişkiyi güçlü ve kapsamlı bir ortaklığa dönüştürmek istediğini
iletti. Başbakan Sayın Ahmet Davutoğlu’nun, Şubat 2015’te Pakistan’a yaptığı
ziyaretin, bu yöndeki ortak çabalara önemli katkısı olduğunu belirtti. İki
tarafın Serbest Ticaret Anlaşması görüşmeleri
başlatmak için karar aldığını ve her iki ülkenin, yatırımları teşvik
etmek, savunma işbirliğini güçlendirmek, kültürel işbirliğini ve halklararası alışverişi teşvik etmek için adım attıklarını
konuşmasında dile getirdi.
önemli otel zincirinden gelen şeflerin hazırladığı yemekler Pakistan Milli Günü
Resepsiyonuna katılanlara ikram edildi ve
bir hafta sürecek olan Pakistan Yemek Festivali böylece başladı.
ANKARA: 24 March 2015: To celebrate Pakistan’s
National Day, Ambassador Sohail Mahmood hosted a reception on Monday evening. A
large number of guests including from amongst Turkish political and
military leadership, parliamentarians, senior officials, media representatives,
Pakistani community and diplomats based in Turkey attended the reception.
H.E. Mr. İdris Güllüce, Minister of Environment and Urbanization and co-chair
of Pakistan-Turkey Joint Economic Commission, was the chief guest. Head of
Turkey-Pakistan Parliamentary Friendship Group Mr. Burhan Kayaturk, and Deputy Chief of Turkish
General Staff General Yaşar Güler, were among the other high level guests
Minister İdris Güllüce in his speech said that the people of Turkey and Pakistan are brothers. He said Turkey is grateful to the people of Pakistan for
standing by in difficult times during the Turkish War of Independence. He said
that the Turkish nation will never forget this support. Mr. Güllüce added that Pakistan has a
special place in the hearts of Turks. He said the excellent bilateral relations
are being transformed into a vibrant economic partnership. “We aim to achieve
bilateral trade of US$ 1 billion this year,” Mr. Gulluce said. “We are pleased
to note that Pakistan
will be represented at the highest level at the centenary commemorations of
Çanakkale battle this year,” he added.
Ambassador Sohail Mahmood in his speech thanked the dignitaries for
attending the national day celebrations, noting that celebrating “Pakistan Day”
in Turkey is like
celebrating it in Pakistan
as Turkey
is truly our second home. Referring to the recent visit of Prime Minister Ahmet
Davutoğlu to Pakistan,
Ambassador Sohail Mahmood said the visit made significant contribution to our
joint efforts to transform our cordial relationship into a comprehensive
partnership. He added that both countries have decided to commence negotiations
on a Free Trade Agreement (FTA). Both countries are also taking steps to further
promote investments, increase defence collaboration, and intensify cultural
collaboration and people-to-people exchanges, he added.
A “Pakistan Food Festival” also commenced with the National Day reception.
Guests were served Pakistani cuisine prepared by executive chefs invited
specially from Pakistan’s
leading hotel chain. The Food Festival shall continue for one week.
ANKARA- 23 Mart 2015: “Pakistan Milli
Günü” için Pakistan Büyükelçiliğinde bugün anma töreni düzenlendi. Pakistan’lı
topluluk, Türkiye’de üniversitede okuyan öğrenciler ve Büyüelçilik
çalışanlarının katıldığı törende milli marş ile birlikte Sayın Büyükelçi Sohail
Mahmood göndere bayrak çekti. Pakistan Cumhurbaşkanı ve Başbakan’ının mesajlarıda
törende okundu.
Mesajında, Pakistan Cumhurbaşkanı Sayın Mamnoon Hussain; 23
Mart’ın çok önemli bir gün olduğunu, 75 yıl önce Müslüman düşünürler ve Alt
Kıta’nın politik liderleri biraraya gelerek bağımsızlık yolculuklarını
üstlendiklerini, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah’ın liderliğinde büyük
mücadele sonrasında Pakistan
devleti kurulduğunu söyledi. Hussain; Pakistan’ın
halkın çabaları ve bağlılığına ihtiyacı olduğunu ve bu şekilde Pakistan’ın
birleşerek daha güçlü bir ülke olacağını iletti.
Pakistan Başbakanı Sayın Muhammad Navaz Şerif
mesajında; Pakistan’ın
kuruluşunun Quaid ve bu işe gönül veren Alt Kıta’da ki Müslümanların
kararlılığı ile Pakistan’ın
kurulduğunun iletti. Pakistan
halkının bugünde karşılaştığı zorlukları bu şekilde çözdüğünü belirtti. Şerif; aydın
atalarımızında arzu ettiği gibi özgürlüğü, eşitliği ve sosyal adaleti
koruyacaklarını ekledi. Measjında son olarak; emin olunmalı ki Pakistan
Halkının özgürce yaşaması için tüm imkanları sağladıklarını, eğitim alma, iş bulma ve
hayatlarını yaşama konusunda karşılarına hiçbir korku ve engelin
çıkmayacağınıda yeniledi.
Büyükelçi Sohail Mahmood yaptığı konuşmada; bu
yürekli mücadelenin Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah’ın ilham verici
liderliğinde yapıldığını ve Quaid’ın vizyonu ile Pakistan’ın büyük bir kararlılıkla
kurulduğunu söyledi. Yeni Büyükelçi
olarak önceliğinin Pakistan
ve Türkiye arasında ki mükemel ilişkiye stratejik açıdan da yön vermek için
çalışamak olacağını iletti. Mahmood; Türkiye’de yaşamakta olan Pakistan’lı vatandaşların ve Pakistan’lı
öğrencilerin iki ülkenin daha da yakın ilişkiler sürdürmesi konusunda aktif bir
rol oynadıklarınında vurguladı.
Törende Pakistan Büyükelçiliği okulu
öğrencileri Pakistan milli
marşı ve pakistan
milli şarkılarını söylediler.
Pakistan Büyükelçisi Sohail Mahmood bu akşam
düzenlenecek resepsiyonda Türk Liderler, Milletvekileri, sivil toplulum üyeleri,
basın mensupları ve Pakistan
vatandaşilarını ağırlayacak. . Aynı zamanda, Pakistan’ın önemli otel zincirinden
gelen şeflerin hazırladığı yemeklerle bir hafta sürecek olan Pakistan Yemek
Festivali başlayacaktır.
ANKARA: 23 March 2015: Pakistan Embassy in Ankara
commemorated “Pakistan National Day” at a ceremony here today. The Ambassador
of Pakistan to Turkey, Mr. Sohail
Mahmood, unfurled the flag of Pakistan
on the tune of National Anthem in presence of the Pakistani community,
Pakistani students studying in TurkishUniversities and Embassy
officials. The messages of the President
and the Prime Minister of Pakistan were read out on the occasion.
The President of
Pakistan, Mr. Mamnoon Hussain, in his message stated that 23rd of March marks
the momentous occasion, when 75 years ago, great Muslim thinkers and political
leaders of the Sub Continent came together to embark upon the journey for
independence. As a result of great struggle led by Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali
Jinnah, the state of Pakistan
was created. He said Pakistan
needs the same efforts and commitment from its citizens to unite and make Pakistan
a much stronger country.
The Prime Minister
of Pakistan, Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, in his message said that Pakistan
was created as a result of the firm commitment of the Quaid and wholehearted
support of the Muslims of Sub Continent. The Prime Minister affirmed the
resolve that Pakistanis will succeed in resolving the challenges faced today.
He said we are committed to preserve
and ensure freedom, equality and social justice as core values of our polity as
desired by our enlightened forebears. He reiterated the commitment to ensure
that Pakistanis are provided with every opportunity to live freely, seek
education, gain employment and practice their faith without hindrance, fear and
Ambassador Sohail Mahmood in his speech recalled the valiant struggle for
Pakistan under the inspiring
leadership of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and said that 23rd
March was the day to reaffirm our determination to build Pakistan in accordance with the
Quaid’s vision. He said as a new Ambassador, his priority will be to make
efforts in giving strategic direction to our excellent relations with Turkey.
Referring to the recent visit of the Turkish Prime Minister to Pakistan,
it was reiterated to solidify trade and commercial ties between the two
countries. He urged the members of Pakistani community and students to continue
playing their active role in bringing Turkey
and Pakistan
further closer.
Students of Pakistan Embassy School (PEISG) in Ankara performed and sung national anthem and
national songs.
Ambassador Sohail Mahmood will host Pakistan Day reception today evening where
the Turkish leadership, parliamentarians, civil society, media and members of Pakistan
community are invited to participate. Pakistan Food Festival shall also commence
simultaneously at the venue of the national day reception. Two executive chefs
invited specially from Pakistan’s
leading hotel chain will prepare food for guests. Pakistan Food Festival shall
continue for one week.
ANKARA, 21 March 2015: Senator Muhammad Yousaf Baloch and Member National Assembly Mr. Bilal Ahmed Virk represented Pakistan in the Asia Parliamentary Assembly's (APA) Standing Committee Meeting on Political Affairs held from 19-20 March 2015 at Ankara, Turkey. The event was hosted by the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
Parliamentarians of Pakistan presented resolution titled “Draft Resolution on Measures for Realization of Asian Parliament” in the meeting of Standing Committee Meeting. Senator Muhammad Yousaf Baloch, while representing Senate of Pakistan said that quest for the Asian Parliament was well highlighted in the 7th Plenary of APA held Lahore in December 2014, where an important decision was taken towards creation of the Asian Parliament and Special Committee for the Creation of Asian Parliament (SCCAP). The resolution for creation of “Asian Parliament” is another step by parliament of Pakistan in its endeavor towards promoting goodwill and cordial relations among the Asian Nations and States.
Mr. Bilal Virk, MNA in his remarks said Pakistan has always considered Asian Parliamentary Assembly as the institutional voice of the Asian People. APA must play its role to protect, preserve the interests, aspirations and dreams of the millions of Asian People. The resolution presented by Pakistan would prove to be a foundation stone towards the creation of an Asian Parliament. The collective efforts of all member countries of APA will bring this idea into reality, he added.
While sharing his thoughts regarding terrorism and extremism, Mr. Bilal Virk highlighted the economic impact of this scourge on Pakistan and the sacrifices made by the people and armed forces of Pakistan. He said Pakistan is a playing a key role in the international efforts against terrorism.
The APA Standing Committee on Political Affairs referred the resolution presented by Pakistan to Special Committee for the Creation of Asian Parliament (SCCAP) where it would be discussed and then forwarded to Executive Council of APA which will meet in Islamabad later this year.
ANKARA: 20 March 2015: To further deepen the
fraternal bonds between the youth of Turkey
and Pakistan, a 25 member delegation
comprising students and young professionals from Pakistan
are visiting Turkey
from 17-22 March. Organized by the Public Diplomacy Division of the Turkish
Prime Ministry, the visit includes interaction at various Turkish Ministries,
offices, think-tanks, media, etc. Coming from different parts of Pakistan, the
youth delegation members belong to diverse segments of civil society, including
the academia, NGOs, and the media.
The delegation visited the Embassy of Pakistan in Ankara and had an interactive briefing
session with Ambassador Sohail Mahmood and officers of the Embassy. Pakistan
Ambassador also hosted a dinner in honour of the delegation and the relevant
Turkish officials.
Ambassador Sohail Mahmood underlined the exceptional quality of Pakistan-Turkey
relations and appraised the delegation of the recent initiatives taken by the
leadership of the two countries to build a strong economic partnership with
particular focus on enhanced trade and investment. Referring to recent major
development in the economic relations, Ambassador said during the visit of
Turkish Prime Minister to Pakistan
in February, the leadership has agreed to commence negotiations for a Free
Trade Agreement (FTA). Ambassador Sohail Mahmood also underscored the
importance of deeper cultural collaboration and people-to-people exchanges. In
this regard, he appreciated the efforts of the Turkish institutions that had
helped organize the Pakistan
youth delegation visit to Turkey.
Commandant of PNWC presenting a commemorative
shield to Commandant of Turkish Naval War College
ANKARA, 20 March 2015: Pakistan Navy War
College (PNWC) delegation headed by Rear Admiral (LH) Mateen ur
Rehman SI(M) visited Istanbul,
Turkey from 13
to 18 March 2015. PakistanNavyWarCollege conducts courses
for officers of the Pakistan Armed Forces and Military Officers from allied
countries. As part of its curriculum,
the PNWC undertakes a foreign study tour of friendly countries. The PNWC
delegation consisted of 20 members from currently ongoing course and included
allied officers from four countries.
PNWC delegation visited the TurkishWarAcademies
and Turkish Naval Base at Gölcük,
apart from visits to historical places in Istanbul
including the HarbiyeMilitaryMuseum
and NavalMuseum. The head of the PNWC delegation
also called on heads of various organizations. Additionally, the visiting
delegation had interaction with Turkey’s
renowned think-tank Wise Men Centre for Strategic Studies (BILGESAM) in order
to have an insight on the regional issues.
As a token of goodwill to visit to BILGESAM,
Commandant of PNWC presenting a plaque to Chairman BILGESAM
Pakistan and Turkish Navies enjoy strong bonds of
brotherhood and close cooperation. The cooperation started with the provision
of initial training to Pakistan Navy. Presently, both navies are conducting
joint training, exercises, seminars and high-level visits including visits of
chiefs of the two navies on a regular basis. The training/goodwill visits by
the units of both the navies are also a regular feature. The study visit by the
PakistanNavalWarCollege delegation contributed to
further deepening the ongoing collaboration between the two fraternal
Ankara, 14 Mart 2015; Cuma günü Ankara’da
düzenlene zarif bir törenle Türkiye’de yeni göreve atanan Pakistan Büyükelçisi
Sayın Sohail Mahmood, Cumhurbaşkanı Ekselansları Sayın Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’a
güven mektubunu sundu.
Büyükelçi Sohail Mahmood, Recep Tayyip
Erdoğan’a Pakistan Cumhurbaşkanı Mamnoon Hussain ve Başbakan Muhammad Nawaz
Sharif’in saygı ve sevgilerini iletti. Mahmood; Pakistan halkı ve Liderlerinin
kardeş Türk halkına karşı duyduğu derin sevgi ve saygıyı dile getirdi ve
Türkiye’de Büyükelçi olmanın bir ayrıcalık olduğunu sözlerine ekledi.
Büyükelçi Sohail Mahmood yaptığı açıklamada
Pakistan ve Türkiye arasında ki ilişkilerin temelinde kültürel ve tarihi
benzerliklerin olduğunu ve gelişen ortaklıkların iki ülke için bir güç kaynağı
olduğunu belirtti. Türkiye ile gerçekleştirilen yakın çalışmaların bu kardeşlik
ilişkisini güçlü bir ticari ve ekonomik ortaklığa çevireceğini dile getirdi.
Mahmood bu konu dikkate alındığında, Yüksek Düzeyli Stratejik İşbirliği Konsey
Toplantısında iki ülkenin ortak kararı ile Serbest Ticaret Anlaşmasının (FTA)
müzakerelerinin başlaması ve hızlı bir şekilde tamamlanması bu hedefi fark
etmemize yardımcı olacaktır dedi.
Savunma, enerji, alt yapı, kültür ve insan değişiminin de dâhil olduğu
pek çok kapsamlı alanda ikili işbirliği çalışmalarının derinleştirilmesi
konusundaki verdiği taahhüdü de yeniledi.
Büyükelçi Sohail Mahmood’u sıcak bir şekilde
karşılayan ve sunduğu güven mektubunu kabul eden Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan,
kendisine Pakistan Büyükelçisi olarak gerçekleştireceği görev için iyi
dileklerini ve desteğini iletti. Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan, Büyükelçiden Pakistan
Cumhurbaşkanı ve Başbakanına sevgi ve iyi dileklerini iletmesini istedi.
Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan, iki ülke arasındaki mükemmel politik ilişkiler ve iki
millet arasındaki büyük potansiyele uygun olarak ekonomik ve ticari alanlarda
ki bağların güçlenmesinin öneminin altını çizdi.
Büyükelçi Sohail Mahmood ve Pakistan
Büyükelçiliği Diplomat ve Ataşeleri,
törenin bir parçası olarak önce Türkiye’nin ilk Cumhurbaşkanı ve
Kurtuluş savaşının büyük önderi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’e saygılarını sunmak
üzere Anıtkabir’e gittiler ve Atatürk’ün mozolesine çelenk bıraktılar.
Sohail Mahmood, diplomatik kariyerine 1985 yılında Pakistan Dışişleri Servisine
katılarak başladı. 1991 – 1994 yılları arasında ilk yurt dışı görevini
Pakistan’ın Ankara Büyükelçiliğin de gerçekleştirdi. Washington, New York,
Ankara gibi pek çok şehirde Pakistan Misyonlarında görev alarak Diplomatik
kariyerinde geniş bir deneyim kazandı. Sayın Sohail Mahmood, 2009 – 2013
yılları arasında Pakistan’ın Tayland Büyükelçisi olarak görev yaptı. Ankara’da
ki görevinden önce, İslamabat Pakistan Dışişleri Bakanlığın da Müsteşar
Yardımcılığı görevi yaptı.
13 March 2015: The newly-appointed Ambassador of Pakistan to Turkey, Mr. Sohail Mahmood, presented his
credentials to the President of the Republic
of Turkey, H.E. Mr. Recep Tayyip
Erdoğan, in an elegant ceremony held at the Presidential Palace in Ankara today.
Ambassador Sohail Mahmood conveyed
special greetings of President Mamnoon Hussain and Prime Minister Muhammad
Nawaz Sharif to President Erdoğan. He noted that the people and leadership of Pakistan had deep love and regard for the
brotherly Turkish nation and added that it was an honour to be Pakistan’s Ambassador to Turkey.
Ambassador Sohail Mahmood stated
the relations between Pakistan
and Turkey
were rooted deep in history and cultural affinities and the growing partnership
between the two countries was a source of strength for both sides. He
reaffirmed his resolve to work closely with Turkey to transform the close
brotherly relationship into a strong trade and economic partnership. In this regard, the decision by the two sides to at the recent High Level Strategic Cooperation Council meeting to commence Free Trade Agreement (FTA) negotiations was of crucial significance and fast track completion of this process would help realization of this goal. He also
expressed the commitment to reinforce efforts for further deepening bilateral
cooperation across a broad range of fields – including defence, energy,
infrastructure, culture and people-to-people exchanges.
Accepting the credentials,
President Erdogan warmly welcomed Ambassador Sohail Mahmood and extended best
wishes and support in the discharge of his duties as the Ambassador of
Pakistan. The President asked the Ambassador to convey his warm greetings and
good wishes to the President and Prime Minister of Pakistan. President Erdogan
especially underscored the importance of further strengthening the trade and
economic ties between the two countries, commensurate with their excellent
political relations and the vast potential of the two nations.
Ambassador Sohail Mahmood along with officers of Pakistan Embassy visited the
Mausoleum of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk to pay homage to Turkey’s first president and the
great leader of its war of independence. As part of the official ceremony, he laid
a floral wreath on tomb.
A career diplomat, Mr. Sohail
Mahmood joined the Foreign Service of Pakistan in 1985. His first posting
abroad was in Pakistan Embassy Ankara where he served during 1991-1994. He has
wide experience in the diplomatic service having served in various Pakistan missions abroad including Washington, New York, and
Ankara. Mr.
Sohail Mahmood served as the Ambassador of Pakistan to Thailand from 2009-2013. Before
assuming his duties at Ankara, Mr. Sohail
Mahmood was Additional Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Islamabad.