Pakistan Embassy Hosts Eid / Şeker Bayram Reception

ANAKRA, 30 August 2011:  The Ambassador of Pakistan to Turkey H.E. Mr. Muhammad Haroon Shaukat hosted Şeker Bayram reception here today that was attended by a large number of Turkish dignitaries, members of Pakistan community, and Embassy officials.

Congratulating the guests on the auspicious occasion, Mr. Shaukat said the Embassy is gearing efforts to create interface between the business communities of Pakistan and Turkey that will be instrumental in further enhancing the existing traditional brotherly relations as well as help to boost economic ties.

During his interaction with guests, Mr. Shaukat briefed them about the steps being taken by the democratic government of Pakistan for economic development. He said Pakistan is keen to have investors from Turkey in productive sectors of economy such as energy, infrastructure, agro-based industries, etc.

The guests expressed their complete solidarity with the transformative agenda of the democratic government of Pakistan. They also appreciated the goodwill gesture of the Embassy and assured their full support to the Ambassador and his team.

On behalf of the people and Government of Pakistan, the Ambassador congratulated the people of Turkey on Zafer Bayram.

Photo captions:
Photo 1: Ambassador M. Haroon Shaukat and his wife in a group photo with children of Pakistan community at Eid day reception he hosted in Ankara on 30th August 2011.
 Photo2: Ambassador M. Haroon Shaukat with Turkish guests at a Eid day reception he hosted on 30th August 2011 at Ankara.

Commerce is the path of peace and prosperity

08.08.2011 / Ankara - Islamic Republic of Pakistan Ambassador Muhammad Haroon Shaukat visited the TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu. During the visit Hisarcıklıoğlu introduced TOBB and emphasized that the two countries held great importance for each other.
M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu pointed out the importance of peace and prosperity of the region, stating that the only way to ensure it was commerce. TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu emphasized the importance of the ECOTA and TPS-OIC agreements for increasing trade in the region and stated that the countries which have yet to sign the agreement must be encouraged to do so.
Ambassador Muhammad Haroon Shaukat expressed that the relations between the two countries were well but that commerce needs to be improved. Muhammad Haroon Shaukat requested support to increase the cooperation between the Turkish and Pakistani business worlds.

Pakistan Honours Turkish Politician/Businessman - Pakistan Türk Siyasetçiyi Onurlandırıyor

ANKARA, 19 August 2011: In recognition of his services to Pakistan, the Government of Pakistan on its Independence Day announced conferring “Sitara-i-Imtiaz” or “Star of Excellence” on Mr. Burhan Kayaturk, Member, Turkish Grand National Assembly.
The Award shall be conferred on the next National Day of Pakistan i.e. 23rd March 2012.
“Sitara-i-Imtiaz” is one of the highest honours and the most distinguished civilian award in the State of Pakistan.
Mr. Burhan Kayaturk is a well known politician and businessman. He graduated from Pakistan’s prestigious University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore.

Pakistan Türk Siyasetçiyi Onurlandırıyor
Pakistan Hükümeti, Pakistana yaptığı hizmetleri göz önünde bulundurarak, Bağımsızlık Gününde 
T.B.M.M. üyesi Sn.Burhan Kayatürk’e “Sitara-i-Imtiaz” veya “Mükemmellik Yıldızı” nişanı verileceğini açıkladı.
Nişan, Pakistan’ın bir sonraki Milli Günü olan 23 Mart 2012 tarihinde kendisine tevcih edilecektir.“Sitara-i-İmtiyaz” Pakistan Devleti’nin sivillere verdiği en saygın ve en seçkin nişandır.Sn.Burhan Kayatürk tanınmış bir siyasetçi ve işadamıdır. Pakistan’ın en prestijli üniversitelerinden biri olan
Lahor Mühendislik ve Teknoloji Üniversitesinden mezun olmuştur.

Yorumlar [Yorum Muhammad Haroon Shaukat] Pakistan Bağımsızlık Gününü kutlarken ZAMAN

Bugün Pakistan, kuruluşunun 65'inci yıldönümünü kutluyor. Bu tarih Hint alt kıtasındaki Müslümanların ayrı bir devlet kurma mücadelesini ve büyük liderimiz Muhammed Ali Cinnah önderliğinde 14 Ağustos 1947'de ulaştığı hedefini temsil ediyor. Cinnah, Pakistan'ı demokrasi, anayasa ve hukukun üstünlüğü ilkelerinin hüküm süreceği huzurlu bir ülke olarak tasarlamıştı.

Sayısız zorluklarla karşılaşmamıza rağmen, halkımızın direnci ve güçlü iradesi sayesinde bunları başımız dik ve umutlarımız canlı olarak aştık. Pakistan'ın kademeli bir şekilde güçlenen kurumlarıyla yükselen bir ekonomiye dönüşmesi, insanoğlunun verdiği mücadele ve fedakârlıklar açısından fevkalade önemli bir hikâyedir. Bugün güçlü demokratik kurumları, bağımsız yargısı, aktif sivil toplumu, özgür basını ve yükselen orta sınıfı, Pakistan'ı canlı tutan ve içine işlemiş unsurlardır.
Pakistan, zengin insani ve geniş doğal kaynaklarla donatılmıştır. Pamuk, pirinç, buğday, şeker kamışı ve süt üretiminde dünya lideridir. Tekstil, otomotiv, çimento ve gıda sanayiine ilişkin güçlü üretim tesisleri mevcuttur. Türk şirketlerini/işadamlarını Pakistan'daki enerji, telekomünikasyon, altyapı ve konut sektörlerindeki birçok çekici yatırım fırsatlarından faydalanmaları için davet ediyorum.
Kadınlarımızın siyaset başta olmak üzere ulusal yaşamımızın birçok dalında görev alması ve katılımı olumlu bir gelişmedir. Pakistan, kadın bir başbakana sahip olan ilk Müslüman ülke olma özelliğini taşımaktadır; merhume şehit mohtarma Benazir Bhutto. Demokratik, gelişen ve modern bir Pakistan için coşkuyla çalışmış ve bu uğurda hayatını kaybetmiştir.
Pakistan ve Türkiye iki güçlü ve kardeş ülke olarak, gelecek nesillerinin kaderlerini şekillendirmek için birlikte çalışmaktadır. Coğrafi olarak uzaklığımız olabilir ancak kalplerimiz birlikte atıyor. Pakistanlılar, Türkiye'nin elde ettiği başarıları kendi başarılarıymış gibi kutlamaktadırlar. İki ülke mevcut dostane ve kardeşçe ilişkilerini pekiştirmek, aynı zamanda ekonomik ve ticari alanlardaki ortaklıklarını kuvvetlendirmek için güçlü bir istek ve iradeye sahiptir.
Pakistan, Türkiye'nin bölgede oynadığı rolü takdirle karşılamaktadır. Gerek Türkiye gerekse Pakistan stratejik konumları ve güçlü demokratik kurumları vesilesiyle, yapıcı bir rol oynama ve istikrarın temel direkleri olma potansiyeline sahiptirler.
Kardeşçe yürüttüğümüz siyasi ilişkilerimizi sağlam ekonomik ortaklığa dönüştürmek için büyük fırsatlar mevcuttur. İki ülkenin de özel sektörleri büyük gelişim göstermektedir. Ekonomik ilişkilerimizi geliştirmek için iyi bir altyapıya ve iletişime ihtiyacımız var. Cumhurbaşkanı Zerdari ve Cumhurbaşkanı Gül'ün de önceki toplantılarında belirttiği gibi İran üzerinden İslamabad ve İstanbul'u birbirine bağlayacak olan bir hızlı yük treni hattı, mevcut olan on altı günlük ulaşım süresini yedi güne indirecektir. Bu sadece Pakistan ve Türkiye arasındaki ticaret hareketliliğini artırmakla kalmayacak, bölge ülkelerinin de faydalanacağı ve Avrupa pazarlarına erişimlerini sağlayacak bir imkân oluşturacaktır.
Bu kutlu günde, zaman içinde kendini kanıtlamış olan dostluğumuzun pekiştirilmesi, her alanda dayanışmanın artırılması ve geniş bölgede iki sağlam istikrar sütunu olma isteğimizi yinelemek isterim.
Yaşasın Pakistan-Türkiye dostluğu!

Commemorating Pakistan Independence Day

Today Pakistan commemorates the 65th anniversary of its existence. The day represents a milestone in the historic struggle of the Muslims of the Indian sub-continent for a separate state, which they achieved under the able and dynamic leadership of our great leader Mohammad Ali Jinnah on Aug. 14, 1947.
Jinnah envisioned Pakistan as a welfare state where democracy, constitutionalism and rule of law would reign supreme.
Despite facing numerous challenges, the resilience and the strong will of the people enabled us to surmount many difficulties with our heads high and our hopes alive. Pakistan’s gradual transition to an emerging economy with strong institutions has been a remarkable story of human struggle and sacrifice. Today, strong democratic institutions, an independent judiciary, active civil society, a free media and rising middle class are deeply embedded in a vibrant Pakistan.
Pakistan is endowed with rich human and vast natural resources. It is a world leader in the production of cotton, rice, wheat, sugarcane and milk. It has a strong manufacturing base centered on the textile, auto, cement and food industries. I invite Turkish companies and businessmen to benefit from the many attractive investment opportunities that exist in the energy, telecommunication, infrastructure and housing sectors of Pakistan.
The involvement and participation of women in the mainstream of our national life, including politics, has been a positive development. Pakistan had the distinction of being the first Muslim country to elect a woman prime minister -– the late Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Shaheed. She passionately worked for a democratic, progressive and modern Pakistan –- a mission for which she even laid down her life.
Pakistan and Turkey, being two strong and brotherly countries, are working together in shaping the destinies of their future generations. Our two countries have a strong desire and will to further strengthen the existing bonds of friendship and brotherhood while forging stronger partnerships in the economic and commercial fields.
On this auspicious day, I wish to reiterate our strong desire to further deepen our time-tested friendship and solidarity in all spheres and to serve as two strong pillars of stability in the broader region.
Long live Pak-Turk friendship!
* Muhammad Haroon Shaukat is Pakistan’s ambassador to Turkey.
Today's Zaman, 14 August 2011

Independence Day of Pakistan celebrated at Ankara

ANAKRA, 14 August 2011:  The 65th Independence Day of Pakistan was commemorated at Pakistan Embassy Ankara today. The Ambassador of Pakistan H.E. Mr. Muhammad Haroon Shaukat unfurled the national flag on the tune of national anthem in the presence of Pakistani community and Embassy officials.  He read out the messages of the President and the Prime Minister on the occasion.

The President of Pakistan Mr. Asif Ali Zardari in his message stated that sixty four years ago, the birth of Pakistan epitomized the successful culmination of a long and arduous struggle by Muslims of the sub-continent under the inspiring leadership of Mr. Mohammad Ali Jinnah. Jinnah envisioned Pakistan as a homeland for the Muslims of South Asia where democracy, constitutionalism and rule of law would reign. The coalition Pakistan Peoples Party led government is determined to vigorously pursue the objective of taking Pakistan along the path of prosperity, progress and democracy

The message of the Prime Minister of Pakistan Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani highlighted that many positive developments have taken place in the country, which have the potential of steering our national direction as envisaged by the founding fathers. Robust media, active civil society and rising middle class are the manifestation of vibrant Pakistan. The Parliament has approved historic constitutional amendments, which have reset the direction of administrative and political power in favour of the federating units.

The Ambassador later on briefed the members of the Pakistani community about recent developments in Pakistan-Turkey relations. He said members of Pakistani community are also the Ambassadors of their country and urged them to continue playing their active role in bringing the two countries further closer.

Photo captions:
1.      Pakistan’s Ambassador to Turkey Mr. Muhammad Haroon Shaukat unfurling the national flag on the eve of 65th Independence Day at Ankara on 14th August 2011.
2.    The Ambassador of Pakistan to Turkey Mr. Muhammad Haroon Shaukat addressing the Pakistani community and Embassy officials on eve of Independence Day, 14th August 2011.

Foreign Minister of Pakistan meeting with Turkish President 12 August 2011

ISTANBUL, 12 August 2011: Foreign Minister of Pakistan Ms Hina Rabbani Khar, visiting Turkey on the invitation of her Turkish counterpart Prof. Dr. Ahmet Davutoğlu, met separately with President Abdullah Gul and Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan at Istanbul.

Pakistani Foreign Minister meets Turkish President, Prime Minister

ISTANBUL, 12 August 2011: Foreign Minister of Pakistan Ms Hina Rabbani Khar, visiting Turkey on the invitation of her Turkish counterpart Prof. Dr. Ahmet Davutoğlu, met separately with President Abdullah Gul and Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan at Istanbul today.
Conveying the greetings of President Zardari to H.E. Abdullah Gül, Ms Khar appreciated Turkey’s positive role in the Middle East and said both countries could be pillars of strength in the region. Showing satisfaction over the level of growing economic ties, President Gul said Turkish leadership is encouraging Turkish businessmen to further expand their investment ventures in Pakistan, specially in the energy sector. President Gul said he is personally pursuing the fast cargo goods train project. This will reduce transportation time between Islamabad and Istanbul from present sixteen days to only seven days.
During her meetings with both the President and the Prime Minister, Ms Khar emphasized on need to upgrade rail and road links between Pakistan and Turkey. She said this will not only boost economic activities between the two countries but could benefit the neighboring countries’ access to EU market.
Lauding Turkish initiatives for bringing peace and stability in the region, Ms Khar said Pakistan will extend full support to the forthcoming regional conference on Afghanistan being held in Turkey on 2nd November this year.
Ms Khar also briefed the Turkish leaders on her recent visit to India. She said Pakistan remains committed to a constructive, sustained and result-oriented process of engagement with India. Continuing the dialogue will ultimately lead to the resolution of all outstanding issues including the core issue of Kashmir, she added.
In her meeting with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Ms Khar conveyed the greetings of Prime Minister Gilani on AK Party’s landslide victory in recent general elections in Turkey. Turkish Premier said he is looking forward to his forthcoming visit to Pakistan for attending High Level Cooperation Council meeting.
Mr. Erdogan agreed with Ms Khar that both the countries need to place greater emphasis on bilateral economic cooperation, especially in key sectors including infrastructure, engineering, textiles, energy, agriculture, telecommunications, mining and technology ventures. They emphasized on the need to consider facilitative economic frameworks including Preferential Trade Arrangement, opening of bank branches in each other countries, and firming up investment protection regimes.

Bilateral Ties: Khar on first-ever visit to Turkey

Bilateral Ties: Khar on first-ever visit to Turkey
ANKARA: Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar said on Friday that Pakistan and Turkey were working together to convert challenges into opportunities for a better future.
Addressing a joint press conference with Turkish Foreign Minister Dr Ahmet Davutoglu, Khar said both sides focused on converting the political goodwill between the countries into more tangible economic projects. “We have agreed to start negotiations on a Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA) and decided to explore the possibility of doing bilateral trade in local currencies.”
Published in The Express Tribune, August 12th, 2011.

Pakistan, Turkey to transform bilateral ties: Khar

Pakistan, Turkey to transform bilateral ties: Khar  Dawn newspaper

ANKARA: Turkey and Pakistan on Thursday took a leap forward in their bilateral relations and agreed to transform existing historical brotherly relations into tangible economic partnership.

Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar and her Turkish counterpart Prof. Dr. Ahmet Davutoglu in their exclusive and delegation level meetings here on Thursday decided to discuss modalities of entering into Preferential Trade Agreement.
These modalities will be discussed between the Secretaries of the Ministries of Commerce of the two countries in a meeting to be convened soon. The two countries also agreed to explore the possibility of doing bilateral trade in local currencies that will give boost to existing commercial activities.
Pakistan is following the policy to leave in peace with neighbors,” said Khar, adding “Pakistan will be the first country to gain from peace and the first to suffer from instability.”
Appreciating Turkey’s positive role in the region, Khar termed Turkey as the pillar of stability in the region.
She agreed with Dr. Davutoglu that the two countries should deliberate on the “Common Asian Strategy” which will provide a framework for regional integration.
Visiting Turkey on the invitation of her Turkish counterpart, the Pakistani Foreign Minister said economic dependency is the guarantor for our future.
She said that the cargo train project between Islamabad and Istanbul, named as “Gul Train” needs to be pursued vigorously as it will decrease the costs of trade significantly.
To promote cultural and educational relations, Khar offered that Turkey’s best University should open a campus in Pakistan under public-private partnership.
She also welcomed the suggestion from Turkey to start exchange of training the officers of the Foreign Service on reciprocal basis.
Dr. Davutoglu informed that bilateral trade over the last six months has reached US $632 million showing an upward trend. Both sides however agreed that the pace of economic projects needs to be increased to achieve the target of US $2 billion by year 2012.

Remarks of Foreign Minister of Pakistan at Ataturk Mausoleum on 11 August 2011

"It is a great honour for me to pay homage today to Ghazi Mustafa Kamal Pasha, one of the greatest statesmen of our time. Ataturk's vision and espousal of democratıc and progressive values laid the foundation of a modern Turkey.
Turkey and Pakistan share the same ideals and strive for common goals.  I have no doubt that together we will march along the road to greater progress and prosperity and achive our common destinies.
Long live Pakistan - Turkey friendship"

Hina Rabbani Khar
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Dış Haberler Türk okullarından memnunuz üniversite de istiyoruz ZAMAN

Dış Haberler Türk okullarından memnunuz üniversite de istiyoruz ZAMAN
Pakistan Dışişleri Bakanı Hina Rabbani Khar, ilk yurtdışı ziyaretini dün Türkiye'ye gerçekleştirdi. 34 yaşındaki Rabbani Khar, Pakistan'ın en genç ve ilk kadın dışişleri bakanı.
Bundan dolayı Pakistan'ın efsanevi başbakanlarından Benazir Butto'ya benzetiliyor. Ankara'da oldukça sıcak karşılanan Rabbani Khar, Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül ve Başbakan Tayyip Erdoğan tarafından da kabul edildi. Dışişleri Bakanı Ahmet Davutoğlu ile görüşen Pakistanlı Bakan olumlu mesajlar verdi. Rabbani Khar, ziyaretini ve iki ülke ilişkilerini Zaman'a değerlendirdi.
Ülkesinde Türk okullarından övgüyle bahseden Rabbani Khar "Çok önemli rol oynuyorlar ve umarım sayıları artacak." dedi. Pakistanlı Bakan "Ama artık bir Türk üniversitesinin de olmasını umuyorum. Bunu Dışişleri Bakanı Davutoğlu'na söyledim." diye ekledi. Üniversitenin iyi bir sembol olacağını vurgulayan Rabbani Khar, Davutoğlu'nun bu fikri olumlu karşıladığını ve not aldığını açıkladı.
Pakistanlı bakan, ilk yurtdışı ziyaretini neden Türkiye'ye yaptığını ise güzel bir örnekle anlattı: "Depremden sonra bölgeye incelemeye gitmiştim. Avrupalıların da arasında olduğu birçok sağlık çadırı vardı. Bir çadırda yüzlerce kişi kuyrukta beklerken diğerlerinden iki-üç kişi vardı. Sebebini sorduğumda şu cevabı aldım: 'Bu, Türk çadırı. Türk kardeşlerimiz kolumuzun kesilmesi gerekmiyorsa kesmezler.' Türkiye'ye karşı müthiş bir güven var."
Genç Bakan, Türkiye'nin sadece bölgeye değil tüm dünyaya güzel bir örnek olduğunu söyledi. 2001'de Türkiye'nin yaşadığı ekonomik krizi iyi bildiğini; ancak Türkiye'nin sonra büyük bir gelişme gösterdiğini anlatan Rabbani Khar, "Demokrasiniz ve bunlar kesinlikle öğrenilmesi gereken örnekler." dedi. Dünyanın hiçbir yerinden sivillere şiddet uygulanmasının kabul edilemeyeceğini belirten konuk Bakan, Suriye'de halk iradesinin önemli olduğunu vurguladı ve ekledi: "Ancak çözüm Libya'daki gibi değil Mısır'daki gibi olmalı." dedi. İki bakan ortak hedefin mükemmel siyasî ilişkilerin yanında ticaret hacmini geliştirmek olduğunu vurguladı. Rabbani Khar'a basının ilgisi de yoğundu. Özellikle görüntü ve fotoğraf alabilmek için gazeteciler birbiriyle yarıştı. Davutoğlu da konuk bakanın 'zerafet ve onurlu duruşu'yla Pakistan ve Müslüman dünya için çok güzel bir örnek olduğunu söyledi.

Pakistan's Khar reaffirms confidence in Turkey

Pakistan's Khar reaffirms confidence in Turkey
Pakistan's newly appointed Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar and Turkey's Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu voiced confidence on Thursday in the future of friendly bilateral relations between their countries on the occasion of the former's visit to the Turkish capital.

Khar's visit to Ankara, also her first official visit abroad since she was appointed to her post last month, took place upon an invitation by Davutoğlu.
Speaking at a joint press conference following talks with Davutoğlu, Khar described the invitation “not by accident but by design,” to display the strength of relations between the two countries Davutoğlu dubbed “closer than brothers.”
For his part, Davutoğlu stated that the friendship between the countries was transferring into the fields of politics and economy, with both countries aiming to enrich ties by way of exchange programs at various levels and an increased trade volume that is expected to reach $2 billion in 2012.
“We are currently at a yearly trade volume of close to $1 billion with Pakistan, but we are planning to take it up to $2 billion next year,” Davutoğlu said. Also touching on the same subject, Khar said that a project for a cargo train route between the two countries, which will decrease the costs of trade significantly for both sides, is to be implemented.
Saying she was speaking on behalf of the Pakistani people, Khar indicated that “Pakistan has great confidence in where Turkey will stand in the future” and that the country was a “pillar of stability” in the region and its efforts appreciated by her people.
The two ministers also mutually expressed that the two countries were “on the same page” in their approach towards Afghanistan and Palestine.
In response to a question on Turkey's stance on a Palestinian bid for international recognition and admission to the United Nations, Davutoğlu said the initiative to protect the Palestinian state “is not just an effort by the Palestinians, but by all of us,” adding that Palestine has “the unquestioned support” of Turkey in its application to the UN for further recognition. “The international community has failed to fulfill its pledges to Palestine up until now, it is about time to change that,” the Turkish minister stated. Khar also spoke in support of the Palestinian bid by saying “whatever path Palestine decides to follow, Pakistan will be by its side.”

Pakistani FM an asset for Islam, says Turkey - Hurriyet Daily News

Pakistani FM an asset for Islam, says Turkey - Hurriyet Daily News

Pakistan’s new female foreign minister, Hina Rabbani Khar, represents a “great chance” to improve the global image of Islam, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu said Thursday.
“The mere presence of the foreign minister and the attitude that she has displayed so far is in itself a message to the world... She is a great chance for us all,” Davutoğlu said after talks with Khar, who was wrapping up a two-day visit to Turkey.
“I am confident that her elegance and dignified standing will boost the image not only of Pakistan, but also of Asia and the Islamic world,” he said. “She will be a strong voice of the Islamic community in the world.”
Stressing that she had a single message as both a foreign minister and a woman, Khar said: “We want to be able to live in peace with our neighbors... And the only way to solve problems ... is to be able to engage with each other in a way that will enable us to build trust and therefore have the confidence to eventually conduct real dispute resolution.”
Davutoğlu said he and Khar discussed ways to improve cooperation and double bilateral trade to 2 billion dollars in 2012.
Khar’s visit to Turkey was her second foreign trip after a much-publicized visit to India following her appointment last month.

Pakistan Turkey Foreign Ministers Meet, Economic Relations to Match with Political Relations - Khar

ANKARA, 11 August 2011: Turkey and Pakistan took a leap in bilateral relations and agreed to transform existing historical brotherly relations into tangible economic partnership. The Foreign Minister of Pakistan Ms Hina Rabbani Khar and the Foreign Minister of Turkey Prof. Dr. Ahmed Davutoğlu in their tête-à-tête and delegation level meetings here today decided to discuss modalities of entering into Preferential Trade Agreement. These modalities will be discussed between the Secretaries of the Ministries of Commerce of the two countries in a meeting to be convened soon. The two countries also agreed to explore the possibility of doing bilateral trade in local currencies that will give boost to existing commercial activities.

“Pakistan is following the policy to leave in peace with neighbors,” said Ms Khar, adding “Pakistan will be the first country to gain from peace and the first to suffer from instability.” Appreciating Turkey’s positive role in the region, Ms Khar termed Turkey as the pillar of stability in the region. She agreed with Prof. Dr. Davutoğlu that the two countries should deliberate on the “Common Asian Strategy” which will provide a framework for regional integration.

Visiting Turkey on the invitation of her Turkish counterpart, the Pakistani Foreign Minister said economic dependency is the guarantor for our future. She said that the cargo train project between Islamabad and Istanbul, named as “Gul Train” needs to be pursued vigorously as it will decrease the costs of trade significantly. To promote cultural and educational relations, Ms Khar offered that Turkey’s best University should open a campus in Pakistan under public-private partnership. She also welcomed the suggestion from Turkey to start exchange of training the officers of the Foreign Service on reciprocal basis.

Prof. Dr. Davutoğlu informed that bilateral trade over the last six months has reached US $ 632 million showing an upward trend. Both sides however agreed that the pace of economic projects needs to be increased to achieve the target of US $ 2 billion by year 2012.


Photo captions:
Photo 1: Foreign Minister of Turkey Prof. Dr. Ahmed Davutoğlu welcoming the Foreign Minister of Pakistan Ms Hina Rabbani Khar at Ankara on 11 August 2011.
Photo 2: Foreign Minister of Pakistan Ms Hina Rabbani Khar in a group photo with her delegation at the Mausoleum of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk at Ankara on 11 August 2011.

Statement by the Foreign Minister of Pakistan for the Press Conference after talks with the Turkish Foreign Minister

Statement by the Foreign Minister of Pakistan for the Press Conference after talks with the Turkish Foreign Minister

11th August 2011

Your Excellency Prof. Dr. Ahmet Davutoğlu

Ladies and Gentlemen of the press.

I am very pleased to be in brotherly country Turkey, on one of my first visits abroad after assuming the office of the Foreign Minister. I am grateful to Prof. Davutoğlu for his kind invitation and for the extraordinary warm welcome with which we were received here.

Turkey is very close to our hearts. I was here this April with President Zardari. Each time I come here, I feel like coming to my own home. This is the measure of our brotherly and friendly relations and the affection between our two people.

Prof. Davutoğlu and I have just concluded our talks.  The main thrust of our discussion focused on converting the excellent political goodwill between our two countries into more tangible economic projects and framework agreements.

In this respect, we have agreed to start negotiations on a Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA). We have also decided to explore the possibility of doing bilateral trade in our local currencies.

Connectivity projects are extremely important and we look forward to the early realization of Gul Train project with the involvement of private sector. Our trade relations are modest and we believe that through these arrangements we can double and even triple the trade volume in the coming years.

Pakistan offers immense opportunities for investment in diverse sectors like energy, housing, infrastructure development, textile, dairy, and agriculture. I invite Turkish investors to take advantage of these opportunities and our liberal investment regime.

There is great scope to strengthen our cultural relations by encouraging greater people to people contacts, visits of parliamentarians, exchange of students and media persons. We would like to have institutional arrangements between our higher educational institutions and more expansion in the scholarships scheme.

The world today is passing through extraordinary times. Profound changes are taking place in our broader region. Pakistan and Turkey are factors of stability in the region. Working together we can convert these challenges into opportunities for a better future for our people.

I look forward to meeting His Excellency President Abdullah Gul and Prime Minister Erdoğan tomorrow in Istanbul. We keenly await the visit of Prime Minister Erdoğan to Pakistan at an early date to attend the High Level Cooperation Council (HLCC) session. I have also invited Foreign Minister Davutoğlu to visit Pakistan at his earliest convenience so that we could continue our useful dialogue.

Thank You

Foreign Minister of Pakistan to Visit Turkey

Ankara, 10 August 2011: On the invitation of Turkish Foreign Minister Prof. Dr. Ahmed Davutoğlu, the Foreign Minister of Pakistan Ms Hina Rabbani Khar will visit Turkey from 11-12 August. Turkey’s visit is one of her first visits abroad after assumption of the office of the Foreign Minister.

During her stay in Turkey, she will hold consultations with her counterpart H.E. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Davutoğlu on bilateral relations as well as regional and international issues. Ms Khar will also call on the Turkish President and the Prime Minister.
Photo caption: File photo of Foreign Minister of Pakistan Ms Hina Rabbani Khar