Muhammad Haroon Shaukat: Pakistan Bağımsızlık Günü

File foto of Ambassador Haroon Shaukat
Pakistan, varlığının 67. yılını kutluyor. Bu gün Güney Asya Müslümanlarının büyük lider Mohammad Ali Cinnah'ın güçlü ve dinamik önderliğinde 14 Ağustos 1947'de gerçekleştirdikleri ayrı bir devlet için tarihi mücadelelerinde bir dönüm noktasını temsil ediyor. Cinnah, Pakistan'ı demokrasinin, meşrutiyetin ve hukuk üstünlüğünün hakim olduğu refah bir devlet olarak hayal etmişti. Büyük Önder Muhammad Ali Cinnah'ın hayali olan güçlü, modern ve ilerici bir Pakistan'ı gerçekleştirmek için Pakistan halkı sayısız zorluklarla karşı karşıya gelmiştir. Sosyoekonomik zorluklara, savaşlara, çatışmalara ve doğal afetlere rağmen, Pakistan halkı başları dik bir şekilde ve canlı umutlarla bütün bu sorunların üstesinden gelmiştir. Bugün, Pakistan'da demokrasi sağlam bir şekilde yerleşmiştir. Güçlü ve canlı bir sivil topluma, özgür ve dinamik basına ve
bağımsız bir yargıya sahibiz.
Bu yılın mayıs ayında yapılan tarihi seçimlerde, Pakistan halkı belirgin bir şekilde Başbakan Mian Muhammad Nawaz Şarif liderliğindeki yeni hükümete yetkiyi vermiştir. Türkiye ile güçlü ve stratejik bir ortaklık kurmak, özellikle ekonomik ve ticari ilişkilere nitelik ve miktarsal açıdan değişiklik getirmek yeni hükümetin büyük arzusudur.
İki ülke arasındaki ortak ve baki iyi niyet ve Lahor'daki Metrobüs ve Katı Atık Yönetimi projeleri, Sind'deki rüzgar enerjisi projesi ve deprem ve selden etkilenen bölgelerdeki sayısız yeniden yapılandırma ve iyileştirme projeleri gibi son zamanlarda yapılan projeler bu işbirliği geliştirmek için sağlam bir temel oluşturmaktadır.
Böyle başarı hikayelerin iki ülkenin girişimcilerini farklı alanlarda motive etmesini umuyorum. 180 milyonun üzerinde bir nüfusa ve mükemmel insan ve malzeme kaynaklarına sahip bir ülke olarak, Pakistan potansiyel bir ekonomik güç merkezi.
Tekstil, otomobil, elektrik, çimento ve gıda endüstrisi üzerine güçlü bir üretim tabanına sahip bir ülkedir. Aynı zamanda, Pakistan pamuk, pirinç, buğday, şekerkamışı ve süt üretiminde, özellikle manda sütü üretiminde, dünya lideridir. Dolayısıyla, Pakistan enerji, inşaat, özellikle düşük maliyetli konut inşaatı, telekomünikasyon ve tarıma dayalı sektörleri Türk yatırımcılara cazip bir piyasa oluşturmaktadır. Pakistan'daki yeni hükümet kapsamlı bir sosyoekonomik geliştirme programına başlarken, Türkiye geniş tecrübesiyle ve en iyi yöntemleriyle Pakistan için hem ideal hem de örnek bir ortak olacaktır. İki ülkenin hükümetleri iki ülkenin iş adamları ve girişimcileri için kolaylaştırıcı çerçeveler sağlamak ve iki ülkenin özel sektörleri arasında etkili ortak çalışma alanları yaratmak için aktif bir şekilde çalışıyor.
Bu kutlu günde, Türkiye ile her alanda zamanla sınanmış dostluğumuzu, dayanışmamızı, yakın işbirliğimizi ve ortaklığımızı daha da derinleştirme ve bu örnek ilişkiyi yeni seviyelere ulaştırma arzumuzu yinelemek istiyorum.
Yaşasın Türk-Pakistan Dostluğu!
Published on 15.08.2013
Courtesy: Sabah

Independence Day of Pakistan
Today, Pakistan is commemorating the 67th birthday of its existence. This day represents a milestone for the Muslims of the South Asia. This day they succeeded in their heroic struggle for achieving a separate homeland under the able and dynamic leadership of our great leader Mohammad Ali Jinnah on 14th August 1947. Jinnah’s envisioned Pakistan as a welfare state where democracy, constitutionalism and rule of law would reign supreme.
The people of Pakistan had to face numerous challenges in realizing Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s vision for a strong, modern and progressive Pakistan. Despite socio-economic difficulties, wars, conflict and natural disasters, the Pakistani people remained resilient in facing all difficulties with their heads high and hopes alive. Today, democracy in Pakistan is deeply entrenched. We have a robust and vibrant civil society, a free and dynamic media and a strong and independent judiciary.
In the recent historic elections held in May this year, the people of Pakistan have given a clear mandate to a new government under the leadership of Prime Minister Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif. It is the strong desire of the new government to forge a strong strategic partnership with Turkey and especially for bringing a qualitative and quantitative change in our economic and commercial relations. Mutual and abiding goodwill between the two countries and success of recent projects such  as Metro Bus and Solid Waste Management in Lahore, wind energy in Sindh and numerous reconstruction and rehabilitation projects in earthquake and flood affected areas provide a solid foundation to enhance this cooperation. I hope that such success stories would motivate entrepreneurs of both countries in diverse fields.   
Pakistan with a population of over 180 million people and endowed with excellent human and material sources, is a potential economic power house. It has a strong manufacturing base centered on textiles, auto-mobiles, electrical goods, cement and food industries. Pakistan is also a world leader in the production of cotton, rice, wheat, sugarcane and milk, specially buffalo milk. Pakistan’s energy, construction, specially low-cost housing, telecommunication and agro-based sectors are thus an attractive market for Turkish investors.
As the new government in Pakistan embarks on a comprehensive socio-economic development programme, Turkey with its vast experience and best practices could serve both as a model and an ideal partner for Pakistan. The two governments are vigorously working for providing facilitative frameworks to the traders and entrepreneurs of the two countries and for creating an effective interface between the private sectors of the two countries.
On this auspicious day, I wish to reiterate our strong desire to further deepen our time tested friendship, solidarity and close cooperation and collaboration with Turkey in all spheres and to take this exemplary relationship to new heights.
Long live Pak-Turk friendship! 

Pakistan Bağımsızlık Günü Ankara’da Kutlandı

ANKARA, 14 Ağustos 2013: 67.inci Pakistan Bağımsızlık Günü Ankara’da bulunan Pakistan Büyükelçiliği’nde kutlandı. Pakistan halkı ve Büyükelçilik mensuplarının hazır bulunduğu seremonide, Pakistan’ın Ankara Büyükelçisi Sayın Muhammad Haroon Shaukat Pakistan milli marşı eşliğinde ülke bayrağını göndere çekti. Büyükelçi daha sonra Pakistan Cumhurbaşkanı ve Başbakan’dan gelen mesajları konuklara iletti.

Pakistan Cumhurbaşkanı Sayın Asıf Ali Zardari bu seneki kutlamaların ayrı bir önem taşıdığını çünkü bu sene Pakistan’ın bir hükümetten diğerine demokratik ve barışçıl bir süreç sonunda geçtiğini ifade etti. Mesajında, büyük önderlerinin dilediği gibi Pakistan halkını ilerleyen dönemlerde de güçlü, kararlı ve istikrarlı davranmaya teşvik ederken, bu barışçıl ortamın Pakistan demokrasisin gelişmesi için gerekli olduğunu söyledi.

Pakistan Başbakanı Sayın Muhammed Navaz Sharif mesajında Pakistan için yeni ve olumlu bir dönemin başladığına dikkat çekerek, yeni hükümetin bu konuda azimle çalışacağını ifade etti. Pakistan’ın kurucu partisi olan Pakistan Müslüman Birliği’nin ülkede istikrarın sağlanması ve güvenliğin oluşturulabilmesi için öncelikle demokratik sürecin ilerlemesine ve insan haklarına saygı gösterilmesine inandığını belirtildi. Hükümetin açlık, işsizlik ve enflasyon olmak üzere birçok sorunu ortadan kaldırmak için kararlı olduğunu ifade eden Başbakan, ülkede huzurun sağlanmasının başlıca görevleri olduğunu söyledi. Başbakan’ın mesajında ülkede yaşanan terör ve radikalizm gibi güvenliği tehdit eden unsurların tamamen ortadan kaldırılması için çalışmaların sürdürüldüğü yinelendi ve bu konuda Pakistan halkının tam destek verdiği eklendi. 

Büyükelçi Haroon Shaukat daha sonra Pakistan halkını Türkiye-Pakistan arasında gelişmekte olan ikili ilişkilerin son durumu hakkında bilgilendirdi. Yeni hükümetin iki ülke arasındaki kültürel ve ekonomik ilişkileri geliştirmek adına başarılı çalışmalar yapacağına inandığını belirtti. İki ülkenin menfaatleri adına gelişmekte olan ilişkilere örnek olarak Lahor’daki Metrobüs ve Katı Atık Tesisi projelerini, Sindh eyaletindeki rüzgar enerjisi santralini ve deprem, doğal afet sonucu zarar gören bölgelerde yapılan birçok iyileştirme ve rehabilitasyon çalışmalarını gösterdi. Büyükelçi, ilerleyen dönemlerde de böyle önemli projelerin devam etmesini dilediğini söyleyerek, her iki ülke yatırımcılarının teşvik edilmesi gerektiğini ekledi. 
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Independence Day of Pakistan celebrated at Ankara

ANAKRA, 14 August 2013:  The 67th Independence Day of Pakistan was commemorated at Pakistan Embassy Ankara today. The Ambassador of Pakistan H.E. Mr. Muhammad Haroon Shaukat unfurled the national flag on the tune of national anthem in presence of the Pakistani community and Embassy officials.  He read out the messages of the President and the Prime Minister on the occasion.

The President of Pakistan Mr. Asif Ali Zardari in his message stated that the Independence Day celebrations this year have special significance as the natiPakistan to stand firm and united for safeguarding and strengthening democracy and to work collectively for a progressive, tolerant, moderate and pluralistic Pakistan as envisioned by our great leaders.
on is also celebrating peaceful democratic transition from one democracy to another. He urged the people of

Prime Minister of Pakistan Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif in his message said a new era of hope and optimism has dawned in the country with the inception of the present democratic government. Pakistan Muslim League, the founding party of Pakistan, believes that the well being and security of the country hinges on the continuation of democratic process and respect for the people’s rights. The present government is committed to eliminate hunger, unemployment and inflation so that there is prosperity in the country. The Premier’s message also renewed the commitment to weed out extremism and terrorism from the country with active support of the people of Pakistan.

Ambassador Haroon Shaukat later on briefed the Pakistani community about recent developments in Pakistan-Turkey relations. He said it is the strong desire of the new government to forge a strong strategic partnership with Turkey and especially for bringing a qualitative and quantitative change in our economic and commercial relations. Mutual and abiding goodwill between the two countries and success of recent projects such  as Metro Bus and Solid Waste Management in Lahore, wind energy in Sindh and numerous reconstruction and rehabilitation projects in earthquake and flood affected areas provide a solid foundation to enhance this cooperation. He hoped that such success stories would motivate entrepreneurs of both countries in diverse fields.  

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Why do Turks Like Pakistan? by Prof. Dr. Sedat Laciner

Why do Turks Like Pakistan?

by Prof. Dr. Sedat Laciner

(Dr. Sedat was General Coordinator of leading Turkish think-tank USAK and now working as Rector of Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversity)

Many statesmen believe in that the states have no friends, but interests. That’s why the number of states which have ‘special relations’ is few. US-UK relations or US-Israel relations are exceptional. Even in these examples we see that the national interests are more important than the emotional dimension. In this framework Turkish-Pakistani relations have always been special. In spite of the geographical distance and the clear economic and social differences between two countries, Turks have always loved the Pakistanis. Although the Pakistanis are not Turkish origin people, they have always been called ‘brothers’ in Turkey. Brotherhood between these two countries was something emerged before the family ties between the Turkish Republics and Turkey to be bounded. Like many Turkish people I did not question Pakistan’s friendship, yet one of the answers I was trying to find prior to my 8 day-trip to Pakistan was the reasons of this profound sympathy. On the Pakistan way, may be first time in my life I wondered why do Turks like Pakistan? I thought whether the Turkish-Pakistani love is delusion or not.

I will share my Pakistan notes in the near future, but in this essay I would rather try to understand the main roots of our Pakistan sympathy:

The things I saw in my 2000 km journey, including 5 cities from Karachi-southern coast- to Burban-the very north of Pakistan-, was totally devastating for me and the other members of the Turkish delegation. It is clear that Pakistan has been passing through difficult times in terms of politics, security and economics. My soul and heart were hurt by the level of difficulties these beautiful people face. Besides all that tragedy, I and other members of the Turkish delegation found out something that every visitor to Pakistan experience: Pakistan is certainly the country that likes Turkey the most in this world.

In one of the meetings the USAK in Ankara, the Pakistani Ambassador Seyid Iftikhar Hüseyin Shah had answered very positively all our questions and declared Pakistan’s support for any political problem Turkey faces: For example when we talked about Cyprus issue, terror or any other important topics, all of which he replied: “Pakistan would support you”. An ambassador’s response this fast and impulsive was quite shocking for USAK researchers if it was not suspicious. After seeing the shocked expressions in our faces, Ambassador Shah smiled and looked into our eyes saying “Pakistan would always support Turkey, because your country is Turkey, and you are Turkish.” We simply understand that Turkey has Pakistan’s political support in any issue with no hesitation. Such support and ties were naturally unexpected for Anglo-Saxon type educated people like us and it was a surprise for us when we are talking about a so ‘alone country’ in Europe, Turkey. What is more impressive was that we heard the same replies throughout Islamabad, Karachi and Lahor. All Pakistanis told us that “Pakistan would always support Turkey just because you are Turkey, and you are Turkish”

The first thing I discovered while I was questioning the reasons of this exceptional “chum” relationship was how lonely Pakistan was. Being stuck between India, Iran, Afghanistan and China, Pakistan suffers a great loneliness. All of Pakistan’s neighbors are either too problematic, like Afghanistan, or too distant from adopting a close relationship on equal terms with the country. Take India for example, after the British left, it started drawing a profile of “Big Brother” of the region. Iran, where there are still strong signs of a pursuit for the Persian Empire (or expansion of the Islamist regime?), is no different. On the contrary, Iran’s ‘intolerable’ conceit and desire for ideological propagation, makes it almost impossible to create a strong relationship. Afghanistan, probably the most similar country to Pakistan in terms of geography and demography, is now like a fireball and is ready to porch. Inside all the neighbors of Pakistan, the most loved one is certainly China. Because of its support to Pakistan in their relations with India, Chinese relations are special for Pakistanis. The “real China” is, however, is the very east of the country. Besides, it is fairly hard to imagine a Chinese – Pakistani closeness, compared to a one with Turkey. Moreover the relations with the West is also problematic. Although Islamabad Government has always been very helpful for the Western policies against terrorism, Pakistan cannot find a similar support and empathy in the West.

Turkey is certainly the most similar country to Pakistan in the world with its ‘special loneliness’. Although it is at the heart of the global issues and has quite strong ties with the East and the West, Turkey is not part of any world in reality. It is sui generis and Turkish people still feel aloneness in the West and in the region like Pakistan. It can be said that this shared aloneness is one of the factors in Turkish – Pakistani friendship. Turks can understand the Pakistanis before the double standards of the great powers.

Besides their common loneliness, the historical caliphate is believed to be another reason of the Turkish sympathy in Pakistan. The Ottoman sultans were considered the head of the all Muslims in many countries. Thanks to the Abdulhamid II’s efforts the influence of the Turkish caliphates’ increased dramatically in the Indian subcontinent. The Turks were considered as a balancing power against the occupying British in India. Therefore Indian Muslims felt themselves very close, even engaged, to the Anatolian Muslim Turks. More strangely, not only the Muslims, but also all other oppressed societies in India felt themselves close to the Ottoman Empire in these years. Including Gandhi, the Indians were all saddened by the declaration of secular Turkish Republic and the cassation of the caliphate chair. They were not against secularism but the evaporation of the Caliphate as they saw the Caliphate as an influential tool against imperialism in India. Despite their sadness, both Hindus and Muslim Indians respected Turkish people’s decision, continued to see citizens of the Modern Turkish Republic as the sons of the Ottomans.

Another factor of the sympathy was unfortunately the turmoil both Turkey and Pakistan experienced, particularly the military coups. The 12 September 1980 Coup’s General President Kenan Evren for instance was not welcomed at all in the Western European countries. He could only visit or more accurately only welcomed by Bulgaria, Romania, soma Arab countries and Pakistan. The same thing was, of course, true for Pakistan. Turkish officials have always welcomed Pakistanis no matter what their political conditions were.

Turkey’s strong support for Pakistan in the Kashmir case has also been a major contributor to the relationship. In spite of the problems with India, Turkey kept to its support and said: “… just because you are Pakistan.”

Although it is a debatable issue, another important point that needs to be mentioned here is the ethnic roots of Pakistan community. The country is clearly affected by the neighboring countries it stuck between. Fingerprints can be seen in its language, religion, culture and in many other areas. Its foods and music are, along with a lot other characteristics, is a synthesis. However, the Turkish signs can only be seen when looked closer. Even physical similarities can be observed. Turkish clans entering the inside of the Indian subcontinent have affected the region so deeply that its fingerprints inherited to the Pakistan of today. In other words, our ties with Pakistanis are not just mental, but we might also, with the help of modern science, observe different aspects of the ties by looking at the genes of our Pakistani brothers. Such a fact would certainly be shocking, but not very unexpected.

More recently, Turkey’s immediate help to Pakistan in the earthquake disaster was definitely the most major contributor to the relationship between the countries. All Pakistanis, from government officials to ordinary people, are very grateful for their brother country’s aids. They said that Turkey was there with both volunteers and officials helping them rescuing their people in a disaster which 75.000 people died. Moreover, they told us that Turks also did not leave immediately, but helped rebuilding the devastated country. They were so impressed from this immense help that Imam Abdullah said in a speech he made in Eidgahah Mosque: “Pakistan is Turkey and Turkey is Pakistan.”

Another recent contribution of the disaster to Turkish-Pakistani relationship is the fact that Turkish Premier, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, was the first leader to visit the country after the great disaster. Showing one more time the importance of timing in diplomacy, that his visit and speech impressed Pakistanis as much as Turkish aids did. Even though he may be aware of the consequences of his visit, Mr. Erdogan certainly did something very important for closeness between Pakistan and Turkey.

The last visit to Pakistan made by Turkish President Abdullah Gul was also important in this context. His visit after the devastating assassination of Benazir Bhutto, which is an incident that almost put the country into a chaos, proved Turkey’s support to the country one more time. The message President Gul gave by meeting with all leaders in the country was clear: “Pakistani leaders should stop fighting each other and maintain peace and unity in the country.” Thanks to the efforts of Turkish ambassador Engin Soysal and his team, Turkey has continued to play a special role in bridging the opposing Pakistani groups. It is clear that almost all Pakistani political parties trust on the Turks. That’s why Turkish diplomats or politicians can organize in a very limited time so many sensitive meetings which affect Pakistani political life.

As a conclusion, it seems that Turks have enough reasons to see Pakistan as a brother country. Besides, the heating environment of the “Great Middle East” also brings countries like Turkey and Pakistan, and other countries affected by the United States policies in the region. The wrong policies of the White House force the regional powers to make more co-cooperation and Turkish-Pakistani relations is no exception.

I will continue writing on our Pakistan experiences. However, for now, I will stop here by telling people who do not believe in Turkey-Pakistan closeness that: We the Turks love Pakistanis because they are Pakistani.

Translated by Nilgun Gulcan and Kerem Kilic (JTW)

Courtesy: Journal of Turkish Weekly, USAK
Orignally published 16 July 2008

Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey felicitates President-elect of Pakistan

Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey H. E. Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan has sent following message of felicitations to the President-elect of Pakistan, Mamnoon Hussain.

Ankara, July 30, 2013

H.E. Mamnoon Hussain
President Elect of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

            Honourable President Elect, Dear Brother,

            On the occasion of being elected as the President of the brotherly country Pakistan, I am greatly pleased to extend my most heartfelt congratulations to You and the people of Pakistan on behalf of myself, my Nation and the Turkish Government.

            I wholeheartedly believe that Pakistan will resolutely continue its progress towards prosperous and peaceful future under Your Excellency’s wise leadership. I am confident that our multidimensional cooperation based on deep rooted friendship and fraternity between our peoples will keep developing in all areas under Your tenure.

            Taking this opportunity, I reiterate my most sincere wishes for Your Excellency’s health and welfare along with the development and felicity of the friendly and brotherly Pakistani people.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan
Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey”