
Pakistan’la iş başka kardeşlik başka değil!

Pakistan’la iş başka kardeşlik başka değil!

23 Eylül 2013 / ESİN KAYA
Pakistan, Türkiye için tarihî ve kültürel bağlar hasebiyle ‘kardeş’ statüsünde sayılan ülkelerin başında geliyor. Bu yakınlığa rağmen ekonomik ilişkilerimiz istenen düzeyde seyretmiyor. Ekonomi Bakanlığı ve TUSKON’un attığı adımlar bu gidişatı tersine çevirmeyi hedefliyor. 
Türkiye’nin en fazla ihracat yaptığı ülke yaklaşık 13 milyar dolarla Almanya. Sıralama Irak, İngiltere, Rusya, İtalya diye devam ediyor. Listede Pakistan’ı görebilmek için aşağılara inmek gerekiyor. Aramızdaki ticaret hacmi 2012 yılında sadece 875 milyon dolardı. Geçen hafta bu rakamı yukarıya taşımak, ikili ilişkileri geliştirmek için Türkiye İşadamları ve Sanayiciler Konfederasyonu (TUSKON) liderliğinde Türkiye-Pakistan Ticaret ve Yatırım Forumu gerçekleştirildi. Pakistan Başbakanı Navaz Şerif’in organizasyonu açması kardeş ülkenin yeni ekonomik iş birliklerine ne kadar hevesli olduğunun kanıtıydı. Forumda iki ülke arasında 300 milyon dolarlık iş anlaşması imzalandı.
Pakistan, 170 milyonluk nüfusuyla dünyanın 27. büyük ekonomisi. Güvenlik problemleri sebebiyle yabancı yatırımları ülkeye çekmekte zorlanıyorlar. Enerji darboğazı ülke ekonomisinin en büyük kayıplarından. Enflasyon ve yoksulluk oranları yüksek. Temmuz ayındaki seçimlerde Pakistan Müslüman Birliği’nin lideri Navaz Şerif, reform söylemleriyle ülkenin başına geçti. Askerî vesayet, IMF, ekonomik çöküntü, terör, halkın refah seviyesinin yükseltilmesi, yolsuzlukların önlenmesi, hukuksal düzenin sağlanması yeni hükümetin ajandasındaki baş konular. Son dönemde Pakistan ekonomisini sarsan olayların başında Temmuz 2010’da ülke tarihinin en büyük sel felâketi geliyor. Afette Pakistan topraklarının yüzde 20’si sular altında kalmıştı. 24 milyon kişiyi etkileyen ve yaklaşık 10 milyar dolar hasar meydana getiren felaket sonucu, tarım üretimi ciddi darbe almış, ulaşım ve iletişim altyapısı zarar görmüştü. Tüm bunlara rağmen Türkiye’nin yaptığı yaklaşık 270 milyon dolarlık ihracata karşı, Pakistan’ın ülkemize ihracatı bunun iki katı. Kumaş, giysi, plastik, kimya ürünleri ülkemize ihraç ettiği başlıca kalemler. Pakistan’ın yatırıma aç sahalarının başında enerji geliyor. Kömür, güneş ve rüzgâr gibi geniş fırsat alanları var, inşaat ise gelişen bir sektör. Pakistan’da 500 bin ev yapılması planlanıyor. Navaz Şerif, TOKİ modeli bir sistemin temel ihtiyaçlarından biri olduğunu söylüyor. Önümüzdeki dönemde inşasına başlanacak otoyollar, karayolları ve havalimanları için Türk iş insanları Pakistan’a davet edildi. Kardeş ülke, Türk yatırımcılar için bakir bir saha. Ekonomik ilişkiler her ne kadar istenilen düzeyde olmasa da, iki ülke bunun için çabalıyor. Pakistan-Türkiye arasındaki ticaret hacmi on yıl önce 175 milyon dolarken bu rakam geçen yıl 1 milyar dolara yaklaştı. Ekonomi Bakanı Zafer Çağlayan, tercihli ticaret anlaşmasının yürürlüğe girmesi hâlinde aramızdaki alışverişin ikiye katlanacağını söylüyor. TUSKON Genel Başkanı Rızanur Meral, Türk iş dünyasının altyapı, enerji, inşaat, eğitim alanlarında sahip olduğu tecrübeyi Pakistan’la paylaşması gerektiğine inanıyor.
Başbakan Navaz Şerif, Türkiye-Pakistan Ticaret Forumu’na yalnız gelmemişti. Ülkenin iş dünyasından önemli isimler de oradaydı. Önemli yatırımların ilk adımı olarak Türk girişimcilerle buluştular. Onlardan biri Engro Group Başkanı Ali Ansari’ydi. Gıda ürünleri, gübre ve kimya sektöründe çalışan holding, Afganistan, İngiltere ve Ortadoğu ülkelerine süt, süt ürünleri ve pirinç ihracatı yapıyor. Çoğunlukla iç piyasaya üretiyorlar. Ansari, Türkiye’yi büyüyen bir pazar olarak görüyor ve iş birliği yapmak için sabırsızlandığını ifade ediyor.  Ona göre, Pakistan geçirdiği siyasi ve ekonomik süreçlerle eski Türkiye’ye benziyor. Görüşmeye gelen Türk şirketlerinin kimi büyük kimi KOBİ ölçeğinde firmalar. Onlardan biri Seba Kimya. Tuzla’da temizlik malzemeleri üretiyor. 180 milyonluk Pakistan pazarına girip distribütörlük vermek istiyorlar. İhracat Müdürü Ufuk Çakır, Türk mallarının orada itibar görmesinin kendilerini umutlandırdığını ifade ediyor. Yüzde 20 ihracat rakamlarına sahip Seba Kimya, 32 ülkeyle ticaret yapıyor. Görüşmelerde yalnızca Türk şirketleri yoktu. Irak menşeli yatırım firması Baraka Business’in müdürü Rasheed Hasan, farklı iş sahalarında irtibatlar sağlamak için gelmişti. Türk yatırımcıları yurtdışına çekiyor, yabancıları ise Türkiye’ye getiriyorlar. Ağırlıklı inşaat, enerji ve gıda sektörlerinde top koşturan şirketlerle çalışıyorlar. Pakistan’ın iş dünyasına vâkıf olmak için görüşmelerde bulundular.
Pakistan, Türkleri çağırıyor
Pakistan’dan gelen isimler arasında en fazla rağbet gören SKB Mühendislik ve Yapı Firmasının Ceo’su Kamal Nasır Khan’dı. 50 yılı aşan tecrübesiyle ülkenin en büyük inşaat şirketlerinden biri. İç piyasa dışında, Suudi Arabistan, Umman, Abu Dabi ve neredeyse Afrika’nın her bölgesinde iş yapıyorlar. Çoğunlukla kamu ihaleleriyle ilgileniyorlar ama memleketlerinde konut da yapıyorlar. Daha önce Türkiye’den STFA İnşaat Grubu’yla iş birliği yapmışlar. Başka bir Türk firmasıyla Lahor’da metrobüs projesi yürütüyorlar. Ülkemizde, Orta Asya ve Doğu işlerinin yürüyeceği bir ofis açmayı planlıyorlar. Yatırımlarının yüzde 10’u yurtdışı odaklı. Khan, Pakistan’ın dünyada üç dostu olduğunu düşünüyor. Çin, Suudi Arabistan ve Türkiye. Navaz Şerif’n Başbakan Tayyip Erdoğan ile kişisel yakınlığı sebebiyle ülkesindeki iş çevrelerinde Türkiye’nin daha çok ön plana çıkacağını söylüyor. Devletin desteğini eksik etmediği kurumsal ve tecrübeli Türk inşaatçıların Pakistan’ı keşfetmesinin tam zamanı olduğuna inanıyor.
Foruma sadece Khan’la tanışmak için gelen Anadolu Kartonpiyer Madencilik Satış Pazarlama Müdürü Osman Sarıdiken, bu tür iş buluşmalarının yalnızca intiba bırakmak amaçlı olduğunu kaydediyor. Şirketiyle ilgili kısa bir açıklamadan sonra iş konuşmuyor, karşısındakinin aklında kalacak güzel bir sohbet geçirmeyi tercih ediyor. Bu, forumlarda iş geliştirme sürecinin nasıl işlediği konusunda da fikir veriyor aslında. Kartvizitler verilip masadan kalkınca ikinci aşamaya geçiliyor ve iş birliği düşünülen şirkete mail atılıyor. Sarıdiken, cevap verenlere hemen telefon açıyor ve onları Türkiye’ye davet ediyor. Muhatabı geldiğinde havalimanından bizzat kendisi alıyor, onu gezdiriyor, yediriyor. İş görüşmesini ise en sona bırakıyor. Bu yöntemi izleyerek çoğu kez şirketi adına istediğini elde ettiğini dile getiriyor Sarıdiken. Dış cephe, yalıtım, iç dekorasyon yapan, An-Deva Holding bünyesindeki Anadolu Kartonpiyer ve Madencilik, yüzde 30 dış piyasayla çalışıyor.
Pakistanlı firmalar arasında biri, iş sahası itibariyle ilgi çekiciydi. Infotech adına Ceo Naseer A. Akhtar, bilgi teknolojileri ve yazılım satmak için buradaydı. Pakistan’ın yurtdışında eğitim gören, teknoloji ve bilimsel alanda çalışmalar yapan bir nüfusunun olduğu aşikâr. Akhtar, bünyesinde çalışan uzmanlarının dünyanın iyi üniversitelerinde okuduğunu anlatıyor. Kendisi Lahor’da matematik ve fizik lisansı bitirmiş. Infotech’i kurduğu 1995 yılına kadar dünyanın farklı yerlerinde uluslararası şirketlerde yöneticilik yapmış.  Türkleri ülkesine çekmek için tezi ise kuvvetli; bilişim teknolojilerini Batı ülkelerinden yüksek fiyatlara getireceğinize, gelin bizden daha ucuza alın diyor. 
Pakistan’la iş başka kardeşlik başka değil!
Aksiyon  – 23-29 September 2013

Business with Pakistan is one thing and brotherhood is not another thing

Report By Esin Kaya

Pakistan occupies top position with ‘brother’ status in historical and cultural ties with Turkey. Despite this closeness, our economic relations are not at the desired level. Turkish Ministry of Economy and TUSKON are taking steps aimed enhancing business relations.

Turkey exports over US$13 billion which is the highest. Iraq, England, Russia and Italy follow. To see Pakistan in the list, you must go down the list. The trade volume between us was only US$875 million in 2012. In order to increase this volume and develop the bilateral relations, the Turkey-Pakistan Trade and Investment Forum was organized under the auspices of the Turkish Confederation of Businessmen and Industrialists (TUSKON). The opening of the Forum by the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Nawaz Sharif, was proof of how keen our brother country is to new economic cooperation.  A business agreement worth US$300 million was signed in the Forum.

With its population of 170 million, Pakistan is the world’s largest 27th economy. They are facing difficulties in attracting foreign investments to the country due to security problems. The energy bottleneck is the economy’s biggest loss. Inflation and poverty rates are very high. In the May elections, Nawaz Sharif, the leader of the Pakistan Muslim League came to power with an agenda of reform. Military domination, IMF, economic depression, terror, raising the welfare level of the people, prevention of corruption and securing legal order are the top issues on the new governments’ agenda. The most important issue affecting negatively the Pakistani economy was the worst flood disaster in its history that took place in July 2010. About 20% of Pakistan’s land was submerged in this disaster. As a result of this disaster that affected 24 million people and caused damage worth 10 billion dollars, agricultural production received a serious blow. The transportation and communication infrastructure were also damaged. Despite all this, while the exports of Turkey to Pakistan are 270 million dollars, the exports of Pakistan to Turkey are twice this value. Fabric, garments, plastic and chemical products are the main items exported to Turkey. Energy is the main area waiting for huge investment in Pakistan. There are wide opportunities in coal, solar and wind energy. On the other hand, construction is still a developing sector. 500,000 houses are planned to be constructed in Pakistan. Nawaz Sharif says that a system with the TOKI model is one of the basic needs of the country. Turkish businessmen are invited for the construction of highways, motorways and airports which will start in the upcoming period. Our brother country is an untouched field for Turkish investors. Although the economic relations are not at the level desired, the two countries are endeavoring in this regard. While the trade volume between Pakistan and Turkey was 175 million dollars 10 years ago, last year this figure has approached 1 billion dollars. Zafer Caglayan, the Minister of Economy, says that when the Preferential Trade Agreement comes into effect, the trade between the two countries will become double. Rizanur Meral, the Chairman of TUSKON, believes that the Turkish business world must share its experiences in the fields of infrastructure, energy, construction and education with Pakistan.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif did not come alone to the Turkey-Pakistan Trade Forum. Important names from the business world were also there. They met with the Turkish entrepreneurs as the first step of important investments. One of them is Ali Ansari, the Chairman of Engro Group. The company works in the fields of food products, fertilizers and chemical products. It also export milk, milk products and rice to Afghanistan, England and the Middle East. Majority of their production is for the domestic market. Ansari said that he sees Turkey as a growing market and that he was looking forward to cooperation with Turkey. According to him, Pakistan is presently passing through a political and economic processes that resembles old Turkey. Some of the companies attending the meeting are large companies and some are small and medium sized enterprises (KOBI). One of these companies was Seba Chemicals. It produces cleaning materials in Tuzla. They want to enter the 180 million worth Pakistani market and give them distributorship. Ufuk Cakir, the Exports Manager, said that demand for Turkish products in Pakistan gives him hope. Seba Chemicals with a figure of 20% exports has trade with 32 countries. Turkish companies were not the only companies attending the meeting. Rasheed Hasan, the director of Baraka Business, an investment company originated in Iraq, had come to find contacts in different business fields. They draw Turkish investors to foreign markets and bring foreigners to Turkey. They mostly work with companies in the construction, energy and food sectors. They were present in the meetings in order to have a grasp on the Pakistani business world.

Pakistan is inviting the Turks

Kamal Nasir Khan, CEO of SKB Engineering and Construction Company was favourate and prominent name that had come from Pakistan. With its experience of over 50 years, the company  is one of the largest construction companies in the country. Besides the domestic market, they do business with Saudi Arabia, Oman, Abu Dhabi and in almost all the regions of Africa. They are mostly interested in public tenders but they also build houses in their country. They previously cooperated with STFA Construction Group from Turkey. They are carrying out the metro bus project in Lahore with another Turkish company. They are planning opening an office in our country to coordinate their work in Central Asia and the East. They focus 10 percent of their investments overseas. Khan thinks that Pakistan has three friends in the world. China, Saudi Arabia and Turkey. He says that due to the personal closeness between Nawaz Sharif and Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey will come into prominence in Pakistan’s business environment. He believes that it is high time that the experienced and institutionalized Turkish companies, that have the governments support, discover Pakistan.

Osman Saridiken, the Sales and Marketing Manager of Anadolu Kartonpiyer Madencilik, who had come to the Forum to especially meet Khan, said that the purpose of such meetings was only to make an impression. After giving a short introduction about his company, he does not talk business, but prefers to have a nice conversation that would stay in the mind of the person he is talking to. This actually gives an idea about how the business development process takes place in forums. When business cards are exchanged and the table is left, the second phase starts and an email is sent to the company with whom cooperation is desired. Saridiken immediately calls those who answer the email and invites them to Turkey. When they come he personally receives them in the airport, gives them a tour and invites them to dinner or lunch. He leaves the business meetings to the end. Saridiken says that with this method, most of the time he achieves what he desires in the name of his company. 30% of the work of Anadolu Kartonpiyer Madencilik, which is a company working on exterior insulation and internal design and is part of the An-Deva Holding, is with foreign markets.

One of the Pakistani companies was especially interesting with respect to its business area. The CEO of Infotech, Naseer A. Akhtar, was here to market information technologies and software. It is obvious that Pakistan has a population that has studied abroad and has made achievements in the fields of technology and science. Akhtar says that the experts working in his company have studied in the best universities of the world. He himself is a graduate of mathematics and physics from Lahore. He was a manager in many international companies in different countries until he established Infotech in 1995. His idea for attracting Turks to his country is very strong; he says that instead of getting information technologies from Western countries for high prices, come get them from us for much lower prices.


Taking root from the brotherly and historical relations between our nations;

Recognizing with profound satisfaction the manner in which these relations have developed and matured over the years through genuine goodwill, respect, common interests and mutual cooperation;

Proceeding from a desire to further consolidate relations between the two countries through intensified political and economic cooperation by taking concrete and tangible steps in all spheres;

Welcoming the successful democratic election held in Pakistan in May 2013;

Emphasizing firm belief in democracy and expressing determination to cooperate in the fulfillment of democratic ideals to the benefit of the brotherly peoples of Turkey and Pakistan;

Convinced that the further comprehensive development of bilateral ties would promote democracy, progress and prosperity in both states and the region as a whole;

Endorsing the results of the meetings of the Joint Working Groups of the High Level Cooperation Council held in Ankara on 5, 11 and 16 September 2013;

We as the co-chairs of the Third Meeting of the High Level Cooperation Council (HLCC) held in Ankara, on 17 September 2013 with the participation  of

-     H.E. Bekir Bozdağ, Deputy Prime Minister, H.E. Erdoğan Bayraktar, Minister of Environment and Urban Planning, H.E. Ahmet Davutoğlu, Minister of Foreign Affairs, H.E. Taner Yıldız, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, H.E. Mustafa Sever, Deputy Minister of Economy,

-     H.E. Muhammad Ishaq Dar, Minister of Finance, H.E. Khawaja  Muhammad Asif, H.E. Shahbaz Sharif, Chief Minister of Punjab, H.E. Khurram Dastgir Khan, Minister of State for Commerce, H.E. Usman Ibrahim, Minister of State for Housing and Works, Mr. Tariq Fatemi, Special Assistant  to Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs.

-     Other prominent dignitaries and officials
Have decided as follows:

Political Cooperation
-     The High Level Cooperation Council shall be renamed as the High Level Strategic Cooperation Council (HLSCC) to truly reflect the strategic nature of our relations.

-     The HLSCC shall continue to be the main political forum that guides bilateral relations in all fields.

-     Effective implementation and follow-up of the decisions taken at the HLSCC meetings shall be ensured.
-     Intensive exchanges at the leadership level, parliamentarians, businessmen as well as civil society and media representatives shall be furthered. 

-     Close cooperation at regional and international fora, including mutual support to candidacies, shall be continued.

-     The next annual consultations at the level of Foreign Ministers shall be held in Islamabad in the first quarter of 2014.

Energy Cooperation
-     Enhancement of Cooperation in the energy field is a priority. Opportunities in this sector shall be meticulously explored and promoted with a view to further developing and expanding cooperation in all areas including petroleum, natural gas, coal, hydroelectric, geothermal and renewable energy resources such as wind and solar power.

-     Cooperation in the field of coal mining and power generation shall be developed through the exchange of expertise, exchange of scientific and technical information, study visits and training. In this regard, Turkish Mineral Research and Exploration General Directorate (MTA) and Turkish Coal Enterprises (TKI) shall explore collaboration opportunities with their Pakistani counterparts.

-     Cooperation in power generation shall be enhanced by encouraging private sector investment. To that end, private sector shall be provided the necessary reassurances, including a favorable and secure investment climate.

-     Private sector shall also be encouraged to invest in the development of hydrocarbons including oil and natural gas, as well as in the mining sector.

-     Cooperation in the field of hydrocarbon exploration and development shall be developed through the exchange of expertise, scientific and technical information, study visits and training. In this regard Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL) and Oil and Gas Development Company Limited (OGDCL) shall explore joint ventures opportunities with Turkish Petroleum Corporation (TPAO).

-     Cooperation in the field of trade and supply of petroleum products shall be strengthened.
Trade Cooperation
-     The current trade volume between Turkey and Pakistan neither reflects the level of their excellent political relations nor the potential of their respective economies. Therefore, all necessary measures shall be taken with a view to increasing bilateral economic activities and trade, including;

·  Strengthening of cooperation through existing mechanisms such as the Joint Economic commission;
·     Exploration of new venues of economic cooperation and development of appropriate measures for close commercial partnership;
·         Diversification of trade;
·         Facilitation of transportation of merchandise;
·         Facilitation for increased involvement of private sector in trade and commercial cooperation.  

-     Results of the 5th Round of Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA) negotiations held in Ankara on 10-11 September 2013 were welcomed and the competent Ministries of the two countries were directed to conclude their technical discussions expeditiously in order to finalize the PTA at the earliest.

-     Memorandum of Understanding between Turkish Eximbank and its Pakistani counterpart will provide an important instrument in helping increase bilateral trade volume.

-     15th Session of the Turkey-Pakistan Joint Economic Commission shall be held in the first half of 2014 in Ankara.

-     Encouragement of intensification of contacts between business communities of the two countries is an essential element of improving bilateral economic activities. The Memoranda of Understanding between Ankara Chamber of Commerce and Islamabad Chamber of Commerce and Industry and between Ankara Chamber of Commerce and Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry are welcome steps which will help invigorate contacts between business circles of the two countries.

Finance Cooperation
-     Cooperation in the field of central financial auditing through training and capacity building activities shall be explored.

-     The Memoranda of Understanding between the tax revenue agencies of the two countries, as well as between the Undersecretariat of Treasury of Turkey and the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan shall constitute useful tools to advance inter-institutional cooperation.

Transportation Cooperation
-     Transport connectivity is the lynchpin of trade and commercial activities; overland, maritime and air connections shall be improved and diversified. To that end;

-     Renewal of the Memorandum of Understanding between Turkey and Pakistan on Civil Aviation will improve commercial activities by bringing business communities of the two countries closer through increased frequency of flights and destination points between important business centers of the two countries.

-     Railways are the backbone of the physical infrastructure for overland trade. The effective use of the Islamabad-Teheran-Istanbul Container Train (ECO Train) will substantially contribute to overcoming the lack of strong logistics connections between the two countries and help raising the level of trade.

-     A Memorandum of Understanding between TOBB and Pakistan Railways to facilitate scheduled services would serve this purpose. In this regard, cooperation to improve the rollback and rolling stock capacity shall be developed.

Development Cooperation
-     Cooperation shall be developed in the fields of municipal services, urban planning, low-cost public housing schemes and environment.

-     Housing Development Administration of Turkey (TOKI) shall provide necessary assistance to relevant Pakistani authorities in developing low-cost housing projects by providing technical expertise, experience sharing and exchange of experts, on the basis of the Memorandum of Understanding signed today.

-     Friendship and Cooperation Protocol signed between the Greater Ankara Municipality and Capital Development Authority (CDA) of Islamabad shall be effectively followed-up and implemented.

-     Collaboration on rural development programmes to curb poverty, as well as, on agricultural infrastructure development, modern irrigation techniques and land improvement shall be explored. Investment on agro-based industries shall be encouraged.

Security Cooperation
-     Cooperation between the police agencies of the two countries shall continue to be expanded including the capacity building and police training activities.

-     Security Cooperation Protocole signed between the competent authorities of the two countries will provide the basis for cooperation in such fields as counter-terrorism, crime scene investigation and forensics, MOBESE systems, as well as training and personnel exchanges.

-     Finalization of the Agreement on the Transfer of Offenders is a welcome step in completing the basic framework for cooperation in the legal field.

Education, Culture and Science Cooperation
-     Cooperation in the fields of education and training shall be strengthened. Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in the Field of Education and the Memorandum of Understanding on Vocational Training between Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA) and Ministry of Inter-Provincial Coordination of Pakistan shall serve as the basis of this cooperation.

-     Interaction between universities and academic institutions shall be promoted and in this regard, collaboration on higher education scholarships shall be continued.

-     Direct contacts between scientific research institutions shall be encouraged to enhance scientific and technological cooperation. Protocol on Cooperation in Science and Technology between the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) and Pakistan Science Cooperation is an important addition to the bilateral legal framework in this regard.

-     The deep-rooted cultural relations between Turkey and Pakistan shall be fostered. To that end, the Agreement establishing Yunus Emre Cultural Centers in Karachi and Lahore and cultural centers to be established by Pakistan in Turkey will substantially contribute to the cultural relations of the two countries. The centers shall begin their activities as soon as possible.

-     The Cultural Exchange Program between the two countries is a practical instrument that shall cultivate cultural interaction on a people-to-people level. Its effective implementation shall give visible results in the form of increased cultural contacts between the brotherly people of Turkey and Pakistan.

Tourism Cooperation
-     The Tourism and Culture Joint Working Groups which were established at the first HLCC meeting held on 7 December 2010 in Ankara shall be merged into a single Joint Working Group titled “Tourism and Culture”.
-     Reciprocal participation of sector representatives in tourism fairs organized in both countries shall be encouraged. Mutual visits and participation to international events by journalists, authors, scientists, artists, students and tourism sector representatives who help shape public opinion shall be encouraged.

-     Cooperation in the field of tourism investment, expansion of investment opportunities within the framework of national legislations and implementation of expert exchange programmes shall be fostered.

-     Cooperation among national tourism agencies, as well as private sector companies and professional tourism organizations shall be encouraged by both sides.

The six Joint Working Groups of the High Level Strategic Cooperation Council shall continue their work to develop specific programmes and projects.
The next meeting of the High Level Strategic Cooperation Council shall be held in Islamabad in 2014. The dates shall be agreed upon through diplomatic channels.
Done in Ankara on 17 September 2013 in Turkish and English languages, both texts being equally authentic.

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan,  Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey                                        
Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Remarks of Prime Minister of Pakistan Mr. M. Nawaz Sharif at joint press conference with Turkish Prime Minister at Ankara on 17 September 2013

Excellency Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan,
Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey,
Honourable Ministers,
Distinguished members of the Press,
Ladies and Gentlemen,


It gives me great pleasure to be here in Ankara today to co-chair with my brother, Prime Minister Erdogan, the 3rd meeting of the High Level Cooperation Council (HLCC) between our two countries. 

Pakistan and Turkey enjoy a special relationship bound by fraternal ties of religion, history and culture. 
As two functioning democracies, our perspectives are marked by a common outlook and shared objectives.

This visit, one of my first after assuming office of the Prime Minister of Pakistan, underscores the great importance that we, in Pakistan, place on our strategic relations with Turkey.

The decision to rename the process as High Level Strategic Cooperation Council (HLSCC) aptly reflects this political reality.

We have just concluded a very productive 3rd session of the Strategic Council.  Our discussions were marked by unanimity of views on all issues of mutual concern. A number of wide-ranging MoUs/agreements have also been finalized during the meeting.  

Earlier today, I was honored by the conferment of Jumhuriyet Nishan by President Abdullah Gul.    

In my discussions with both President Gul and Prime Minister Erdogan, we have pledged to intensify our cooperation in energy, trade, finance, transportation, infrastructure development, security, education and culture.

Consistent with our shared vision to strengthen connectivity between our two countries, we have decided to enhance the number of weekly flights between Pakistan and Turkey to 28. We would soon have a direct air-link between Lahore, the cultural capital of Pakistan and Istanbul, the cultural capital of Turkey.

Likewise, our financial, cultural and educational linkages would also be strengthened.

I am confident that we would be able to carry forward the positive momentum generated by this meeting into a comprehensive framework of cooperation between the two countries. 

We are meeting at a time when there is strife and instability in our wider region. As two strong democracies, Pakistan and Turkey need to redouble their efforts to promote peace and stability in the region.

I look forward to welcome Prime Minister Erdogan for the next session of High Level Strategic Cooperation Council in Pakistan in the near future.

Thank You.

Prime Minister of Pakistan speech at Pakistan Investment and Business Forum at Istanbul 18 September 2013

H.E. Mr. Zafar Caglayan  Minister for Economy,
Mr. Rezanur  Meral , President of TUSKON,
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentleman,

It is, indeed, a great pleasure to address this august audience today in the beautiful city of Istanbul, a confluence of peoples, cultures and ideas.

I wish to convey my sincere appreciation to Mr. Rezanur Meral, President of TUSKON and his team for organizing and hosting this important event. I see assembled before me architects of a bold, confident and prosperous Turkish nation.

Ladies and Gentleman,

Turkey and Pakistan enjoy deep-rooted relations, underpinned by eternal bonds of amity and brotherhood. The centuries old love and affection that exist between the peoples of Pakistan and Turkey is unmatched. We have a spiritual communion exemplified by the poetry of Allama Muhammad Iqbal and Maulana Jallaluddin Rumi.

Ladies and Gentlemen
This year has been a watershed for democracy in Pakistan. For the first time, a peaceful transition from one elected government to another has taken place. In the historic general elections held in Pakistan in May this year, the people of Pakistan gave a clear mandate to my party.  I am humbled by the trust and confidence reposed in me by the people of Pakistan. It has reinforced my resolve to serve the nation, with dignity and devotion.
Pakistan has had its share of challenges. However, the situation is looking up. I have no doubt that our today is better than yesterday and tomorrow would be even brighter. The agenda before my government is therefore broad and urgent, focusing on the welfare of the people of Pakistan.

Our foremost priorities include good and accountable governance; creation of a peaceful and secure environment; economic revival; energy security; poverty alleviation and creation of new jobs.

The aim of my government is to increase GDP gradually to 7 percent, enhance foreign exchange reserves to over US$ 20 billion, reduce public debt by 57 percent of the GDP and to increase investment to GDP ratio to rise to 20 per cent.

Let me draw your attention to the recent ratings released by the Standard & Poor and Moody, in which they have reposed confidence in Pakistan’s economy, by rating Pakistan from a negative of 34 to a positive of 2.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Pakistan lies at the crossroads of South, Central and West Asia.  Being a market of more than 180 million people, our human resource capital comprising a youthful, educated and skilled workforce is second to none in the world.  Pakistan is also endowed with rich and untapped natural resources. Our coal reserves in Sindh are one of the largest in the world.

All these advantages coupled with a friendly investment policy offers ideal opportunities for investment in Pakistan

Our primary purpose is to create a conducive environment for trade and investment. We have a liberal investment policy, which includes, 100% equity ownership, full repatriation of capital, tax breaks, customs duty concessions on import of plant and machinery and raw materials. Special Economic Zones have been established with efficient infrastructure and one window facility and more such zones are in the offing.
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Socio-economic development is the priority of my government and the energy sector tops this socio-economic agenda. We have formulated an energy policy with the consensus of the provincial governments. We are taking steps to diversify the energy sector including increase in power generation, use of technology in power distribution, controlling line losses and energy conservation.

After assuming office, we have undertaken a series of important steps to address the energy shortage. These include:

·         Clearance of nearly US dollars five billion, generally referred to as circular debt. This has resulted in the addition of 1700 MW to the system.
·         Re-activation of Nandi Power Project which will add 425 MW to national grid.
·         Financial close on two civil Nuclear Power Generation projects with the total capacity of 2117 MW.
·         Accelerated work on Neelum-Jhelum Hydro Project with 969 MW generation capacity
·         Initiation of work on mega projects like Dasu Dam and Diamer-Bhasha Dam.

The energy sector of Pakistan with its vast potential in thermal, coal, wind and solar areas is ripe for investment. From large projects of over 5,000 MW to small and medium sized projects, the opportunities are wide-ranging.

I recently inaugurated the Gadani Power Park, comprising ten coal-fired power plants with an accumulated capacity of 6600 MWs. Similarly, development of the Thar Coal Field is being fast-tracked.

The wind power plant established by the Zorlu Energy Company of Turkey in Sind represents a landmark. I am confident that this project would encourage more Turkish companies to invest in the vast energy sector of Pakistan.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Provision of low-cost housing is another priority area of my government. With our growing population, the demand for housing is increasing. Over the next five years, the government plans to build 500,000 new housing units across the country.

The Turkish model of social housing developed by TOKI complements our vision to provide this basic necessity to the disadvantageous section of our society. My government will soon announce various housing projects and I invite Turkish investors to participate in these projects.

The construction and infrastructure sector is another key element of our developmental agenda. In the coming years, my government plans to construct country-wide new highways and motorways, build new airports, shopping malls and theme parks.

The Economic Corridor that will link the Chinese city of Kashgar to the port city of Karachi, is amongst one of the most important initiatives of the government. We plan on building a high quality modern expressway that will not only connect China and Pakistan as a modern equivalent of the ancient silk-route, but also open up countless economic opportunities for Pakistan from China to Central Asia.

We are also planning on a network of six-lane motorways linking the city of Lahore to Karachi through the city of Multan. Similar modern highways will link other important cities, opening up the deep interiors of the country to unprecedented economic growth and development.

Ladies and gentlemen,
Another important priority area of my government is urban development including provision of modern municipal services, solid waste management and public transport. The success of Lahore Metro Bus and Solid Waste Management Projects completed in collaboration with Turkish companies has inspired other cities in Pakistan to follow the example.  
Textile industry is the main source of export earnings in our country. The range of our textile products are broad, the quality is of international standard. The textile infrastructure is vast and modern. Leading international brands have established their production houses in Pakistan. Turkish textile companies with their superior technical capabilities and investment capacity could explore this sector for joint ventures. The abundance of raw material in the shape of bumper cotton yields coupled with cheap and skilled labour provide an additional incentive for any investor.

Ladies and gentlemen,
I will also invite your attention to Agro Industry with a huge investment potential and export opportunities. Pakistan has a strong agricultural base and it is world leading producer of cotton, wheat, rice, sugar cane, lentils, fruits and vegetables.
Pakistan has a top global ranking in production of milk. Capitalizing on this potential, Nestle has established their largest milk reception facility in Pakistan along with many milk production plants across the country. Turkish agro companies with their expertise in the food processing technology would find this sector very attractive for value addition and conversion of this ‘white gold’ into cheese, butter and dry milk powder.

Another important area where Pakistani and Turkish companies can work together is the Oil & Gas sector. I look forward to close collaboration not only in exploration & production but as well as building refineries and pipe lines.
Ladies and gentlemen,

The private sector is the engine for growth. We want to go beyond the traditional state-to-state relations and develop close and intensive business-to-business relations. The Pakistan-Turkey Joint Business Council and PAK-TURK Business Association are already a manifestation of this objective. Agreements signed between our various chambers yesterday in Ankara would further strengthen contacts between our two private sectors.

A strong delegation of leading Pakistani businessmen and CEOs representing key sectors of Pakistan are present in the hall today. I am sure that their interaction with their Turkish counterparts would lead to concrete and solid cooperation.
Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is our earnest desire to have greater and more extensive trade and investment relations with Turkey. In my meetings with both President Abdullah Gul and Prime Minister Erdogan, we have agreed on a long term strategic partnership with the prime focus on economic and trade relations. Your role is central and vital in realizing our shared vision and goals.

To realize our shared objective of developing close contacts between the businessmen of the two countries, we need a strong framework of cooperation. In this context, I propose to establish a Pakistan-Turkey Chamber of Commerce in both countries. I am confident that our respective National Federations for Commerce and Industry would work together to establish this body very soon.
Ladies and Gentleman

Our vision is a new Pakistan – a Pakistan which is at peace within and peace outside, especially with its neighbors; a Pakistan which is business friendly; a Pakistan where foreign investors would feel safe and secure; a Pakistan which is modern, progressive and forward looking.

In conclusion, I invite you on behalf of my government and the people of Pakistan, to explore the vast opportunities in Pakistan. My government will provide full facilitation to the Turkish companies which desire to do business in Pakistan. A Special Cell has been established in my office to oversee and facilitate Turkish projects in Pakistan.

We desire a broad-based relationship which is not only mutually beneficial for both countries but also create a partnership that elevates our existing excellent ties to new heights.

I look forward to welcoming you in Pakistan.

I thank you.

Long live Pakistan Turkey Friendship.