
Beşinci yılında "Butto saldırısı"

Sinan Özdemir/ Dünya Bülteni - Brüksel

Pakistan Halk Partisi Butto saldırısının araştırılması için yoğun çaba sarfettiyse de bu güne kadar herhangi bir ciddi sonuç çıkmadı. Aslında Pakistan tarihi siyasi hesaplaşmalar tarihidir biraz da 

Benazir Butto, General Pervez Müşerref'in uzattığı "zeytin dalını" (aynı zamanda kendi çıkışını sağlamayı hedefliyordu) kabul ederek, beklenmedik bir kararla uzun bir ayrılıktan sonra (18 Ekim 2007) Pakistan'a döndüğünde yaşanacakları tahmin etmesi güçtü. Ancak herşeye rağmen dönmesi gerektiğini düşünüyordu. Yine beklenmedik bir kararla seçimlere girme kararı aldığında dönmesine izin verenleri karşısına aldığını da biliyordu. General Müşerref'in uyarılarına aldırmaksızın ülkesiyle bütünleşmeye ve eşi sebebiyle yolsuzluk suçlamalarıyla dolu geçmişini temizlemeye kararlı idi (karşıt tezler de yok değil). Ziya Ül-Hak'ın öldürülmesinden sonra seksenli yılların sonlarında sürgünden döndüğünde babasının mirasını sürdürmek için yola düştüğü gibi, bu defa da yollara düşmekte kararlı idi. "Özünden uzaklaşmış bir yönetici olarak anılmaktansa demokrasi şehidi olmayı tercih ederim. Tarihi kefaret isitiyorum" diyordu.
Döndüğü gün Karaçi'de konvoyuna yapılan saldırıdan kurtulduysa da yüz elliye yakın Pakistanlı can verirken onlarcası yaralandı. Bombanın hedefinde kendisi vardı. Olayların akşamında yaptığı açıklamada dönmemek üzere bu yola girdiğini ifade ediyordu. Ardından 27 Aralık 2007 tarihinde geldiği Ravalpindi'de ki Liyakat Parkı'nda halkı selamlamak üzere Toyota marka arabasının üzerine çıktığında şiddetli bir patalama ile hayata gözlerini yumdu. Uzun bir ayrılıktan sonra döndüğü Pakistan'a tarihe istediği gibi "demokrasi kahramanı" olarak geçti. Ölümü üzerinden beş yıl geçti; ancak ölümünün ardında ki sis perdesi hala aralanmadı.
Pakistan içinden geçtiği siyasi krizi Asif Ali Zerdari'yi cumhurbaşkanlığına taşıyarak aşmaya çalıştı. Pakistan Halk Partisi Butto saldırısının araştırılması için yoğun çaba sarfettiyse de bu güne kadar herhangi bir ciddi sonuç çıkmadı. Aslında Pakistan tarihi siyasi hesaplaşmalar tarihidir birazda. Butto'nun saldırıya uğradığı yer aynı zamanda 1951'de öldürülen Başbakan Liyakat Ali Han'ın vurulduğu yer idi. Zülfikar Ali Butto, Muhammed Ziya ül-Hak'ın gerçekleştirdiği darbe sonrasında 1979'da idam edildi. General Ziya ül-Hak uçak kazasında öldü. Benazir'in erkek kardeşi Murtaza, Karaçi'de polisin açtığı ateş sonrasında hayata gözlerini yumdu. Bunlar gibi daha aydınlığa çıkmayı bekleyen onlarca siyasi cinayet ve saldırı sözkonusu.
Türkiye'de de hala açıklanamayan suikast veya saldırılarda olduğu gibi, duygu yoğunluğu (ifade yanlış olmakla birlikte) "komplo teorilerine" kapı aralıyor. Örneğin Turgut Özal'ın ölümü konusunda aydınlığa kavuşmayan onlarca soru var. Bu amaçla kurulan bir komisyon, açılan bir mezar ve aranan gizli el... Pakistan halkı Butto cinayetini değerlendiriken, ailesinin mezarının açılması önerisini neden kabul etmediğini, saldırı sonrasında olay yerinin kısa bir süre sonra suyla temzilenmesini (delillerin karartıldığı) ve cumhurbaşkanının (Butto'nun eşi) soruşturma konusunda neden sessizliğini koruduğunu devletin içinde ki derin devletle izah ediyor.
Butto'nun iki konu hakkındaki görüşleri sebebiyle rahatasızlığa sebep olduğu düşünülüyor. Birincisi Uluslararası Atom Enerjisi Kurumu'nun dinlemeyi istediği Abdülkadir Han'ın (Pakistan atom bombasının mimarı, ticaretini yapmakla suçlanıyor) seçilmesi durumunda dinlenmesine karşı çıkmayacağını ifade etmesine, ikincisi, Butto'nun varlığı ve görüşleriyle İslam'a "ters düşen" bir tasavvura kapı aralamasından dolayı öldürüldüğüne dayandırılıyor. Birincisi ülkede 1947'den bu yana varlığı hissetiren ve "gerektiğinde" darbe yapmaktan çekinmeyen orduya; ikincisi son on yıldır kendilerinden söz ettiren Talibana göndermede bulunuyor. Son yıllarda Pakistan gizli servislerinin Taliban'a sağladığı destek sebebiyle parmakla gösterildiği biliniyor. Bu sebepten Butto suikastında, bir kere daha, yollarının kesişmiş olabileceğine inananlar da yok değil.
Pakistan'da ağırlığı hissetiren kurumarın başında ordu ve gizli servisler geliyor (İnter-Services İnteligence, Millitary İnteligence, İnteligence office...). Birleşmiş Milletler Araştırma Komisyonu'nun 15 Nisan 2010 tarihinde açıkladığı rapora göre dönemin iktidarı, sağlanamayan güvenlik sebebiyle ve dolaylı olarak gizli servisler, oynamış olabilecekleri rol sebebiyle parmakla gösteriliyor. O günlerin güçlü ismi Pervez Müşerref şimdi Londra'da ikamet ediyor. Tutuklanması için 2011'de verilen karar hala uygulanmayı bekliyor. General Müşerref'te Butto gibi sürgünden dönüp aktif siyasete girmek isteyenlerden (tutuklama kararının dönmemesi için verildiğini iddia edenler de var). Bunun için suçlamalardan kurtulması gerekiyor.
Birleşmiş Milletler'in raporu yayımlandıktan sonra konunun yeniden araştırılması için Federal İnvestigation Agency görevlendirildi. Ne var ki, bir kaç tutukalamanın dışında yeni herhangi bir bulguya ulaşılamadı. Araştırma komisyonun başarıya ulaşması her şeyden önce diğer kurumların sağlayacağı bilgi desteğiyle mümkün olabilirdi. Ancak başta İçişleri Bakanı Rahman Malik olmak üzere diğer servisler sessizliklerini muhafaza ediyorlar. Güç dengesi içinde Cumhurbaşkanı Zerdari'nin çatışmayı göze alamadığı ve bu sebepten eşinin otopsisinin gerçekleştirilmesine izin vermediği dolaşan iddialar arasında.
Ancak tabloya bakıldığında, güç dengesi içinde, gidenler ve kalanlar düşünüldüğünde, soruşturmanın sonuçlanmaması veya tatmin edici bir açıklamanın yapılmaması Müşerref'in ve Ravalpindi bölge emniyet amiri Aziz'in (saldırı sonrasında ki sorumsuzluğu sebebiyle görevinden alındı ve yargılanıyor) dışında veya üstünde birilerinin olduğunu düşündürüyor.
Yargı, kuvvetler ayrılığının pek bir anlamı olmadığı Pakistan'da, güç dengesi içinde gerilerde yer alsa da, 2007'de başlattığı "avukatlar hareketiyle" General Müşerref'in şahsında orduya geri adım attırmayı başarmıştı (hareket 2009'da son buldu). Bu günde Butto saldırısı başta olmak üzere diğer cinayetlerin aydınlığa kavuşturulmasında ve egemenliğin kaynağı olan adaletin yerini bulmasında oynayabileceği önemli roller yok değil. Tarih yargının halk desteğiyle neleri gerçekleştire bileceğini gösterdi. Bir kere daha gösterebilir.
Courtesy: Dunya Bulteni:


The 5th year anniversary of the “Bhutto Attack”

Benazir Butto took a courageous step when she decided to return to her beloved country Pakistan on the 18th of October 2007 after the peace offer made by General Pervez Musharraf. She wasn't able to foresee the future events that might possibly happen but she definitely knew that some people will get frustrated when they hear her decision to run in the elections. She was determined to reunite with her country against all warnings give by General Pervez Musharraf and opened up a new chapter which will clear all accusations of her husband’s corruption (despite of the counter-agreements). She was as serious as she was in the past, when her exile was ended in mid 80’s after the assassination of Zia ul Haq, she returned to take over the flag that her father passed on. “I would rather die a democracy martyr than to be remembered as a ruler who lost her spirit. I demand historical atonement,” she said.

On the day of her return, she managed to survive the assassination attempt in Karachi, however, many Pakistanis were killed and wounded. Later, she assured everyone by saying that she entered to this honorable road and has no will to exit again. This was her destiny and life path that she chose and continued on, no matter what. On 27th of December, 2007, however, she couldn't survive the deadly attack that was targeted to end her life while she was greeting the locals in Rawalpindi’s Liaqat Park. Her will became true and she died as a democracy martyr in her beloved country after so many years of exile. It has been 5 long years after her assassination. However, her assassination is still a mystery and could not been resolved as yet.

Pakistan tried to get over the crisis and enter a new stage by electing Mr. Asif Ali Zardari as the President. Pakistan People's Party (PPP) put all its efforts into investigating the attack and find the persons responsible, however, they couldn’t gain any significant success. The history of Pakistan is also the history of poetical settlements because the park where Mrs. Butto was murdered is the same park where the former Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan was assassinated on 1951. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was executed after the military led by General Zia-ul-Haq in 1979. Zia died in a plane crash on 17 August 1988. Benazir Bhutto’s brother Murtaza, was killed during an encounter with police near his residence in Karachi. There are many other incidents that are similar to these and they are all waiting to be solved.

As the similar experiences that we have encountered in Turkey, these unresolved murders led us to create “conspiracy theories,” For example, the death of the former president Turgut Özal is still holding its mystery and continues to raise tons of questions. The commission and the officials decided to open his grave to examine the remaining bones in order to find any evidence of poisoning. The Pakistani nation also demands answers on her assassination, however, the fact that the venue was all cleaned up with water right after the attack (possibly to get rid of the evidences). Permission was not granted to for proper postmortem and the striking silence of Bhutto’s husband can only be explained by the notion of “deep state” within the Pakistani government.

It's thought that the overall discomfort aroused by her two significant ideas. First one is that Benazir Bhutto took aggressive steps and decisions to modernize and expand the integrated atomic weapons program and willing to give a voice to Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan (the founder of Pakistan nuclear bomb has also being accused of using it as a trading tool). This attitude created anger among the Pakistan Army which had no fear to launch a coup when it is "necessary" since 1947. Secondly, Taliban which had started to present itself in the country dynamics, found her ideas and behavior quite liberal and not pious enough to honor Islam in a traditional way. It is also alleged that the Pakistan Intelligence Services had been giving support to Taliban. These theories bring to the mind that the roads might have been crossed once again at the assassination of Bhutto. 

Army and the intelligence services (Inter-Services Intelligence, Military Intelligence, Intelligence Office etc.) are among the dominant institutions in Pakistan. Former ruling elite failed to establish a safe environment and, indirectly, the role of intelligence services are identified clearly on UN Research Commission's report released on April 15th, 2010. Pervez Musharraf who was the powerful name of that era, now in self-imposed exile in London, has vowed to return for the next election. On 2011, the country's courts issued arrests warrants for him (some sources claim that the arrests warrants are issued on purpose to prevent him of returning), therefore, he must clear himself of suspicion above all.

Upon the release of the UN Research Report, The Federal Investigation Agency had been tasked to further interrogate the unsolved case. Sadly, they weren't able to perform satisfyingly investigation except arresting a few people. In order to deliver adequate results, the Agency needs serious support from other institutions which is lacking. The Minister of Interior Rahman Malik and other officials keep a low profile and do not speak out as well as Mrs. Bhutto's husband President Zardari don't prefer to risk the balance of power, therefore, do not give permission to hold an inquest on her body.

On the other hand, if we look at the bigger picture closely and compare the deceased to the others that have continued to exist, we might think that there could be an upper hand in this unsolved mystery in lieu of Musharraf and Aziz (the former police chief who undergoes a trial and was dismissed after the assassination).

Although, the Pakistani judiciary is not that powerful, it still managed to organize the successful "Lawyers' Movement" in 2007 in response to the dictatorial actions of country's military dictator General Pervez Musharraf (the movement ended in 2009). Justice can be a source of light and an important player on this day of the Bhutto attack as well as for the other unsolved murders. The history proved that, with the support of public, the judiciary would achieve great results. It may once again.

Pakistan'ın kurucusu Cinnah anılıyor

Pakistan'ın kurucusu ve ilk Devlet Başkanı Muhammed Ali Cinnah, doğumunun 136. yıl dönümünde anılıyor.
Pakistan'da, Kaid-i Azam (Büyük Önder) olarak bilinen Cinnah için resmi törenler düzenlenirken, Cinnah, Karaçi kentindeki mezarı başında anıldı.
Pakistan'ın milli lideri için ülke genelinde ve üniversitelerde anma programları düzenlendi. Devlet ve özel televizyonlar da Cinnah'ın fikirleri, liderliği ve kişiliğini anlatan programlar yayımladı.
Pakistan Devlet Başkanı Asır Ali Zerdari yayımladığı mesajda, Cinnah'ın fikirlerinin, Pakistan'ı karanlığa götürmek isteyenler için önemli bir rehber olduğunu belirtti.
Başbakan Rıza Pervez Eşref ise yayımladığı mesajda, hükümetin demokratik ve gelişmiş Pakistan'a doğru yolculuğunda Cinnah'ın vizyonunu devam ettirmekte kararlı olduğunu kaydetti.
Pakistan hükümeti daha önce aldığı kararla Cinnah'ın 136. doğum günü nedeniyle resmi tatil ilan etmişti.
Muhammed Ali Cinnah kimdir?
Hindistan'ın Bombay kentinde 25 Aralık 1876'da dünyaya gelen Muhammed Ali Cinnah, orta öğrenimini tamamladıktan sonra ailesi tarafından üniversite eğitimi için İngiltere'ye gönderildi.
Burada hukuk eğitimini tamamladıktan sonra bir süre avukatlık yapan Cinnah, 1896'da Karaçi'ye döndü.
1906'da Pakistanlı Müslümanlarının ilk siyasi hareketi olan İslam Birliği Partisi'ni kuran Cinnah, İngiliz ve Hintlilere karşı verdiği siyasi mücadeleden sonra savaşmadan 14 Ağustos 1947 tarihinde Pakistan'ı kurdu ve ilk devlet başkanı oldu.
Cinnah, Pakistan'ın kurulmasından bir yıl sonra 11 Eylül 1948'de Karaçi'de hayata veda etti.

Courtesy: Zaman, 25 December 2012

Pakistan denies role in top Afghan spy attack

Pakistan was not involved in a recent attack on Afghan intelligence chief, says the country’s foreign minister. Kabul and Islamabad agree to work together to shed light on the incident, she says
Interview by Sevil Küçükkoşum
A joint working group comprised of Afghan and Pakistani agencies will address the recent attack on the Afghan spy chief, Pakistani FM Khar (R) tells Hürriyet Daily News reporter Sevil Küçükkoşum. DAILY NEWS photo, Selahattin SÖNMEZ
A joint working group comprised of Afghan and Pakistani agencies will address the recent attack on the Afghan spy chief, Pakistani FM Khar (R) tells Hürriyet Daily News reporter Sevil Küçükkoşum. DAILY NEWS photo, Selahattin SÖNMEZ
Pakistan has rejected accusations from Kabul that a recent attack on Afghanistan’s newly appointed intelligence chief was planned in the neighboring country and agreed to establish a working group with Afghanistan to address the attack.

Intelligence chief Asadullah Khalid, who was wounded by a suicide bomber in the Afghan capital last month, did not check the attacker before he met him and the person was not sent by a Pakistani intelligence organization, Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar told the Hürriyet Daily News on Dec. 12.

Ahead of a trilateral summit including Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari and Afghan President Hamid Karzai and hosted by Turkish President Abdullah Gül in Ankara on Dec. 12, a spokesman for the Afghan president said they would “submit all documents and evidence in hand to Zardari, who suggests the attack was hatched in Quetta, Pakistan.”

Yet Karzai repeatedly reiterated that he had not accused Pakistan of last month’s attack, for which the Taliban claimed responsibility, according to Khar.

“He did not accuse Pakistan, and there is no question about accusing Pakistan, because Pakistan itself is a victim of terrorism,” the Pakistani minister said.

Pakistan hosts nearly 3 million Afghan refugees, Khar said, adding that if any of them return to Afghanistan and commit a crime that person would not be Pakistan’s responsibility.

“Actually, we are very keen that they go back to Afghanistan. The Afghan government has requested we allow them to stay, which we’ll happily allow. But you have to choose what works for you and what doesn’t,” she said.

Rejecting responsibility for the crimes of Afghan nationals, the minister expressed Pakistan’s willingness to cooperate with their neighbor against similar terrorist attacks.

At the seventh trilateral meeting in Ankara, accompanied by ministers and their army chiefs, Pakistan and Afghanistan agreed to open a joint investigation into the assassination attempt on Afghanistan’s national security director.

Mechanism against terror
The parties agreed to establish an institutionalized mechanism of various agencies to collaborate and cooperate against terrorism and “to make sure that we are able to share information and develop common strategies to deal with terrorism,” Khar said. “Various entities and agencies will have an opportunity to interact with each other on a regular basis so that all of the challenges we face can be dealt with.”

“A joint working group comprised of relevant agencies of Afghanistan and Pakistan will address the recent attack on the national security director of Afghanistan,” all three countries said in a statement released after the trilateral meeting.

Elaborating on the achievements made in the meetings, one of the best outcomes of the initiative had been “a greater understanding of [terrorism] as a common challenge and that all of us have to work together to be able to deal with this challenge,” the Pakistani minister said.

In the last round of trilateral meetings, the parties also focused on joint training activities within the police and military as well as railway sector work, according to Khar. 

“We are working very aggressively on the ‘Gül Train,’ an international freight service between Pakistan, Iran and Turkey that was started in 2009. As the Kabul train connects the three countries efficiently, the volume of trade can dramatically improve,” the minister said.

Source: Hurriyet Daily News, 14 December 2012

Joint Statement adopted after 7th Afghanistan-Pakistan-Turkey Summit 12 December 2012






(Ankara, 11-12 December 2012)

His Excellency Hamid Karzai, President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, His Excellency Asif Ali Zardari, President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and His Excellency Abdullah Gül, President of the Republic of Turkey held their seventh Trilateral Summit Meeting in Ankara on 11 and 12 December 2012.

The three Presidents also held cordial exchange of views together with His Excellency Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey.

At their Trilateral Summit Meeting, the Presidents,

Underscoring the valuable contribution that the Trilateral Summit Process has made to the dialogue and cooperation among the three countries through its six Summit Meetings since 2007 and the joint work carried out based on the decisions thereof,

Aware of the crucial importance of connectivity among the three brotherly countries, at the level of their people, institutions, infrastructures and economies,

Noting the need for further developing the transport connectivity among the three countries as a basis for increased economic cooperation,

Reiterating the crucial importance of regional cooperation for addressing regional challenges,

Mindful of the importance of the efforts of the High Peace Council of Afghanistan in bringing peace to Afghanistan and thus also contributing to regional stability; also welcoming the recent visit of its Chairman Mr. Salahuddin Rabbani to Pakistan and taking note of important initiatives taken by Pakistan in support of the peace and reconciliation process in Afghanistan,

Recognizing the common challenge posed by terrorism, extremism and narcotics trafficking as a major threat to regional peace, security and stability, and in this context, especially, denouncing strongly the recent terrorist attacks on Asadullah Khalid, Director of National Security of Afghanistan; and on Malala Yusufzai, an icon of girls’ education in Pakistan, and wishing them both a speedy recovery,

Welcoming the progress achieved in the Istanbul Process for a Secure and Stable Afghanistan and reiterating their strong commitment to the Process as a regional political dialogue platform and the development of confidence building measures within its framework, and looking forward to the success of the Baku and Astana meetings next year,

Reaffirming their commitment to the decisions of the Regional Economic Cooperation Conference on Afghanistan (RECCA-V) held in Dushanbe on 27 March 2012,

Welcoming the Regional Conference on Countering Narcotics held in Islamabad on 12 November 2012 as an important regional initiative to address this significant challenge,

Recognizing the value of the efforts of regional organizations and initiatives, such as the Economic Cooperation Organization which held its 12th Summit in Baku on 16 October 2012,

Noting the commitment made by the international community to the future of Afghanistan in the Bonn, Chicago and Tokyo Conferences held since the sixth Trilateral Summit Meeting,

Decided the following:

1.      In its sixth year, the Trilateral Ankara Summit Process has proven its worth as a platform for high level dialogue, security cooperation and economic development partnership,

2.      Noted  the results of the Trilateral Foreign Ministers Meeting with the participation of the Chairman of the High Peace Council of Afghanistan and high level officials of relevant agencies, where the latest efforts of the peace and reconciliation process in Afghanistan was discussed extensively,

3.      Based on the comprehensive exchanges of views among the relevant Ministers and high ranking officials, including the Chairman of the High Peace Council of Afghanistan,  reiterated their determination to intensify the cooperation among the three countries in Afghan-led and Afghan owned peace and reconciliation efforts and address the security challenges affecting the region, in this regard  a joint working group comprising relevant agencies of Afghanistan and Pakistan will address the recent attack on the National Security Director of Afghanistan,

4.      Expressed their resolve to foster connectivity among the institutions of the three brotherly countries, the hotline communication system being recently established among the presidential offices setting a concrete example in this regard,

5.      Further emphasized the need to use the full potential of the three countries in order to achieve the development objectives for the prosperity of their peoples, recognizing the need to improve the transport connectivity among the three partner countries,

6.      In this regard, welcomed the results of the Trilateral Meeting of Ministers Responsible for Transport, whereby the intermodal goods transport capacity among the parties will be enhanced, utilizing the full potential of existing regional transport infrastructure and legal framework, in particular with close cooperation among authorities responsible for railways, 

7.      Welcomed the results of the Trilateral Interior Ministers’ Meeting, which identified the need to improve cooperation in border management in order to address all cross-border challenges, including terrorism, narcotics and human trafficking,

8.      Regarding the already existing trilateral military cooperation which was discussed among the Highest Level Military Officials prior to the Summit, emphasized that the ongoing joint military training programmes and exercises which provide invaluable opportunities to share experience and foster connectivity among the armed forces of the three countries as well as improving their interoperability, should be continued and expanded, the Joint Special Forces and Natural Disaster Search and Rescue Exercise, conducted among the armed forces of the three countries between 5-9 November 2012 in Ankara, was highly commended in this regard,

9.      Expressed their conviction that the Trilateral Trade Council being established today will allow the three countries to connect their economic and trade institutions closer in order to realize the full potential in the economic and trade partnership among Afghanistan, Pakistan and Turkey,

10.  Reiterated their support for the Istanbul Forum mechanism, comprising the apex organizations of the private sectors of the three countries, welcomed the work of the Forum for strengthening logistics connectivity among the three countries and further to Eurasia, and appreciated their efforts to foster connectivity among entrepreneurs,

11.  Tasked senior officials to review and expand the list of concrete cooperation projects based on the Ankara Summit Process decisions and follow-up their implementation.

His Excellency Hamid Karzai, President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, His Excellency Asif Ali Zardari, President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan conveyed their thanks to His Excellency Abdullah Gül, President of the Republic of Turkey and to the Government and brotherly people of Turkey for hosting the seventh Trilateral Summit .

Turkey, Pakistan and Afghanistan ink trilateral MoU on economic and commercial cooperation

Ankara, December 12, 2012: A Trilateral Memorandum of Understanding was signed among the governments of Turkey, Afghanistan and Pakistan to promote and facilitate trade and economic cooperation among the three countries to the mutual interest.
The MoU on economic and commercial cooperation, signed during the 7th trilateral Summit of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Turkey at Ankara today provides for the establishment of Trilateral Trade Council, which will work for promotion of foreign investment, enhancing and diversifying commercial ties and exploring possibilities for cooperation in services sectors among the three countries besides facilitating the exchange of information particularly concerning their respective legislations on trade and economic activities.
The 'Trilateral Trade Council"  aiming at capacity building would provide a useful platform for the three countries to discuss advancement of regional, bilateral and trilateral cooperation besides sharing practices on the issues of commercial and economic relations, trade -policy matters and trade facilitation among the three countries. The Trilateral Trade Council will be convened annually or when the Parties deem it necessary more often, alternately in Turkey, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Under the framework of “Trilateral Trade Council”, the three governments have agreed to provide the necessary facilities to the businessmen of the three countries to increase trade and to resolve the issues that may emerge in this regard. The entrepreneur and organizations of the three countries would also be encouraged to
participate in exhibitions, fairs and other promotional activities as well as to promote the exchange of trade delegations and business representatives.
The Memorandum of Understanding has been initially signed for a period of one year and would be renewed automatically for successive periods of one year as per consent of the three countries.
Ms. Hina Rabbani Khar, foreign minister of Pakistan, Afghan Foreign Minister Mr. Zalmai Rassoul and Turkish Minister for communication Mr.Binali Yildirim  signed the MoU on behalf of their respective governments. The three Presidents witnessed the signing of MoU at the Cankaya Presidential Palace, Ankara.

Joint meeting of Presidents of Pakistan, Turkey and Afghanistan with Turkish Prime Minister

Ankara; December 12, 2012: President Asif Ali Zardari, Turkish President Abdullah Gul and Afghan President Hamid Karzai had joint meeting with Turkish Prime Minister Reccep Tayyip Erdogan ahead of the 7thTrilateral Summit at the Cankaya Presidential Palace, Ankara today.
President Asif Ali Zardari while appreciating the Turkish leadership for the constructive role in regional peace and stability said that ensuring peace and stability in Afghanistan and the wider region is a matter of urgent priority for Pakistan, Afghanistan and Turkey. He said that our presence at the Trilateral Summit meeting reflects our collective desire to contribute towards shared objectives of peace and stability in Afghanistan and the region.
The President said that Pakistan firmly believe that peace and stability in Afghanistan is in our own national interest and therefore Pakistan support all efforts aimed at ensuring peace and stability in Afghanistan.
Highlighting the importance of Connectivity in the economic integration, President Zardari urged the need for greater linkages and initiating more connectivity projects like Gul train besides enhanced routes for trade which he said was crucial for regional progress and prosperity.
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan assured that Turkey would continue to play its constructive role and contribute towards peace and development in Afghanistan and in the wider region.
Later Turkish President Abdullah Gul hosted lunch for his Pakistani and afghan counterparts and the accompanying delegations.

Ms. Hina Rabbani Khar, Foreign Minister, Mr. Arbab Alamgir. Minister for Communication, Mr. Imtiaz Safdar Warraich, minister of state for interior, Mr. Hamid Yar Hiraj, Minister of State and Chairman ERRA, General Ashfaq Parvaiz Kayani, Chief of Army Staff, Lt. General Zaheer-ul-Islam, DG, ISI, Mr. Jalil Abbas Jilani, Foreign Secretary, Mr. Muhammad Arif Azeem, Khawaja Muhammad Siddique Akbar, secretary interior and Ambassador Muhammad Haroon Shaukat were also present during the lunch.

President Zardari holds meeting with President Gul and Prime Minister Erdogan

ANKARA 12 December 2012: Pakistan and Turkey Tuesday agreed on early implementation of the joint projects, encouraging private sector of the two countries and creating facilitative trade mechanisms and opportunities for the businessmen to fully utilize the true trade potential and further deepen bilateral commercial and investment ties. President Asif Ali Zardari stressed for translating the excellent political relations between the two countries into a strong and long term economic bond to the mutual benefit of the people of the two countries.
President Zardari said this during his separate bilateral meetings with Turkish President Abdullah Gul and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the sidelines of the 7th Trilateral Summit of Afghanistan-Pakistan and Turkey at Ankara today.
President Zardari held wide-ranging discussions with the Turkish leadership on bilateral, regional and international issues, peace process in Afghanistan and the situation in Middle East.
Discussing bilateral relations, President Zardari stressed the need for early finalization of Pakistan-Turkey Preferential Trade Agreement, which he said would help boost trade ties and achieving the mutually agreed trade target of $ 2 billion. He termed the recent suggestion from the Turkish side to include mutual concessions within the ambit of the PTA as a forward step and expressed hope that the next round of PTA discussions would be held soon after the exchange of revised request list covering major textile products being affected by the Turkish safeguard duties and extra tariffs.
The President invited Turkish investment and joint ventures in key sectors such as infrastructure, housing, engineering, energy, agriculture, telecommunications and mining and said that it was encouraging that private sectors of the two countries are collaborating in the energy, construction, food processing and rubber industries. He also welcomed Turkish investment in hydro-power generation and alternate energy.
The President expressed hope that the “Gül train” project would revolutionize cargo and transit facilities between our two countries and urged for early finalization of border crossing formalities, harmonizing customs procedures and generating cargo by larger
involvement of the private sector. The President said that Pakistan was keenly interested in the project and thanked Turkish Prime Minister and President Gul for their personal interest in Gul Train project.
The President thanked Turkish Prime Minister for his participation in the D-8 Summit held last month in Islamabad and expressed confidence that summit with its distinct trade promotion focus would further energize economic and commercial ties within the D-8 family. The summit, he said would go a long way in confronting common challenges
faced by the D-8 community, especially achieving food security, mitigating the impact of natural disasters and countering all forms of extremism which undermine economic progress and negatively affect the livelihood of our peoples.

The President appreciated the Turkish leadership for hosting the trilateral Summit of Afghanistan-Pakistan and Turkey for the seventh time and said that Turkey is a trusted friend of both Afghanistan and Pakistan, adding that all the three countries share the objective of peace and stability in Afghanistan and in the wider region. He said that held under the theme of `connectivity,' the 7th trilateral summit meeting would help in further strengthening economic and commercial cooperation while improving the existing and developing new rail and road links.
President Zardari said that peace and stability in Afghanistan is in the best interest of Pakistan and termed the recent visit of High Peace Council (HPC) Chairman Salahudin Rabbani a welcome development, which he said would help in achieving the shared objectives of peace and stability in the region.
The President hailed Turkey’s contributions and constructive role in Afghanistan both under the ambit of the trilateral mechanism as well as the Istanbul process and urged Pakistan and Turkey for intensifying cooperation, both bilaterally as well as under the trilateral mechanism to support an Afghan-led and Afghan-owned peace and reconciliation process. He said that profound and far reaching changes are taking place from Middle East to Afghanistan but Afghanistan remains the immediate challenge for us. The President emphasized on Turkey and Pakistan to play its proactive role and make concerted efforts for eliminating the ever growing narco trade in Afghanistan, which he termed a great source of financing for terrorism in the region, adding that immediate remedial measures has to be taken to eradicate drug trafficking to ensure long lasting stability and development. Referring to the Regional Ministerial Conference on Counter-Narcotics in Pakistan last month, the President appreciated Turkey’s participation in the conference and expressed hope that the conference would help in breaking the nexus between narco-trade and terrorism.
On Pak-Turkey defense ties, they expressed satisfaction on the excellent cooperative relations in the defense field and urged for further expanding these ties as there still exist great potential for defense cooperation. President Zardari said that Pakistan desires to further strengthen defence ties and urged the need to focus on joint defence production and allied research and development.

Discussing situation in Middle East, the President said that Syrian situation has serious implication for the regional peace and security and reiterated that Pakistan appreciates the democratic transformations in the Middle East and the broader Islamic World and urged the need to ensure that this transformation is peaceful without resorting to violence, without external interference and in accordance with the aspirations of the people. The President reiterated support and solidarity with Turkey on the incident of shelling from across its border.
On situation in Palestine, President Zardari said that Pakistan condemns the recent air assault on Gaza strip by Israeli forces and said that Pakistan has consistently extended unequivocal and unreserved support to the Palestinian cause. He assured that Pakistan would continue to support all efforts aimed at resolving the Palestinian dispute in accordance with the relevant UN Security Council Resolutions.

The President thanked Turkish leadership for the warm welcome and hospitality accorded to him and his delegation. The President said that we greatly admire giant strides that Turkey has made on the road to socio-economic progress under its visionary leadership.

President Gul while expressing satisfaction on the current state of bilateral ties between Turkey and Pakistan said that the two brotherly countries enjoy excellent relationship which, he said, go beyond the governments and are rooted in common history, culture and ethos of our people. President Gul urged for early implementation of bilateral agreements and joint projects between the two countries to further deepen bilateral trade and economic ties in all fields. He thanked President Zardari for participation in the trilateral summit on
Afghanistan and appreciated his efforts for regional peace and stability.
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that time tested friendship between the two countries would grow further and urged for close bilateral cooperation at various levels to further strengthen bilateral relations particularly trade and investment ties. He appreciated the huge sacrifices made by Pakistan in the fight against militancy and terrorism and assured full support and cooperation from Turkey in all spheres including help to Pakistan in its efforts in the war against terror.

From Pakistan side, those who were present during the meeting included Ms. Hina Rabbani Khar, Foreign Minister, Mr. Jalil Abbas Jilani, Foreign Secretary and Ambassador Muhammad Haroon Shaukat.

President Zardari arrives in Ankara for 7th Trilateral Summit

ANKARA, December 11, 2012: President Asif Ali Zardari has arrived in Ankara on his three day official visit to Turkey to attend the 7th Trilateral Summit of Afghanistan-Pakistan and Turkey along with President Hamid Karzai and President Abdullah Gul.

Ms. Hina Rabbani Khar, Foreign Minister, Mr. Arbab Alamgir, Minister for Communication, Mr. Imtiaz Safdar Warraich, Minister of state for interior, Mr. Hamid Yar Hiraj, Minister of State and Chairman ERRA, General Ashfaq Parvaiz Kayani, Chief of Army Staff, Lt. General Zaheer-ul-Islam, DG, ISI, Mr. Jalil Abbas Jilani, Foreign Secretary, Mr. Muhammad Arif Azeem, Secretary Railways, Khawaja Muhammad Siddique Akbar, Interior Secretary and Maj. Gen. Azeem Asif, Deputy Chairman ERRA are included in President’s entourage.

The Trilateral Ankara Summit provides a comprehensive platform for promoting high level political dialogue, security cooperation and economic development partnership among the three brotherly countries for bringing peace,  stability and development in Afghanistan and the entire region.

President Zardari during his stay in Turkey, besides the Summit, will also hold bilateral meetings with Turkish President Abdullah Gul and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyıp Erdogan besides joint meeting of the three Presidents with the Turkish Prime Minister.

The President tonight will also attend the welcome dinner hosted by Turkish President Abdullah Gul for him and his afghan counterpart Hamid Karzai.

Earlier upon arrival at the Ankara international Airport , the President was received by high ranking officials of the foreign office of Turkey while Mr. Burhan Kayaturk, Chairman Pak-Turkey Parliamentary Friendship Group and ambassadors of the two countries were also present.

Pakistan’s ambassador to Turkey Muhammad Haroon Shaukat and senior officials of foreign office and Pakistan’s embassy in Turkey were also present to welcome the President at the Airport.

President Gul hosts dinner for Presidents of Pakistan and Afghanistan

Ankara, December 11, 2012:  Turkish President Abdullah Gul hosted an exclusive dinner for President Asif Ali Zardari and Afghan President Hamid Karzai tonight at the Cankaya Presidential Palace ,Ankara.
President Gul welcomed his Pakistani and Afghan counterpart for attending the 7th trilateral Summit which is aimed at bringing peace , stability  and development in the region.
The three Presidents expressed confidence that the Summit to be held tomorrow with the important theme of "connectivity" would prove a milestone in strengthening political, security and development cooperation among the three countries.

ZERDARI, ZAMAN'IN SORULARINI CEVAPLADI: İslam'ın militanlarca gasbına izin vermeyeceğiz

İslam'ın militanlarca gasbına izin vermeyeceğiz
SİNEM CENGİZ ANKARA   -   11 Aralık 2012  
Zaman’a konuşan Pakistan Cumhurbaşkanı Asıf Ali Zerdari, kız çocuklarının okula gitmesi için kampanya düzenleyen 15 yaşındaki aktivist Malala’yı hedef alan militanları tehdit olarak gördüklerini söyledi. Zerdari, “İslam’ın gasp edilmesine müsaade etmeyeceğiz. Yüce dinimizin esası için mücadele edeceğiz.” dedi.
Güvenlik ve ekonomik işbirliği gündemiyle Ankara’da düzenlenecek Türkiye-Afganistan-Pakistan üçlü zirvesi için bugün Türkiye’ye gelecek olan Pakistan Cumhurbaşkanı Asıf Ali Zerdari, ziyaret öncesi Zaman’a konuştu. İkili ilişkiler, ‘Arap Baharı’, Türkiye’nin bölgesel rolü konusundaki sorularımızı cevaplayan Zerdari, Pakistan’ın istikrarını tehdit eden terörle mücadelede kararlı olduklarını belirtti. Ülkesinde kız çocuklarının eğitimi için yürüttüğü kampanya sebebiyle Taliban’ın hedefi olan 15 yaşındaki Pakistanlı Malala Yusufzay’ın ‘kendi ajandalarını empoze etmek isteyen şer güçlere boyun eğmediğini’ dile getirdi.  Verdiği mücadele ile ülkesinde ve dünyada sembol bir isim haline gelen Malala’yı ‘kahraman’ olarak niteleyen Pakistan lideri, “Malala, militanlığı ülkemiz ve dünyamız için bir tehdit olarak kabul eden Pakistan halkının hayallerini hakiki anlamda temsil ediyor. İslam’ın gasp edilmesine müsaade edemeyiz ve etmeyeceğiz. Her daim yüce dinimizin değerleri ve esası için mücadele edeceğiz.” diye konuştu. Malala’yı hedef alan zihniyetle mücadele edeceklerini vurgularken, bu konuda başarı için demokrasi, özgürlük ve halk desteğinin en büyük garantileri olduğunu söyledi.
Pakistan Cumhurbaşkanı Asıf Ali Zerdari, güçlü tarihi, kültürel ve dinî bağları bulunan Türkiye’den de övgüyle bahsetti. Türkiye ile Pakistan arasında “özel bir ilişki” bulunduğunu ifade eden Zerdari, “Fizikî olarak binlerce kilometre ötede yaşıyor olabiliriz ama yüreklerimiz beraber atıyor.” dedi. Türkiye’nin, uluslararası toplumun çok önemli bir üyesi olduğunu kaydeden Zerdari, “Asya ve Avrupa’nın bir parçası olan Türkiye, gerçekten de Doğu ile Batı arasında bir köprü vazifesi görüyor. Türkiye’nin siyasî istikrarına ve sosyoekonomik başarılarına hayranlık duyuyoruz. Bölgede barış ve istikrarın  tesisi konusundaki yapıcı rolüne büyük değer veriyoruz.” ifadelerini kullandı. Türkiye ile ilişkileri her alanda geliştirmek ve güçlendirmek istediklerini belirtirken güçlü bağların ekonomik işbirliğine tam yansımamasından ise yakındı. İki ülke arasındaki ekonomik potansiyeli canlandırmak gerektiğini, bu kapsamda ilk olarak ‘Tercihli Ticaret Anlaşması’nın bir an önce hayata geçirilmesi gerektiğini aktardı. Türk işadamlarını öncelikli olarak enerji, altyapı, tarıma dayalı sanayi ve iletişim gibi alanlara yatırım yapmaya çağırdı. Pakistan’ın Türk yatırımcılara teşvik paketleri ve özel yatırım bölgeleri teklif etmeye hazır olduğunu belirtti. İki ülke arasındaki ticaret hacmi 2011 yılında 1 milyar civarında gerçekleşmişti. Bu yılki hedef ise 2 milyar dolar.
Pakistan lideri, şimdiye dek Tunus, Libya ve Mısır’da diktatörleri deviren Ortadoğu’daki halk hareketlerini de değerlendirdi. Halkın meşru taleplerine karşılık verilmesi gerektiğini söylerken, protestolar sırasında şiddete başvurulmamasını istedi. İstenmeyen sonuçlardan kaçınmak için bölgedeki geçiş sürecinin ‘dikkatlice’ yönetilmesi gerektiğini ifade etti. Zerdari, iki ülkenin bölge barışı için birlikte neler yapabileceği sorusuna ise Pakistan ve Türkiye’nin iki demokrasi olarak bölgenin “istikrar sütunları” olabileceği karşılığını verdi.